District 9

Chapter 2726: Question marks in Mr. Admiral’s mind (Leader’s update)

Why did Feng Ji know that Zhou Xingli might touch him, but still choose to come to the headquarters to meet?

That's because Feng Ji has confidence in his heart. He brought his troops back! Even if there is any conflict between the two parties, he will have a way to deal with it.

But the news that the adjutant received temporarily made him break out in a cold sweat. Xia Dao also had Zhou Xingli's hidden troops. Feng Ji was completely unaware of this before. He couldn't even figure out where Zhou Xingli came up with this so-called hidden troops!

"Da da da!"

The sound of gunshots in the courtyard directly interrupted Feng Ji's thoughts. He turned to look at the messy headquarters compound outside, and immediately urged: "Quick, go to Yituan!"


Zhou Xingli looked at Feng Ji's motorcade with his hands behind his back, and said with a cold look: "Three surnamed family slaves! My worst decision was to accept them in the first place, which left me with future troubles. Damn it, Meng Xi should be here Songjiang, they were wiped out. After three to five years and four to five billion military expenditures, I still haven’t matured this white-eyed wolf!"


The officer under Yan Hu pulled his neck and shouted: "Quickly clear out the Feng rebels, close all the doors to the isolation area, and ignore District 1 Ou's inquiries."


As soon as he finished speaking, several RPGs hit the center of Feng Ji's motorcade, causing an explosion.

The formation of the convoy was messy, but most of the off-road vehicles were bulletproof, so Feng Ji rushed out of the encirclement in the courtyard and rushed directly in the direction of the group.

On the island, in the passage of the air defense bunker.

There were approximately 8,000 people in the 226th Army of the Zhou Clan, all armed with weapons and red silk tied on their arms. They rushed out of the hiding area and headed towards the area where the Feng Clan troops were stationed.

Where did these people come from?

Before the war in Yemen, before Li Bokang left, he twice persuaded Zhou Xingli not to touch the Feng clan at present, but to wait until after the war and everything was stable before solving internal problems. This was the route he had set for Zhou Xingli in the general direction.

Regarding specific incidents, Li Bokang ordered the commander of the 226th Army's confidant to secretly stay behind 8,000 troops, and asked the chief of staff of the forward corps to report to Westbrook that he was vacant.

In other words, there were 8,000 fewer troops from the Zhou Clan transferred to Yemen, and Li Bokang had one purpose for doing this. He wanted to set up a killing tactic, one that could lure the three major districts into taking the bait.

When Westbrook attacked Yemen, he had advantages, balances, and disadvantages. In order to end the war as soon as possible, he almost drained Xia Dao of all his troops. As an old rival of Sichuan, Li Bokang felt that this might be an opportunity to nip in the bud and counterattack at critical moments.

But now this killing tactic was used on Feng Ji before he could catch the big fish.

Without the force left by Li Bokang, Zhou Xingli would not have decided to deal with Feng Ji. All causes and effects seemed to be destined by heaven. Li Bokang tried to dissuade Lao Zhou twice, but in the end he failed to change his mind.

Summer Island.

After eight thousand people broke out of the bunker along the island, the soldiers were divided into two groups. One group of four thousand people went to control the Feng soldiers in the field hospital. The second group of four thousand people went directly to the headquarters to encircle Feng Ji, preparing to kill Feng Ji.

Outskirts of headquarters.

After hearing the gunfire, a regiment of the Feng Clan rushed to the gate of the headquarters as quickly as possible and engaged in combat with the surrounding Zhou Clan troops.

On the off-road vehicle, Feng Ji roared in embarrassment and asked: "Has it been verified? Has our investigation unit verified how many people there are on the other side?"

The staff officer held the communication phone and gritted his teeth and said: "It's so densely packed... I can't see the number of people, at least several thousand people."

When Feng Ji heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately shouted: "Send a message to the field hospital and order Li Cheng to organize the rescue of lightly wounded soldiers!"

"I'm already in contact..."

After the two of them finished speaking, the off-road vehicle was hit by a shot directly in the front, shattering the bulletproof windshield. Feng Ji had no choice but to get out of the car to avoid it.

"Hold on, hold on!" Although Feng Ji looked embarrassed, after all, he had been leading troops for many years and had been on major battlefields several times, so he had a good psychological quality and commanded the troops: "Let's go to the field hospital. Get closer, once we join forces, the other side will be unable to do anything to us..."

On the plane.

Li Bokang has already received the call: "Say it!"

"We have already taken action, attacking Feng Ji on the outside of the headquarters." The commander of the 226th Army reported quickly.

Li Bokang gritted his teeth and immediately replied: "Since you have already taken action, don't think about anything else. Solve the problem as quickly as possible and try to control Feng Ji within half an hour. Remember, you must advise the Commander-in-Chief , you cannot kill him. Without Feng Ji, it will be difficult for you to control his troops."

"Understood!" the commander of the 226th Army immediately replied.

The two hung up the phone. After Li Bokang's brain started working rapidly, he actually dialed Westbrook's number.

"Hello, Lee!"

"Commander-in-Chief, I just received the news," Li Bokang said in a strong tone: "After Feng Ji returned to Xia Island, he ordered his wounded troops to use the power of deputy commander-in-chief to ask Yan Hu to give up his position as commander of the First Army. location, there was a conflict between the two parties, and shots were fired.”

Westbrook was completely confused when he heard this, because Xia Dao is divided into the European area and the Chinese area, so the news of the war in the Chinese area has not reached him yet.

"A shot was fired?!" Westbrook said in disbelief: "Our troops are fighting the enemy, and a shot was fired from behind? Oh my god, what are they doing?!"

"Admiral Westbrook, you gave Feng Ji too many rights, so much so that raising a tiger is a danger. Do you understand?!" Li Bokang shouted fiercely: "If Feng Ji is going to the commander-in-chief of our Zhou department, Yes, then this matter... the Zhou Clan is absolutely intolerable. Unless Feng Ji is removed, the 80,000 people in our Zhou Clan will refuse to go to the battlefield again!"

After speaking, Li Bokang hung up the phone directly.

Westbrook looked confused and cursed: "What on earth is this idiot Feng Ji going to do?!"

Why would Westbrook instinctively believe what Li Bokang said? That's because he knew that Feng Ji brought 8,000 people back, but Zhou Xingli had no armed forces.

"Dip Lingling!"

When Westbrook was about to call the European District 1 defenders on Xia Island, his landline phone rang. The communications soldier answered the call and responded twice, then immediately reported: "Report, there is an urgent call from Feng Ji Corps. It is claimed that the Zhou Clan troops launched an unprovoked attack on them, and their current situation is very dangerous, and General Feng Ji himself is also surrounded by enemy troops..."

"Fake!" Westbrook glared and cursed: "Damn it, eight thousand troops are on the island, how could Feng Ji be surrounded?!"

Westbrook was really confused. He couldn't figure out what happened on the island.

"Report!!! Our forward group B radar has detected that a large number of unidentified transport aircraft suddenly appeared in the northern airspace, heading towards Xia Island." Another communications officer responsible for docking with the Intelligence Department immediately stood up and shouted.

Westbrook looked at the officer with jaws dropped. After holding it in for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, there's a traitor on the island! A big traitor!!"

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