District 9

Chapter 2675 Cooperation battle between three groups

In the arsenal compound of Baal City, there is a battalion of defenders, about 500 people. In terms of combat personnel alone, they do not seem to have much advantage. But from the overall battle situation, they are fighting at home, and there are too many surrounding troops that can immediately support them.

As soon as the gunshots from the military factory rang out, several surrounding garrison regiments rushed to the rescue. At the same time, the helicopter formations of the garrison units also instantly took off to assemble here.

Before Fu Zhen and others entered the battlefield, they asked Xiao Liu to lead the technical troops on the periphery to collect information. Firstly, they did data analysis for the attack, and secondly, they paved the way for retreat.

The high-altitude and long-endurance military unmanned reconnaissance aircraft before the 21st century can already reach an altitude of about 20,000 meters, a combat radiation range of about 2,500 kilometers, and an endurance of ten hours. But this kind of drone is too large, nearly 15 meters long, with a wingspan of nearly 25 meters, and a total weight of several thousand kilograms. It is obvious that Fu Zhen and others cannot carry a machine of this magnitude. However, it is relatively easy for them to use medium-sized aircraft and small aircraft to conduct battlefield reconnaissance within hundreds of kilometers.

Xiao Liu and others squatted on the top of the mountain, fully controlling the unmanned reconnaissance drone, and kept conveying information to Fu Zhen.

"No. 1, with the military factory as the base point, in an area of ​​​​five kilometers radiating outward, there are about 1,500 enemy troops moving towards the center of the battlefield. Some enemy troops can arrive at the scene within five minutes. Within a 10-kilometer area , about three thousand people are moving and blocking the main roads." Xiao Liu reported the situation in Baal City clearly: "Also pay attention to the air firepower. About ten helicopters have already taken off, and they can arrive in one minute at most. Military factory area.”

"Got it!" Fu Zhen replied.

After Xiaoliu reported the data, he said very worriedly: "Their reaction speed is much faster than we expected. You have to think about how to evacuate."

There were beads of sweat on Fu Zhen's forehead, and he immediately made a judgment in the center of the battlefield: "Notify the general headquarters and ask the commander-in-chief to request forward troops to move to my side, otherwise it will be difficult to get out."


After the two communicated, Xiao Liu immediately called Qin Yu's headquarters.

On the frontal battlefield, Qin Yu sat in a helicopter and personally rushed to the military representatives in Qianchen and said: "You guys need to support Baal City. More than 300 of my soldiers are fighting hard there."

"No problem," the forward-looking military representative replied very simply: "I will communicate with the nearest troops now."

Some people may be wondering why the advancing troops didn't all activate and move to Baal City in advance before Fu Zhen launched the attack.

In fact, the concept of this tactic is very simple. If the advancing troops move in advance, Baal City will probably judge that they are going to attack the main city. If things go wrong, they will transfer CS-2 or increase the intensity of defense. Therefore, in order to ensure that the attack by Fu Zhen and others was effective and did not miss the target, they could only be allowed to enter the scene first, and then other troops would move. From this point of view alone, Fu Zhen kept saying that he was a strong man, but he was really not bragging. He was indeed strong and dared to do it.

Following Fu Zhen's request, the troops closest to the Jin side also moved closer to Baal City, preparing to attack or respond.

Inside the military factory.

Fu Zhen was lurking on the offensive line on the left. He was not in a hurry to attack. He only observed the battlefield situation and ordered Xiao Sang in a low tone: "No. 2!"

At the main entrance of the compound, Xiao Sang, who was directing the attack, was protected by four people. He squatted behind the bunker and responded: "Roger, tell me!"

"Look to the back left."

"...!" Xiao Sang turned around when he heard the sound and saw three helicopters flying over from the rear left side: "I saw it."

"Their helicopter formation is about to enter the field, and we have no fixed firepower points to defend." Fu Zhen reacted very quickly and said: "If you do this, wait for thirty seconds, lead your troops to attack fully, and concentrate on... ….”

After hearing Fu Zhen's tactics, Xiao Sang immediately responded: "Understood!"

"No. 3!" Fu Zhen called Lao Zhan again.

"Copy that, tell me!"

"No. 2 rushes forward, and you attack. You are the one who can bear the firepower. They are in chaos right now. They can't tell how many people we have, how many teams we have, and how many points we will attack from. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Lao Zhan responded.

As soon as the order was given, the enemy helicopter flew over from the direction of the street.

Xiao Sang looked back at the position of the helicopter, immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Concentrate!"


After hearing the sound, more than thirty soldiers immediately gathered in the central area.

"Pull the smoke from the ground, and the rest of the men have their bayonets fixed and are ready to rush in." Xiao Sang roared again.

The helicopter formation quickly approached, and Xiao Sang's thirty soldiers directly pulled out smoke bombs in their hands and threw them only six to ten meters in front of them.


A large amount of smoke spewed out, instantly covering the central area of ​​the general factory.

In the air, the helicopter formation was instantly blinded, and the observer kept shouting: "Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

"cnm, go ahead and charge forward!"

Xiao Sang roared angrily, and all the remaining soldiers rushed forward, engaging in close-quarters hand-to-hand firefights with the defending enemy troops.

More than two hundred people pressed forward while throwing smoke bombs along the way to ensure that the enemy's aerial firepower would not target them. Moreover, when the ground troops of both sides were entangled, the other side did not dare to conduct blind shooting or blind scanning in the air.

From the side, Lao Zhan saw the smoke rising and immediately said: "Group 3, rush, rush! Pay attention to the formation, use fire threats, and feint attacks are the main ones."

Lao Zhan's No. 30 men immediately cut to pieces the isolation net of the military factory and rushed into the compound in an instant. After this group of people entered the circle, they shot everywhere without fear of exposing their positions.

outside the circle.

Xiao Qinglong, Xiao Zhao and others, who had just arrived, felt their scalps a little numb when they looked at the extremely chaotic battle area of ​​the military factory.

Ke Hua said to Xiao Qinglong in disbelief: "You are so damn full of truth! If the people who pick you up attack like this, how many people will be left after destroying the military factory? Who will take care of my brother? ?!”

Zhang Qingfeng looked at the soldiers from the three major districts charging into the courtyard, and felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

In fact, Sichuan's troops often engage in small-scale combat operations that are extremely risky but have extremely high returns. However, every time such an operation is carried out, the success rate is extremely high.

But in the entire military and political system of the Zhou Clan, the success rate of such operations is very small.


Zhang Qingfeng couldn't figure it out before, but now he understands. The people on the Sichuan side have strong cohesion and execution ability. When more than 300 people charged, no one fell behind. The entire unit's appeal in desperate situations was extremely strong. Looking at the Zhou system, they are still fighting among themselves and attacking each other because of the decision of whether CS-2 should land on the battlefield.

But Zhang Qingfeng doesn't know how this kind of appeal, execution and cohesion are formed. He had no idea that when Qin Yu and others first started their business, they were in an absolutely grassroots state. Every time they encountered ups and downs or encountered serious problems, if they did not resist or join the group, they would be eliminated.

This was the case with Yuan Ke at the beginning, and it was the same with Han Sanqian and the four major families later on.

What is grassroots? It was the courage to pull down the emperor even though he was willing to be killed; it was the courage of Zhu Yuanzhang, who was both a beggar and a monk, but had no choice but to ascend to the throne after retreating from the uprising!

But in the long-established Zhou clique regime, perhaps most people no longer have this kind of offensive nature, and this may be the so-called prosperity and decline.


The little white tiger drove away quickly in his off-road vehicle.

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