District 9

Chapter 2640: A collapse of two hundred miles

After Jiang Xiaolong finished discussing with Coco, he took his team and security personnel and took a plane from the center of the Draken Mountains, along the Indian Ocean border, to the place of business.

Outside the mouth of the hurricane, the offensive and defensive battle had entered its most intense stage. Meng Xi's leaflet tactics directly hit the lungs of Feng Ji's regiment. Not only did Feng Lei issue aggressive attack orders one after another, but even the lower-level direct line officers in the Feng Department were all red-eyed. Many of the executed war criminals were their senior officers and family elders. However, any bloody person would not be able to remain absolutely sane after seeing the contents of the leaflet.

Nearly 30,000 people from Feng Ji's regiment all participated in the battle and moved forward without thinking. After the large forces captured the Tengba Army defense area, they did not choose to occupy and rest at all, but just kept pushing towards the hurricane mouth.

After the intensity of the war was increased by several levels, the disadvantages of the Tengba Army became more and more obvious. The combat effectiveness, cohesion, and resilience of its troops in large-scale battles could not be compared with the Feng Ji Corps at its peak.

Although Feng Ji's regiment performed very averagely on the inland battlefields in the three major regions, and could even be said to be very weak, this had something to do with Feng Ji's personal operational ideas. He neither wanted to be pure cannon fodder for Zhou Xingli, nor did he want to cause the Feng clan to suffer too much loss in an overly fierce battlefield, so he always followed the idea of ​​holding back and attacking, and evading whenever he could.

But this does not mean that Feng Ji Corps has no combat effectiveness at all. After all, they have participated in many large-scale battles. The soldiers have long been baptized by high-intensity war intensity. Their experience and mentality have been honed on the battlefield.

On the other hand, the troops in the Fourth District, whether they are the Red Scarf Army or the official army, although they have been fighting all year round, due to the poor economy, poor equipment, and very small coverage of modern armaments, they had no chance to experience hundreds of thousands, or even A large-scale battle with hundreds of thousands of troops, so their soldiers and officers simply cannot adapt to the intensity of the current war. When the opponent rushes over in a group, they are a little confused.

This is why before the 19th century, you could always see on the news that a rebel group of thousands of people was able to occupy an important town in a certain region and declare independence. Because they fight if they can, and run away if they can't. They won't risk their lives to fight for one point. What they pay attention to is "long-term planning."

Based on the above reasons, the Feng Corps was completely confident and pushed forward nearly 80 kilometers in four hours.

In the forward command position of the Tengba Department, Meng Xi stood in the trench outside the camp, facing the cold wind, and issued another order to Yang Liandong: "Order the troops to shrink across the board, abandon the buffer zone of the last fifty kilometers, and integrate directly on both sides of the hurricane mouth Engage the enemy with force."

"Damn it, this battle was so frustrating. If we had brought our own troops, we wouldn't have pushed the other side so fast. Even if I were given 10,000 people, I could guard him outside the mountains for three days. It would be frustrating. It dampened Feng Lei's offensive spirit." Yang Liandong gritted his teeth and cursed: "But if we continue to fight under the current situation, Feng Lei, a bastard, can only fight more and more confidently. It's not good. Even if the troops rely on the geographical advantage of the hurricane mouth, We can’t hold on for long.”

In fact, what Yang Liandong said is not wrong at all. War is like this. Even if the enemy's troops are much better than yours, you cannot constantly let the opponent control the rhythm of the attack during the defensive phase. Otherwise, the opponent will gain more momentum during the attack, and its vigor and morale will continue to rise, which will definitely be a nightmare for the defender.

During the Three Kingdoms period, when Zhang Babai defeated Sun Shiwan, he was the first to fight for morale. Although it was ancient times and fighting with cold weapons was the main method, the meaning was actually the same.

Early in the morning.

After losing nearly 5,000 troops, the frontline troops of the Tengba Army completely lost all defense areas outside the Draken Mountains. The remaining main forces were all positioned around the hurricane mouth to prepare for the final defense.

At the same time, Meng Xi contacted Tengba privately and conveyed suggestions to him three times in a row, and the latter was also following Meng Xi's ideas to urgently mobilize troops in the mountains.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

The Feng Corps formed their formation outside the hurricane's mouth and replenished their ammunition. After a hasty breakfast, they hardly took any other rest and continued to advance and attack.

In this pass attack and defense battle, Feng Lei chose to feint on the left and attack on the right. After the large forces spread out, he only held the independent 1st Brigade of Tengba Army on the right and attacked fiercely.

The two sides fought fiercely for six hours. The Feng Corps relied on the latest T-20 main battle tanks and C335 all-terrain armored vehicles supported by the EU Zone 1 to directly crush the independent first brigade of the Tengba Army and occupied the right side of the hurricane mouth. The entry "corridor".

Once the right defense line collapses, it will directly affect the central battlefield and the left defense area, because the Feng Clan directly inserts into the middle in a roundabout way. Once a large force is deployed, Meng Xi's main force placed in the center not only has to defend against the enemy attacking from the front. The army also needs to defend its right side.

At this time, Tengba could no longer sit still. He felt that the defense at the hurricane mouth was about to be finished. He asked Meng Xi several times if he wanted to send out Tibetan troops in the mountains to support the frontal battlefield, but Meng Xi's advice was not to move yet. .

In the command position at the mouth of the hurricane, Meng Xi stood on the mountainside, looking at the central battlefield that was about to collapse. He immediately said to Chief of Staff Bablu: "Feng Lei's spirit has been revealed. He immediately ordered the troops on the left battlefield to quickly Retreat, the central combat units, after the troops on the left withdraw, immediately move back, stop guarding the hurricane mouth, and directly withdraw fifty kilometers deep into the mountains to let them chase in."

"Okay." Bablu nodded.

About half an hour later, Tengba's army fled in panic, directly abandoned the hurricane mouth, and the whole army fled into the mountains.

The Feng Ji Corps was in full swing, and the front-line commanders of many combat units all issued orders to occupy the pass, allowing the troops to advance directly and charge inward.

At the same time, Zhou Xingli from Xia Island also received the battle report and commented very happily: "Little Feng is much more bloody than Old Feng! Only by fighting in this way can we show the honor of the old Feng department. Pass my order and the whole army Announcement of commendation to Feng Lei!"

In the mouth of the hurricane, Tengba's army completely fled. Under the protection of a group of officers and guards, Meng Xi retreated to the scheduled gathering place.

On the top of the mountain, Meng Xi held a high-magnification military telescope and looked at the Feng Clan army charging forward without thinking outside the pass. He slowly breathed a sigh of relief: "Here we come... Feng Lei's department has completely reconciled with the He Clan and the Feng Clan. The follow-up troops are out of touch. General Yang, you immediately notify Commander Tengba and ask him to send orders to the rear troops to prepare for the battle. We will sell them again later and continue to lure the enemy deeper. As long as he enters the mountain corridor, we may annihilate them. .”

"Yes!" Yang Liandong nodded immediately.

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