District 9

Chapter 2737 Intrigue

Why did Reid tie Coco to his side at this moment and not let her leave? In fact, the reason is very simple.

Given the current situation, who can organize armed forces to rescue Coco? Who has this ability? Obviously, the military and political upper echelons of the three major districts are most likely to do this, and the purpose of these people must be to only save Coco and not care about CSS's life and death.

In other words, if Reed loses control of Coco now, EO's armed personnel will immediately lead this group of people to evacuate and abandon CSS.

To put it more bluntly, now that both parties have fought together, Coco's final result is to evacuate back to the three major areas, instead of continuing to be tied to CSS, because her purpose of finding CSS to do something has been achieved, and the two parties will now draw a clear line. Boundaries and division are the most correct choices.

Based on the above reasons, Reed does not dare to let Coco lose control now. Otherwise, if the opponent runs away, they will be dead in the second area, so tying up Coco is the only chance of survival for the core department of CSS.

On an off-road vehicle.

Reed looked at Coco with sweat on his forehead and whispered to her: "We have to be together, you have to go with me."

"Mr. Reed, this is the second area! I don't know how many people will chase us in the future. The possibility of us running out together now is very low." Coco frowned and looked at Reed and said: "Why don't I let the team in The front is stagnant, you get out of the car, and we continue to drive and attract the other party's pursuit troops."

The off-road vehicle was driving rapidly in the field, which was already about two or three kilometers away from the factory.

Reed turned his head and looked around, seeing the off-road vehicles of the eo mercenary group in front and behind his side of the vehicle, his heart was beating loudly.

When he got into the passenger seat, Brother Hong frowned and accidentally bumped the driver with his arm. The latter turned and glanced at him, probably understanding the meaning in his eyes.

Quiet, after a brief silence, a CSS soldier in the truck suddenly opened the zipper of his clothes, revealing the explosives hanging on his chest. He was holding the fuse with his left hand, and suddenly looked crazy and shouted at the driver in English: "Get out of the convoy and let other vehicles continue to move forward, now!!!"

Reed watched the actions of his soldiers and remained silent.

Coco stared at Reed and growled in a low voice: "It's not good for everyone if you do this!"

"... If you leave, you are seeking death." Reid shouted with veins on his forehead: "The three major districts will not give us political asylum. If you are safe, our death will come."

"Calm down, Mr. Reed." Brother Hong tried to persuade him.

"I suggest you listen to this soldier. He is very emotionally unstable." Reed replied, staring at Coco.

Coco looked at him and whispered to the driver: "Let's leave the convoy and drive to the left."

"Okay!" The driver nodded immediately and suddenly turned the steering wheel to the left.


The tires made a grinding sound in the bumpy field, and the car body shook violently due to the sudden turn of the steering wheel.

"Do it!"

Coco roared, stood up from the back seat, and pounced on the soldier holding the lead in his hand.


When the car swayed, Reed was caught off guard and hit his head on the back of the front seat, and his whole body was pushed against the door.

"Kang Kang!"

Brother Hong was well prepared and immediately drew his gun and killed the armed man holding the explosive fuse.

Almost at the same time, Coco, like a man, relied on his slender figure to get into the body of the off-road vehicle from the side guardrail of the seat.

"Kill you!" A soldier at the back became anxious and was about to stab Coco in the arm with a military thorn.


At this moment, an off-road vehicle rushed out sideways and hit the side of Reed's vehicle like a cannonball.

The violent shaking caused everyone in the car to lose their balance.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The two vehicles came to an emergency stop, and Jiang Xiaolong finally appeared. He got up from the back seat of the oncoming off-road vehicle and immediately shouted: "Save her!"

In the truck bed, after a soldier reacted, he held a knife and held Coco hostage. The latter fell into the cold truck bed, grabbed the opponent's arm with both hands, opened his mouth and bit him.


The screams resounded, and the soldiers twitched in pain. Coco turned over first, and directly touched the explosive fuse on the corpse with his left hand. He shouted in a loud voice: "Don't move, don't you want to live anymore?!"

Diagonally opposite, Jiang Xiaolong's men, armed with automatic rifles, killed several CSS armed men who rushed down from the convoy behind them.

"Cease fire, listen to me!" Coco looked at Reed, holding the lead with his left hand: "If this continues, everyone will die. You go your way, and we go ours, okay?"

Reed looked at the eo soldiers gathered around him, feeling confused. Because their number is too small, once they fail to control Coco immediately, if they continue, the chance of achieving their goal will become very small.

"damn it!"

Jiang Xiaolong became anxious, pointing the automatic rifle at Reed's head and yelling: "Do you want to be captured alive? Do you also want to have your body eaten by police dogs? Huh?!"

"Ok, ok, give us the vehicle and leave separately." Reed was forced to nod.

After hearing the sound, Coco took the lead and shouted to Brother Hong: "Get off the car."

Brother Hong stepped out of the car first, pointed his automatic rifle at Reed's soldiers, and reached out to support Coco who stood up from the truck bed.

Jiang Xiaolong and others began to back away slowly, and the driver of Reed's vehicle also opened the door sensibly and got out.

"Driver, come over." Everyone in CSS was ready to fire their bombs at any time and die together with Jiang Xiaolong and others.

A driver got into Reed's car and put it into reverse gear.

Reed looked back at Coco and said nothing. He only ordered to his own people: "Let's go!"

In this way, Reed's people and eo's people separated in the middle. Both sides had their own fears, and no one chose to risk their lives.

Coco got into the car again, looked at Jiang Xiaolong and growled: "You shouldn't have come!"

"Stop talking, let's go." Jiang Xiaolong greeted, and the convoy set off again.

But just because of Reed's calculation, the delay of just two or three minutes directly led to... the fate of many people changed.

Due to the shooting at this location, the location of the EO evacuation convoy was exposed again.

In the European 1st District, in the command building of the Civil Affairs Bureau, a general shouted with a walkie-talkie: "Follow the location on the left, go there and search immediately."

At the same time, the military in the Second European District, which was originally unwilling to get involved in this incident, finally chose to help its allies after receiving a direct call from the main leader of the Civil Affairs Bureau in the First District.

On the off-road vehicle, Jiang Xiaolong looked at Coco and asked, "Are you okay?"

Coco glanced around uneasily: "In this way, let the mercenaries protect me, and you get off the bus with others first..."

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