District 9

Chapter 2585 The First Monk in District Eight

After Jiang Xiaolong left the headquarters, he immediately called Lin Chengdong: "Hey, what are you busy with, brother?"

"I'm in the mountains far away, chatting nonsense with a few friends, what's wrong?" Lin Chengdong has been in District 4 for a long time and has become completely familiar with Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong bent down and got into the car, and started shouting: "Brother Dong, you said you're a military official, how can you be so loose-mouthed? What about your cotton waistband?!"

"Where do you start talking about this?" Lin Chengdong asked confusedly.

"I've told you, don't tell the upper management of the Sichuan government about the capital behind me. We are just cooperating normally..."

"Brother, I really find that sometimes you businessmen have very naive ideas." Lin Chengdong curled his lips and replied: "Use your smart brain to think about it, you are a red enterprise that cooperates with the government, but I don't He said, the higher-ups will also find out all the eighteen generations of your ancestors, otherwise how could they trust you?"

"...He can check, but you can't take the initiative to say it! Aren't you still loose-mouthed?"

"You have to understand that I take the initiative to confess, which represents your sincerity. But if I don't take the initiative, if others find out, you may be defrauding the government... I will impeach you to the Sichuan Military Supervision Bureau... …That’s all possible.”

"Is it that serious?"

"No, I had several bullet swellings last month!"

"Get out of here, stop talking."

"Haha, come to Yuanshan, and I will explain the truth to you slowly." Lin Chengdong invited.

Sichuan Army, inside the headquarters.

Gu Yan was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs and reading the Tao Te Ching with a calm expression.

Across the way, Qin Yu took the list of generals of the Northwest Advance Army and their resumes that Gu Yan had handed over. After looking at it carefully, he asked, "This Xing Wei was only a military-level chief of staff before. Why do you suddenly want to promote him to such a high level?" ? Directly enter the theater headquarters and become the general staff officer?"

"There are only two staff officers I reuse in the Northwest Advance Army, and one of them is him." Gu Yan replied calmly: "This man is very capable in the military. Many of the beautiful battles of the Advance Army were actually done by him. Planning. I plan to promote him to serve as the chief of general staff at the theater headquarters first, and then hand over the theater to him in six or seven years."

"Ah?" Qin Yu was confused: "You handed over the war zone to him, what about you?"

"I'll first go to the Military and Political Department and get a casual position. I'll wait for a good opportunity and quit as soon as I can." Gu Yan responded in the same calm tone.

Qin Yu looked at him sideways: "...What do you mean, brother, are you trying to play tricks on me?"

Gu Yan looked at the Tao Te Ching with serene and calm eyes: "What are you playing for? I'm just tired and want to take a rest."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Qin Yu directly threw the list on the table: "The world is at peace, but you are seriously ill, right? Didn't you agree before that the reconstruction of the Gu system in the six theaters is the top priority? , you are giving up your choice now, aren’t you trying to embarrass me?!”

"You, your biggest problem is that you are impatient and can't bear your temper." Gu Yan educated him calmly: "I didn't say to withdraw now, isn't this also a gradual transition...!"

"Can you please stop pretending to me, brother?"

"...I'm really tired and don't want to bother anymore." Gu Yan still said softly: "How many years have I been guarding the old triangle and how many battles have I fought? My heart has been traumatized... I We need to recuperate. Once the troops from the three major regions are integrated in the future, we will manage them systematically, and naturally there will be capable people to lead the troops... And a veteran like me... just withdraw if you can."

"Do you have any conditions? If you have conditions, just say it."

"I don't have any conditions." Gu Yan put down the Tao Te Ching and intervened: "There are no military operations for the follow-up troops. This requires re-reforming the organizational system, asking for military expenditures, and balancing generals at all levels... I have a headache just thinking about it. , so I really don’t want to do it.”

"You mean you want more military spending?" Qin Yu asked directly.

"How can you think of people in such a vulgar way?! Oh, I really just want to quit. And with our relationship like this, you will definitely not treat Gu Xi badly, so I don't have anything to worry about." Gu Yan Pointing at the Tao Te Ching with his finger, he said softly: "...You, you are too impatient. I suggest you read this book... It can improve your psychological state and pay attention to non-desire..."

"Stop talking nonsense! You have been sitting here reading since you entered the room. You have been reading for half an hour. I have read more than 20 materials. You can't even understand half a page. What are you teaching me? Huh?" Qin Yu replied sarcastically.

"...It's indeed a bit obscure." Gu Yan replied, adjusting his newly-fitted glasses.

"Brother, we have been in a relationship for so many years. You must not make trouble with me." Qin Yu stepped in and looked at him and said: "You said that the governor is gone, and everyone in the Gu family counts, who can do it with you?" Such representativeness? If you withdraw, then outsiders will not be able to say that we, the father-in-law and son-in-law, have no room for others in our hearts... So, I beg you."

"Xiao Yu, don't think too much. I'm really tired. I'm tired. It has nothing to do with anything else." Gu Yan insisted: "I just want to find a Taoist temple to stay for a while and calm down."

"Are you going to become a monk?" Qin Yu asked.

"...I can be a mortal monk."

"You're such a monk!" Qin Yu was immediately worried: "The old governor is gone, you are going to become a monk, and you still want me to die? Can you act like a human being?!"

"Don't be so angry..."

The two of them sat in the office and after chatting for a long time, Qin Yu failed to persuade Gu Yan to stop. The latter has to recite sutras at every turn. Who can bear this step?

After the two talked, Qin Yu's head hurt a little and he went home early in the evening.

When the family of four was eating, Lin Nianlei saw Qin Yu's expression was wrong and asked him what happened today.

After Qin Yu held it in for a long time, he whispered: "... Damn it, the ancient giant crocodile told me today... that he is a little close to Sanqing now."

"What do you mean?" Lin Nianlei asked puzzledly.

"He wants to become a monk." Qin Yu replied helplessly.


"Who the hell knows whether he is real or fake?" Qin Yu sighed: "But... after Gu Xi's accident, he was indeed a little stimulated. I think he is a little abnormal now... a bit dazed... Every time I speak, foam forms at the corners of my mouth."

"You can really abuse people." Lin Nianlei was speechless.

"...getting angry!" Qin Yu said while grabbing the rice.

Lin Nianlei blinked and suddenly said with inspiration: "Hey, there is a way to treat him."


"I heard before... that he got along well with a girl from Lao Sanjiang." Lin Nianlei immediately replied: "The way to cure heart disease is to quickly escape from the past life."

Qin Yu was startled for a moment: "Don't tell me, it's really a solution."

On the second day, the Sichuan Army Headquarters sent an invitation letter to Lao Sanjiang, inviting them to attend the military and political conference to be held in the Eighth District on the 1st of next month.

At noon that day, the delegation's plane departed from Lao Sanjiang, and a girl followed.

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