District 9

Chapter 2539: Chess to lure the enemy

Luhuai, inside the Zhou Clan headquarters.

Zhou Xingli looked at the battle report and said to the staff with furrowed brows: "The purpose of the Li War Department's sudden attack is obvious. He just wants to cooperate with Chen Jun's action in Nanhu tonight. Therefore, our army's frontline troops must not let Their advance plan succeeded. Order the forward operations department to hold on at all costs and wait for the results of the Nanhu battlefield."


The chief of staff who was responsible for delivering the order stood up and responded.

At this moment, Zhou Xingli was very nervous, but he was not worried about the fierce battles from Jiujiang or how violent the attack would be on his forward troops, but he was worried about whether there would be changes in Nanhu.

To put it simply, if Chen Zhongqi can successfully resolve the civil strife within the Chen clan tonight, then Chen Baotuan will definitely be able to defend himself. But if Chen Zhongqi fails to do this, even if his frontline troops can defend against the previous attacks, from an overall perspective, the war in the south will be completely over.

Therefore, tonight the Zhou Department has completely placed its bets on Chen Zhongqi, and the entire layout of Nanhu City depends entirely on the latter's performance.

However, this bet is not something Zhou Xingli is willing to make, but he has no choice at all, because currently this is the only ally he can win over.

In the frontal battlefield in the central area of ​​Jiujiang and Luhuai, the Seventh Army of District 9 and First Theater led by Ruan Ming is the main offensive unit tonight.

After a corps of troops pounced on it, Ruan Mingfang adopted the conventional tactics of artillery fire coverage and armored force advancement, in order to test the opponent's defensive hardness.

Soon, the main defensive force of the Zhou Clan also responded. The three artillery regiments opened fire immediately, and actually launched an artillery exchange with Ruan Ming's department to express their determination to defend.

The tentative attack ended quickly, and the main force of Nguyen Minh's infantry regiment pounced on them together and started a positional battle with the opponent. However, after two charges, the result was not ideal. The opponent also showed the momentum of preferring to die in the trenches rather than give up the defensive zone.

This battle will determine the final outcome of the southern battlefield. At the moment of life and death, the direct troops of the Zhou Dynasty also adopted a sacrificial attitude.

Nanhu City, the entrance to the compound of the Chen Department Headquarters.

Qu Feng received a call from Chen Zihui and led 500 soldiers into the main building of the headquarters, killing or capturing the guard officers and soldiers in the building.

In the compound and in the building, corpses were strewn on the ground and rivers of blood flowed.

Qu Feng wore a blood-stained military uniform and ran straight upstairs with a gun.

In the combat conference room, Chen Zhongren's chief of staff went downstairs to stop him with less than twenty guards.

"If you want to fucking get there, kill me first!" The chief of staff was stuck at the top of the stairs, pointing at the other person and yelling.

Qu Feng ignored the guards led by the other party, stepped up the steps and shouted: "I've done everything, do you think I'm still afraid of your threat?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers led by Qu Feng downstairs directly set up their machine guns and aimed them at Chen Zhongren's chief of staff.

Upstairs, in the combat conference room, He Donglai lowered his head and glanced at the text message on the phone, turned to Chen Zihui and said: "...the troops from the port have already come in, and Qu Feng has also entered the building. I don't think there will be any further delay, just go directly. With the command from the headquarters, we can force Chen Zhongren to declare his resignation and that will be it."

At this moment, He Donglai had already called Chen Zhongren by his first name. Judging from this detail, the advice in their mouths was full of irony. When rights truly confront each other, there is no discussion at all.

"You don't understand. Zhong Qi wants to win but also wants to be famous." After Chen Zihui pondered for a while, he waved directly to his adjutant: "You go back to the house again."

Upon hearing the sound, the adjutant immediately walked to the door of the lounge, opened the door, looked into the room and said, "Commander Chen, Brigadier Qu Feng has led his troops to the headquarters building and provided military protection for the surrounding area."

Chen Zhongqi waved his hand when he heard the sound: "I understand, don't come in again."

The adjutant hesitated, closed the door and left.

In the room, Chen Zhongqi held the chess pieces and whispered: "Commander Chen, the matter is over, you should go out and take charge of the overall situation and announce the liquidation of Chen Jun's department."

Chen Zhongren looked at the chessboard and didn't reply.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Chen Zhongqi shouted in a low voice: "Brother! Do you have to force my general, or force them to come in and use knives and guns?!"

Chen Zhongren looked up at him and said expressionlessly: "You are too impatient, the chess game has not been finished yet."

In Nanhu Port No. 1, on the Transport Road No. 2, which is more than 30 kilometers long, a large force led by Chen Feng is about to leave the port and enter the city center.

On the dark and quiet road, the only sounds were military off-road vehicles and the sound of truck tires crushing the snow and the rustling of the road.

Chen Feng picked up the military phone and prepared to inquire about the situation at the headquarters.


At this moment, near the exit of Road 2, three port searchlights suddenly lit up, illuminating the wide and narrow road.

The convoy in the front row saw the sudden lights and slowed down immediately.

In the command car, Chen Feng stuck his head out of the window, observing the situation ahead, and shouted with a walkie-talkie: "What happened?"


As soon as he finished speaking, fierce alarms sounded inside and outside the port.

"Tap tap tap!"

Deafening footsteps sounded from the exit of Road 2, and a large number of navy soldiers in white combat uniforms surrounded them from both sides of the road.

Armored vehicles and carrier-based tanks blocked the road ahead in an instant.

"Surrender without killing!"

A shout rang out from the loudspeaker hanging above the lighthouse.

"Fuck, it's over...it's over, Lao Wang has rebelled." Chen Feng sat in the car and was stunned.

"what to do?!"

"...," Chen Feng swallowed. Immediately shouted: "It's too late to retreat, hurry up, fight out!"

Inside Military Port No. 1.

Staff Officer Wang sat on a chair and said to a general with a lonely look: "I have done everything I can. I hope you will give me a nice word for the sake of our colleagues!"

The general glanced at him coldly, picked up the microphone and shouted: "Main ship and auxiliary ship, 16 groups of horizontal shots."

Thirty seconds later.

The two warships parked outside the port entered combat mode like Transformers. The main and secondary guns raised their heads and focused on the target. Multiple sets of rocket launchers also rose out of the missile silos.


"Bang bang...!"

The cannon roared.

"Swish swish!"

The rocket launcher takes off.

A few seconds later, Chen Feng's troops, who were preparing to enter the city for a sneak attack, were attacked by warships that were disproportionate to their own strength, and were crippled in almost one round.

Near Exit 2, three thousand naval soldiers shouted loudly: "Come on! Capture the rebels!"


The army swarmed forward.

Frontal battlefield.

Ruan Ming was defended like a turtle shell by the enemy, which made him feel extremely irritable. Three rounds of charges by his own troops failed to gain any advantage.

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