District 9

Chapter 2566 Very detailed Fu Zhen

While Fu Zhen was struggling with what kind of person could fart like hot pot seasoning, the watch on Meng Xi's right hand vibrated slightly.

This is a pre-arranged code. After the success of the 093 Dalu's "uprising", Ma Laoer will call Meng Xi, and the latter's watch is linked to his mobile phone.

Why choose private communication to communicate? This looks so unprofessional.

In fact, this choice is what makes these old fritters so good. The place where everyone is located is the enemy's fleet. If encrypted military communications are used, it may attract the other party's attention. Even if it cannot be deciphered, the source of the signal may be locked.

But private communication is different. Currently, a large number of people and troops are evacuating near the seaport. They all have personal communication equipment, and the number of people is too large to be controlled at all. In addition, they will use it very frequently during this time period, so private communication is safer.

093 The signal from the big drive came, and the dormant period of Meng Xi, Fu Zhen and others was over, and they had to work.

To control the No. 093 drive, we have Wei Zirun as an internal agent. In addition, there are not many conventional troops in the drive, so it is not that difficult to cause trouble.

However, the No. 093 drive is just an appetizer in the mission objectives of Ma Laoer and others. The real test of life and death is how to capture the amphibious assault ship.

A total of twelve people infiltrated the amphibious assault ship, led by Meng Xi, Fu Zhen, Brother Xiao, and nine well-trained military intelligence personnel from the Sichuan government.

The reason why so few people entered the amphibious assault ship was because it was a helpless choice made under a specific environment.

This time, after the Mingzhu completed its evacuation cover mission, it headed directly to Xia Island without berthing at the shore. Therefore, the ground handling department replenished them with nearly 3,000 boxes of supplies and more than 600 woven bags at once. Supplies are used to provide life support and combat support for more than a thousand people on the ship, but the classification of supplies is very complicated. To put it simply, even Wei Zirun didn't know which warehouse the final materials flowed to, so if too many people infiltrated, they would be separated easily. In addition, whether the materials will be opened, counted and rearranged after entering the warehouse depends on the habits of the logistics department. Once there are too many people, the possibility of exposure will increase infinitely.

Based on the above reasons, Ma Laoer and others finally decided to choose a twelve-person team to infiltrate to ensure that everyone could reunite as soon as possible after "waking up".

In Warehouse No. 3 on the second floor of the Pearl.

Fu Zhen, Meng Xi, Brother Xiao and others followed the drills at the No. 1 Port Ground Warehouse and skillfully opened a series of quick food boxes that are easy to store, such as dry material boxes and canned food boxes.

The Pearl's warehouse is not equipped with monitoring equipment, because it is a cold storage with a low temperature, the light is usually very dark, and you don't know when the materials will be used, so there is no need to install monitoring equipment, only a complete fire protection system That’s all. Wei Zirun had already informed the twelve-man team about this before everyone set off, so after everyone got out of the box, they didn't get too nervous and quickly gathered together and took out the equipment from the other boxes.

Waterway amphibious combat uniform, a group of six special forces firepower equipment, including M series automatic rifle, M series explosion-proof shotgun, Type 15 grenade gun, M-12 sniper Q, explosive suit, and poisonous Q bombs that can stun within three seconds. etc.

After Fu Zhen put on the equipment, he immediately felt that he could fight ten.

After everyone gathered together, they immediately moved towards Brother Xiao. The latter squatted on the side of the cargo pile more than three meters high, lowered his head and turned on the special operations instrument that was not connected to the Internet.

This is a precision instrument the size of a mobile phone that can be buckled on your wrist. This thing can even measure the indoor air flow speed, temperature, and humidity in real time.

Although Brother Xiao has not worked for a long time, and the world is now different from before, and even the equipment has changed several generations, but he himself was often close to Ma Laoer in Sichuan Mansion, and he has not forgotten his roots and has a strong sense of his own The industry also pays more attention to it, so he can also play with these new gadgets.

Brother Xiao squatted on the ground and used the special operations instrument to bring up the ventilation system layout diagram of the Pearl that Wei Zirun had obtained for him. He then whispered to everyone: "Two target points are the dock cabin and the bridge! We have few people, and I personally It is recommended not to act separately, but to enter the ventilation duct as a group, infiltrate into the dock first, observe the situation there, and then decide when to attack the bridge."

"I agree." Fu Zhen replied immediately.

"Have you ever been on a ship? How is the endurance of the exhaust ducts here?" Brother Xiao asked.

As soon as Fu Zhen saw the other person asking about his field, he immediately started talking excitedly: "The air inlets, exhaust vents, and other ventilation systems on modern warships are actually only divided into two categories: one is the gas in the cabin circulation, and the second is power pressure relief. Before World War II, 2000, you would see large chimneys on many warships. In fact, that was power pressure relief, because the power sources of warships at that time were mainly steam engines and steam turbine wheels. , and the way they work is to burn boilers, but this was done after World War II..."

"If you want to put it simply, why don't you start with the creation of the world by Pangu?" Meng Xi scolded.

"Don't I have to explain it clearly so that you can understand the working mode of the amphibious assault ship? Do you know that the most important part of special operations is preparation?"

"Stop talking nonsense and talk about the important things!"

"...After World War II, steam power systems were directly replaced. A large number of modern warships basically use diesel engines as their power source. The temperature and pressure of diesel combustion in the cylinder are much higher than that of boilers, so the exhaust pressure is very high. But The air pressure outlets of modern warships are all closed and secretive. Many of the shutters you see on the deck are pressure exhaust ports. If you accidentally enter, you will be poisoned at least, or cremated in minutes at worst." Although Fu Zhen said it well It is detailed but effective in reminding everyone how to avoid danger: "The air outlets with poison gas signs and those prohibited from approaching the signs cannot be touched. Only conventional exhaust vents without signs can enter. And the pipes there are very strong, but very narrow. , and some places will be connected to the deck ceiling, so try not to make any noise when walking."

"I understand." Brother Xiao nodded.

"Follow me, I'm familiar with this place." Fu Zhen said proudly: "There is only one amphibious assault ship in the three major districts. I have participated in special exercises here no less than twenty times, and I have walked through ventilation ducts and other things."

"Okay, you lead the way."

five minutes later.

Everyone removed the entrance railing of the air flow duct in the storage room and disassembled the constantly rotating fan inside. Then they entered the extremely narrow duct one by one and climbed forward in batches.

The distance from the storage room to the dock was not too far, but it took everyone a full hour and a half to crawl. When they arrived at the vent above the dock, they were dumbfounded.

There is a rotating fan on the outside of the vent, but the iron bars are welded on the inside, making it impossible to get out. In the dock below, there were six soldiers on duty, only about six or seven meters away from the people above them.

"Is it okay if you don't continue talking?!" Brother Xiao didn't dare to move, so he asked in a low voice.

Fu Zhen was also confused: "Damn it, there are too many acting scenes... These idiots have learned to be smart and are welded to death by pipes."

at the same time.

On the No. 093 cruise ship, Wei Zirun said to Ma Laoer: "You guys wait on the maintenance ship. As soon as the infiltration team reports back the news, I will immediately approach the Pearl and notify you to launch. They have controlled the dock, and you can go in. ….”

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