District 9

Chapter 2668 Life-saving information

If Xiaozhao's intelligence had arrived a few minutes later, Wu Tianyin's army of more than 30,000 people might have been massacred. Because the enemy's First Corps in the First Theater Zone has formulated a very detailed fire attack plan. They mixed ordinary artillery shells with CS-2 gas bombs. They are not afraid of the strong defenses in the three major zones. Instead, they hope that your troops will They all lie down in the bunker so that the poison gas bombs can have maximum lethality.

Fortunately, the person Fu Zhen sent was Xiao Zhao, and fortunately this person had his own judgment and decision-making ability at the critical moment. He used his own exposed method to kidnap Zhang Qingfeng, and at the most critical moment, he sent out enough to save Zhang Qingfeng. Intelligence of an army group.

After Wu Tianyin reacted, he immediately ordered the air defense units to fire from all directions to block the enemy's fire coverage. Only by intercepting most of the poison gas bombs in the sky can the troops have time to withdraw and suffer less casualties.

Conventional troops are not biochemical troops. Soldiers and officers wear ordinary combat uniforms, so they cannot withstand the explosion and release of poison gas bombs. Even if they are not inhaled by the mouth and nose, even if they only touch the skin, they will cause serious consequences. serious consequence.

After Wu Tianyin's order was issued, the regiments no longer cared about orderly withdrawal formations. Commanders at all levels only ordered their soldiers to run as fast as they could and spread out as far as they could.

But even so, Wu Tianyin's First Army still suffered a horrific poison gas attack.

In the position of the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment of the First Army, after receiving the order, the battalion commander immediately ordered the troops to withdraw from the bunker and move to the small mountain range on the left, but it was still a little late.

No matter how strong the air defense firepower of a group army is, it is impossible to completely block the firepower coverage of four enemy regiments. Under the powerful firepower net, there will still be shells that slip through the net and hit one's own position. In addition, Ziyi's side uses ordinary bombs mixed with CS-2, and the anti-aircraft firepower is not clear. In which direction it should be intercepted, we can only try our best to prevent the shells from landing.


In the air, violent explosions resounded throughout the sky. A soldier from the Second Battalion looked up and saw light gray mist rising in the air. Several poison gas bombs were intercepted in the air and exploded.

"It's over, it's leaked!" a soldier yelled with frightened eyes.

"Run, run quickly, we don't need anything in the position." The battalion commander waved his hands and shouted.

The light gray mist is a bit like the mist sprayed by a high-pressure water gun. It is not a complete gas, but mixed with a large amount of mist-like liquid. This thing falls very slowly, but its spread range is very large. It can cover a large area with almost one explosion.

The soldiers in the three major areas had never experienced attacks by such weapons, and they were indeed a little panicked in a short period of time. The angles and directions they dispersed were irregular.


As soon as a CS-2 shot landed, the fuse at the end of the warhead exploded instantly, and a large amount of smoke spread over an area of ​​more than ten square meters in less than two seconds. The smoke concentration in this area is very terrifying, and the visibility of the soldier standing in the center does not exceed 20 centimeters.

The smoke spread, and more than a dozen soldiers screamed miserably in this position. Their eyes were blinded in just one or two seconds. After inhaling the gas through their mouths and noses, blood began to spurt out in less than five seconds, and the liquid mist touched their skin. It also started to fester in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Wang!"

When the battalion commander saw that his company commander did not run out of the pit, he rushed over immediately.

"Don't come here... don't... or we'll all die." The company commander directly pulled out his gun, put it against his temple, and shouted with bleeding eyes: "Run, run!"


The gunshot rang out and the company commander committed suicide.

This kind of chaos was staged in various camps of the forward troops. Many soldiers died in their own positions without firing a shot.

At this moment, Wu Tianyin once again sent an order to the frontline troops: "Notify all battalions that if they cannot evacuate in time, immediately light all ammunition, military vehicles, and all combustibles in the position. Set fire, quickly!"

Wu Tianyin's reaction was quick. Although he had never attended a formal military academy, nor had he studied systematically, after all, he started from scratch in Beifengkou. I have been studying and reading military materials.

The most effective and simple way to prevent the spread of poison gas bombs is to set fire to let the surrounding gas burn upward, which can hedge against the fall and spread of poison gas bombs.

After hearing the order, the troops in the forward positions set fire to military vehicles, military supplies, and all combustible items, turning their positions into a sea of ​​​​sustainable burning flames.

This method was extremely effective in cutting off the diffuse area of ​​​​the gas bombs, because the two hundred CS-2s were only released on a trial basis, and the tactical purpose they wanted to achieve was extremely ambitious. They wanted to kill all the forward troops with Wu Tianyin on the front side, so the delivery locations were relatively scattered, rather than fixed points and densely exploded.

Two hours!

The artillery fire lasted for more than two hours before Wu Tianyin's main troops were all withdrawn. There were destined to be many soldiers outside the hills and mountains who could not go home.

After the large troops withdrew, Wu Tianyin's eyes were scarlet and he shouted directly at the guards: "Notify the guards immediately to arrange a plane. I want to return to Beifengkou. The battle damage report will be calculated for me within twenty minutes!"

The Beifengkou General Headquarters was in chaos. After Wu Tianyin's troops were attacked, Qin Yu had ordered the troops in each theater to begin to evacuate frantically, because no one could tell whether the other side would continue such an attack. Once the troops were concentrated, they would be attacked. , the consequences would be disastrous.

The various communication teams within the headquarters were all communicating with the troops in each theater, and Qin Yu also contacted Meng Xi immediately: "Hello?!"

"What are your orders, Commander-in-Chief?"

"What the fuck, Free Chan dropped the latest model of poison gas bombs on my side of the battlefield. This thing is very lethal, especially to logistics units, and will be a fatal threat. In my personal judgment, you four This kind of thing may also be dropped on the district battlefield, and you must come up with a response strategy immediately, understand?!" Qin Yu roared.

When Meng Xi heard this, he was stunned for two seconds before replying: "I understand."

"Contact Temba immediately, I'll wait for your news."


After the two ended the call, Meng Xi immediately assembled his troops and began to evacuate, and at the same time contacted Tengba. But the situation on their side is much worse than Qin Yu's side. The troops are all in the mountains. Where can they run to successfully avoid the CS-2 attack?

About twenty minutes later, Wu Tianyin returned to the general headquarters and said bluntly to Qin Yu: "My officers counted the number of gas bombs that landed, at most less than fifty, but three battalions of the forward corps were gone. Only five Ten bombs, we lost 1,500 people directly, and this does not include those who were slightly infected! This is not a war, this is a biological and chemical massacre!! If the intelligence did not come immediately, would my group army have come back alive? , are all unknown.”

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and whispered: "They still have six hundred, and the first drop is just a test."

"You are the deputy commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief. You must come up with a solution!" Wu Tianyin said bluntly: "My soldiers cannot die so cowardly!"

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time and immediately shouted: "Call Qianjin Chen right away. CNM, I want to help them solve the civil war, don't they show any sign at all?! Let their military and political leaders fly over immediately."

"Yes!" Chief of Staff Wang nodded.

Qin Yu looked at the map, his eyes widened, and he pointed at Baal City and said: "Damn it, all six hundred of them are here. They are inhumane, so don't blame me for being inhumane...!"

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