District 9

Chapter 2681 Returning Carnage

The commander who advanced to the battlefield on the south side of Bar City was named Grelov. He was the commander of the Third Army stationed in Chita City.

After Qin Yu's request was relayed to the high command by the advanced officer, Grelov immediately received the combat order. The order clearly required him to dispatch all air forces in the Chita area and use long-range firepower to attack Baal City and provide absolute support to the infiltration teams in the three regions.

After seeing this order, the Chief of Staff of the Third Group Army shook his head and sighed in the military headquarters: "This is an extremely stupid combat order. Use the firepower and offensive rhythm of an army group to exchange for a infiltration team of 150 people." , it’s so incomprehensible.”

Grelov smoked a cigarette and replied calmly: "What you see is a team of 150 people, but what you see from the top is the chaotic city of Bar. The actual meaning of the attack now is to capture the main city, and the rescue is just One of the mission objectives.”

The chief of staff spread his palms: "My opinion is that after the unification of the three regions, our cooperative status with them has declined significantly. Qin Yu's recent actions are equivalent to installing a ready-to-order telephone in our high command. .”

"...No, no, our situation requires external force. This is nothing to discuss. Military status determines cooperation status." Grelov took a very open-minded view: "Send the order, the rocket launcher group attacks the outer defense area of ​​​​Baal City, and uses airborne troops Solve the problem of offensive efficiency and speed.”

"Don't you think the threat from the three major regions is already higher than that of the free army?" the chief of staff asked.

"Only through unification can you be qualified to consider the issues of the three regions, my Chief of Staff." Grelov replied concisely.

"Yes, I will carry out the order." The chief of staff immediately saluted and replied.

After receiving the joint combat order, the military forces in the Chita region also devoted their full efforts to the attack on Baal City.

In Baal City.

Xiao Qinglong quickly ran to Fu Zhen and whispered to him: "I have a new situation report."

Fu Zhen turned to look at him: "What's going on?"

"Little White Tiger just called and said that he saw Kirill in the city and knew his approximate location. His suggestion to us was to take advantage of the chaos and behead him, use Kirill's special status to delay time, and wait for help from the higher-ups. Because the possibility of us breaking through with more than a hundred people is really low." Xiao Qinglong said quickly.

"Are you sure that Little White Tiger figured out Kirill's location?"

"OK." Xiao Qinglong replied.

"Why isn't he with the army?" Fu Zhen asked with some confusion.

"He...he went out to investigate the situation on his own, because the vehicle we took had a pass." After Xiao Qinglong said this, he didn't believe it himself.

Fu Zhen didn't pursue the issue and turned to look at Xiao Sang and Lao Zhan: "It's difficult to break out of the encirclement, how about we fight back?!"

"I agree." Xiao Sang nodded immediately.

"...If we want to fight back, we also need to divide our troops. Otherwise, it will be difficult to infiltrate as a group, and we will easily be dragged to death by the enemy along the way." Lao Zhan has already thought of specific tactics.

"You contact Xiao Baihu, I want to talk to him." Fu Zhen turned around.

Less than two minutes later, Fu Zhen, Xiao Qinglong, Lao Zhan, Xiao Zhao and others, with sixty newly reorganized soldiers from the No. 1 Action Group, secretly left the battlefield, while Xiao Sang continued to explore the outside. attack.

Frontal battlefield.

Since Daya led 60,000 troops on the central battlefield, he was frantically suppressing the middle section of Ziyi Chan's arc-shaped defense zone, which directly caused Ziyi Chan to mobilize troops from both wings to rush here for reinforcements. Because once the central line is breached, the People's Army can march straight in and threaten the main cities in our belly and other strategic locations. This is in nature the same as the first direct-to-Fengtian war and Marshal Zhang's strategic purpose of leaving the border. However, the scale of this battle far exceeded the Zhifeng Battle.

In other words, Qin Yu's heavy troops on the center line are the most important part in determining the outcome of this war. As long as Da Ya can hold on and serve as the fulcrum of this large army, Zheng Kai's and Wu Tianyin's troops on the flanks can take off completely.

On the contrary, if Daya cannot attack for a long time and is defeated and retreats, it will be useless to attack from both wings, and it is very likely that it will be surrounded.

Based on the above reasons, Daya's frontal attack rhythm and the pressure his troops put on the opponent were unprecedented. To put it bluntly, the three major districts have spent all their wealth to support him moving forward, including the previous eighteen artillery regiments and the crazy sweep of three thousand rocket troops.

After Daya served as a single arrow to fight out, Zheng Kai's troops launched an attack from the north, and Wu Tianyin's troops sent troops from the south battlefield. Taking advantage of the free and easy border defense areas to gather towards the central battlefield, they seized a large number of local territories and defense areas.

In the early morning, Wu Tianyin's Second Army had arrived at the flank offensive line, and more than 30,000 people led by him personally followed the bottom line of the southern battlefield and attacked Baal City.

Why Wu Tianyin tried his best to improve the mobility of his troops before was actually just for this moment. They had to run fast, scramble for time like crazy, and take advantage of the pressure from the enemy's center line battlefield to capture Baal City directly.

The march record of our national troops is to capture the Luding Bridge by flying, but the maneuverability of the troops at that time was definitely incomparable with that of now. The martyrs marched 120 miles in one day and night using the soles of their feet, which broke many world records. Today, Wu Tianyin, who has an aircraft, tank and armored regiment, also has to fly over Baal City.

After breaking through the enemy's arc defense zone, more than 30,000 troops completed the plan of replacing fuel in the vehicle and using built-in oil barrels to inject fuel into the vehicle. In many places, the roads were difficult to travel and the snow was deep, so the convoy was moving forward. Slowly, many soldiers spontaneously formed a support team, using manpower to lay steel plates on the snow, and replaced them back and forth all the time to ensure that the speed of the mechanized troops would not be reduced due to the relatively complex terrain...


How long can a steel plate be? It is more than ten meters high in the sky, and it is very heavy. It is carried by people and laid out piece by piece in the front area. What kind of feat is this?

In Baal City.

In order to avoid the poisonous gas, Fu Zhen and others could only flee in the opposite direction, infiltrating and advancing from the side to the position given by the little white tiger. In order to cover their secret counterattack, Xiao Sang and others chose to break out from the front, attracting the enemy troops, creating the illusion of fleeing, and fought tenaciously with the enemy troops in street battles around the gas bombs.

Ten minutes later.

Fu Zhen and others had sneaked back into the urban area of ​​Baal City. They saw the Free Army troops at the back of an old street. Many water-spray trucks were deployed to spray the areas where the gas bombs had the heaviest mist.

This method is definitely a drop in the bucket in terms of the spread scale of six hundred CS-2 explosions at the same time. It cannot solve the fundamental spread problem, but it can effectively ensure that a small number of people in the area evacuate first, such as those at the General Headquarters. A stupid general and an officer.

In Baal City.

An officer dragged Kirill and shouted: "...Sir, you must withdraw. We cannot stop the spread of CS-2. News also came from the theater headquarters that the troops advancing in the Chita area have also moved. Here It’s no longer safe….”

"Damn, what a bunch of idiots, did you catch the person who infiltrated the team?!"

While the two were having a conversation, Little White Tiger called Fu Zhen again: "The troops protecting Kirill on the outside are withdrawing outside the city. This is an opportunity..."

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