District 9

Chapter 2712 Closeness and distance

It's about four o'clock in the morning.

At the headquarters of Zhou's First Army, Yan Hu shouted urgently with the communication equipment: "Have all the forward regiments been defeated?! Why didn't they retreat and assemble, organize the troops to fight again? Damn it, are you a fool? They charged Once they come out, you retreat and regroup! In this way, I will ask Chief of Staff Liu to go to the front now, and you inform me of the remaining units of each department to retreat to the vicinity of the armored position, regroup, and prepare to charge again!"

After Yan Hu roared and issued the order, he turned to look at Chief of Staff Liu next to him, frowned and said to him: "Old Liu, we can't hold it anymore, and neither can they. We must not let this attack go now. We must organize troops within a short period of time and continue charging up the mountain."

Chief of Staff Liu thought for a moment and replied: "The reinforcements from the three regions have arrived at Hongdan Airport, and the vanguard has begun to land. Isn't it too risky for us to attack the mountain at this time?"

Yan Hu pointed at the combat sand table with a very clear mind and said: "Look, the hilltop they are defending is about fifty kilometers away from Hongdan Airport. In other words, the reinforcements that landed at Hongdan Airport will need at least three troops to be dispatched from the preparation place. Hours later, we can fully reach the forward defense area. The current enemy 122nd Army has already fought to exhaustion on the top of the mountain. As long as we organize another wave of charges, it is very likely to occupy this mountain group. Old Liu, what is the current situation of this mountain group? The location is very important. If the enemy's reinforcements arrive and they continue to defend here, it will be impossible for us to fight through it. Even the headquarters sending troops here will not make much sense. Because the three major districts have attracted a whole theater of troops. Their troops are no less than ours, but if we can occupy this good location, then if we attack further, we can advance to attack and retreat to defend."

Chief of Staff Liu nodded unconsciously after listening to Yan Hu's words.

"Now we can only fight hard. If we seize this hilltop, we can occupy the advantageous location, so we have no other choice." Yan Hu urged again: "You should go to the forward position to gather troops now and prepare to charge again. I will give the commander-in-chief The ministry called and asked them to send additional air support, and there are not many people around He Dachuan. They have a total of more than 10,000 troops, and now there are definitely less than 5,000 people who can shoot."

"Okay," Chief of Staff Liu nodded heavily: "I'll go now."

After the two discussed, Chief of Staff Liu left with the guards, while Yan Hu looked at the combat sand table and continued to think about offensive ideas.

"Dip Lingling!"

At this moment, the phone rang, and the communications soldier immediately picked up the phone: "First Army Headquarters!"

"Ask Yan Hu to answer the phone." Li Bokang's voice rang.

"Commander, General Staff Li asked you to answer the phone."

"...Here we come." Yan Hu turned around, walked to the communication equipment, and took the microphone: "General Staff, I am Yan Hu!"

"Gather your troops, withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner, and return to the port garrison area to rest." Li Bokang said in a low voice.

"Ah???" Yan Hu was confused when he heard this: "Why, General Staff?"

"The Feng Ji Corps has arrived. They will take your place and continue to attack Hongdan Airport."

"Bullshit!" Yan Hu became anxious when he heard this: "Why? This makes no sense...!"

"The order was not given by me, but by the coalition command. Execute the order." After saying this, Li Bokang hung up the phone tiredly.

After Yan Hu was stunned for a long time while holding the microphone, he shouted hysterically: "CNM! Inform the frontline troops to withdraw immediately and prepare to leave the battlefield. Prepare a plane for me, I'm going to the headquarters."

Half an hour later.

Yan Hu took Chief of Staff Liu and others, took a plane directly to the Zhou Clan command position, and stormed into Li Bokang's office aggressively. The latter seemed to know that he was coming and did not hide.

As soon as Yan Hu entered the room, he didn't care that Li Bokang was much higher in rank than him, and directly fired: "We and the 33rd Brigade fought with the enemy in the mountains in front of Hongdan Airport for two full days, and our First Army lost 10,000 troops. With more than 2,000 people, the 33rd Brigade has been reduced by 80%. Damn it, the mountain is full of corpses... This mountain top is about to be taken down, why should we be removed and replaced by Feng Ji?! What do you mean? You are above Even if you really use us as cannon fodder, you still have to cover it up a little bit, and you can't act openly, right?"

"I said, this is not my order, nor can I make the decision." Li Bokang frowned and said, "It was Westbrook who personally ordered the general to be replaced by Feng Ji, do you understand?"

"Fuck that bullshit coalition commander! I've made it clear that if he gives orders like this, I won't fight!" Yan Hu cursed in a very condescending manner: "...I'll call Westbrook now and we'll withdraw. , let him Feng Ji do it by himself."

Li Bokang looked at Yan Hu, stepped in and asked: "You are a military-level commander, can you look at the problem calmly?"

"I can't calm down!" Yan Hu stood in front of the desk, slapped the table and yelled: "How many skills does Feng Ji have?! He and the He clan's two regiments fought against Teng who lost the main city on the battlefield of the fourth district. The Pakistani army even asked someone to kill his son. With such a coward-like command, why should he rob us of the results of the war?! He couldn't defeat us, so he suggested using poison gas bombs to his superiors. He was the only one who could do this. Figure it out. I know that Westbrook treats him as his own son now, but does your coalition have to rely on everyone's strength to win this battle? It will only rely on a few dogs that can lick. Mom asked people to drive back the free Americans, so why the hell are they talking about a two-front strategy?"

Yan Hu was really anxious. He and He Dachuan fought for two days outside Hongdan Airport, fighting until corpses were everywhere and they ran out of ammunition and food. Nowadays, He Dachuan's troops are in a shaky situation due to the scarcity of troops, but Westbrook has sent Feng Ji up to pick up the leaks. Who can bear this step on horseback?

Li Bokang was actually angrier than Yan Hu, and his mentality was about to explode, but sitting in his position, he couldn't be angry with Yan Hu. Because this war must end with a complete victory for the coalition forces, he can only press down on things.

"Lao Yan, let the others go out and let's talk." Li Bokang stood up and said softly.

In the direction of the port, Feng Ji's regiment was so aggressive that 30,000 people rushed directly to the direction of Hongdan Airport to pick up the leaks.

In the command car, the chief of staff said to Feng Ji: "... It's better for you to speak in front of Westbrook. We can choose any attack point we want."

Summer Island.

After Zhou Xingli learned that his general Yan Hu had been withdrawn, his eyes turned red. He held it in for a long time and only said four words: "Fuck you!"

Hongdan Airport.

Xiaobai, the commander of the First Army of the Lu District War Zone, directly ordered the troops who were the first to land to completely collapse.

He Dachuan called Xiaobai: "What do you think we should do?"

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