District 9

Chapter 2555 Military Engineering Supervision Department (Leader Update)

"Cooperation, I mean cooperation, not a decisive battle." Ma Laoer replied speechlessly: "My Commander-in-Chief, you don't really think that just relying on the people in our Military Supervision Bureau can control the entire Southern Patrol. Fleet No. 1, hold on, right? No, right? No, right?"

"...Then how can we cooperate?"

"We contacted insider Wei Zirun and formulated a plan." Ma Laoer explained to Qin Yu in a low voice.

An hour later, Qin Yu personally called the Lizhan Headquarters and Lincheng Headquarters and talked with them separately for a long time.

In the afternoon, the Li Zhan Department and Lin Cheng Department, which originally only pressed in the direction of Luhuai, suddenly accelerated their advance and attack rhythm, and rushed forward crazily.

At the same time, the headquarters of the two theaters established a military engineering supervision department at the same time, and the chief of general staff directly served as the director. Supervision cadres within the department were also transferred from the picket department.

As the large forces advanced, the troops waiting for battle in the rear began to follow the lead of the forward corps and frantically built strong defenses.

Within the activity area of ​​He Dachuan Brigade.

More than 400 soldiers carrying shovels and bags of soil were digging holes in the land along the back of the forward corps.

My uncle Ai Hao brought people from the Military Engineering Supervision Department to personally visit the project area to supervise the work.

"It needs to be deeper. It should be dug according to the standards of air-raid shelters." The person from the Supervision Department said to Aihao with a frown: "Ordinary trenches are at least three meters deep, and they cannot be straight up and down. There must be bunkers below to prevent large-scale fire coverage. Hole."

Ai Hao nodded: "I understand."

"We must not relax our defense of the strongholds." Someone from the Supervision Department pointed to the loose soil bags placed at the front and said: "Use bags on the outside, insert steel plates and heat insulation boards on the inside, and apply cement... The standards should be followed for city defense fortresses."

When Ai Hao heard this, he couldn't help but said: "How much cement will this cost? The Ministry of Munitions cannot supply it at all."

"Supply trucks will come from various places tonight to provide you with supplies. Remember, you would rather have fewer strongholds, but you can't be fooled. The front must be hard enough to withstand shelling."

"Okay, I understand."

In this way, while the forward corps was advancing, the rear was urgently building the toughest military defense project in history.

Luhuai, inside the Zhou Clan headquarters.

Zhou Xingli sat on the sofa and asked Li Bokang with a haggard face: "What batch is it?"

"The sixth batch." Li Bokang said while holding the data file: "Thirty-five thousand intellectual talents, professional talents, students, and young officers have left. Four more political cadres and family members have also left. Twelve thousand.”

"It's still a bit slow." Zhou Xingli frowned and replied.

"The elites who left before were not too many, and we also have relatively few ships." Li Bokang continued: "At present, we have requisitioned all the ships that can be transported in Luhuai, but it is still not enough. But there are still Okay, the ships from Xia Island will arrive one after another tonight. Some of our core troops in the city can also be withdrawn."

"Except for the city defense troops and naval forces, all other troops in the city will leave first." Zhou Xingli gave instructions: "Especially the Rocket Force and Air Force, these expensive arms, must leave first."

"I understand." Li Bokang nodded and stood up slowly: "Commander-in-Chief, as soon as the main troops in the city evacuate, you must also consider leaving."

When Zhou Xingli heard this, he felt lonely in his heart. After being silent for a long time, he nodded: "Yes, I understand."

That night, the whistle sounded throughout the sea outside Luhuai, and more than 30 giant transport ships and cruise ships came from Xia Island, all approaching the shore.

At the same time, Zhou's Southern Patrol Fleet No. 1, as well as the two major fleets of the European Union's Zone 1, all spread out in all directions and entered combat mode, preparing to cover the evacuation of Zhou's personnel on the shore.

An extremely spectacular scene appeared. More than 20,000 rocket troops, more than 10,000 air force ground staff, reserve personnel, staff, and nearly 50,000 military family members were walking on the frozen sea carrying their luggage and rushing to the destination. Ships docked.

EU Region 1 is really doing its best in this plan to support the Zhou Clan. They forcibly recruited hundreds of ships of various sizes near Xia Dao, and arrived at Luhuai Port in batches to support the evacuation brigade of the Zhou Dynasty. And for this level of support, the price paid by the EU Region 1 can be imagined. Known.

This money will not be wasted. The wool comes from the sheep, and after the weekly system is withdrawn, it will naturally give back to others in some way.

Along the coastline, there were cries and farewells everywhere.

Soldiers can leave with their families, but family members are unable to take away their relatives. Many people receive temporary evacuation plans and prepare to board the ship as soon as they leave.

Relatives and friends stood outside the cordon at the port, waving and shouting, but they were unable to get close to the people they cared about.

The sadness of parting spread. Not only the people who boarded the ship and saw them off cried, but even the troops who were guarding the cordon outside the cordon also cried...

When will they leave?

Can they take their loved ones with them?

These are all unknowns.

Near Port No. 1, a small warship sat on the shore and was moored.

More than 40 military vehicles rushed in from the outside and stopped at the boarding point.

The car doors opened one by one, and the guards immediately stood guard beside the ship. Xu Hancheng led his relatives and his core generals to appear in the port.

"Commander, this way!" The adjutant ran forward and made an inviting gesture.

Xu Hancheng leaned on crutches, waved his hand and replied: "Let them get on the boat first, I will stand for a while."

Everyone did not dare to say anything and just stepped silently onto the warship. Xu Hancheng stood on the side of the ship, looked at the rivers of his motherland, and lit a cigarette.

The cold wind blows slowly, and the white hair is messy.

Xu Hancheng smoked a cigarette, his eyes full of sadness and reluctance. In fact, he didn't want to leave, but he had to leave. He was the leader of the Xu clan and someone who fought side by side with Zhou Xingli. His political stance could not be changed. After several battles, the inland was full of wars. Therefore, defeat and surrender would not allow him to enjoy his old age.

He could only be forced to leave, leaving his hometown and going to an unknown place.

After smoking a cigarette, Xu Hancheng boarded the battleship with his eyes red, leaning on a cane and his back bleakly.

Tonight is just a preliminary evacuation plan for the Zhou clan, and the large forces in the rear have not left yet.

These Chinese will flow overseas in batches and live there again. By a strange combination of circumstances, after the year of the Era, their resources gradually recovered and new regions emerged one after another. They formed an organization called the Chinese Alliance, or Huatong for short. Will, and gradually become bigger...

Of course, this is all for later.

The next day.

Zhou Xingli received a report from the forward corps, and the Li Zhan Department and Lin Cheng Department continued to advance crazily.

Zhou Xingli was so angry that he personally called the admiral of the European Union Zone 1 and asked them to attack the coalition forces on the flanks to ensure the smooth implementation of the evacuation plan.

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