District 9

Chapter 2534 The intrigues in Nanhu City

Late at night, in the Nanhu office building of the Chen Department's First Advance Army, Chen Zhongqi was sitting on a chair in the office, looking at the video conference video on the computer and said: "... Zihui, come from the east, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. If Chen Jun has persuaded the Commander-in-Chief, what should we do?"

"How possible is this scenario?" Chen Zihui, deputy commander of the advance army, frowned and asked.

"...Think about it, it's already a fact that Chen Jun led his army to rebel, and everyone else has entered Nanhu. If the commander-in-chief wasn't persuaded by him, why didn't he detain him and let him go?" Chen Zhongqi He frowned and said: "Anyway, there are many details similar to this. In addition, there is another very critical point."

"What point?" He Donglai asked.

"That's because we can't afford to gamble." Chen Zhongqi said in a hoarse voice: "Even if the possibility of the commander-in-chief being persuaded is only 10%, as long as it happens, it will be fatal to us. Once Qin Yu's troops are killed, If we take Nanhu, we will definitely kill people when we enter the city. It is estimated that even the core generals of our First Advance Army will not be spared."

In the video, the two absolute leaders of the advance army looked at each other with unsightly expressions.

"...We cannot afford to take this risk."

"Do you mean rebellion?" Chen Zihui asked directly: "Aren't we the same as Shen Wanzhou and others?"

"No, I don't want to rebel. As long as the commander-in-chief orders troops to clear out Chen Jun's rebels in front of everyone, then we will definitely be willing to accept his leadership." Chen Zhongqi said bluntly: "...I am not Shen Wanzhou, and I don't want to He has gained the reputation of admonishing his elder brother. Zihui, Donglai, we just want to protect ourselves."

"Nanhu City is full of direct descendants of the Commander-in-Chief. Let's go to a meeting. How can you force the Commander-in-Chief to give an order?" He Donglai asked.

"I have been at the General Staff Headquarters for so long, can I still do without this card?" Chen Zhongqi said in a low voice: "Some people were brought in and blocked the venue during the meeting. We people directly knelt down and begged the commander-in-chief to issue instructions to wipe out the rebels. Order, and then the Navy and the Zhou Department will cooperate. Eat Chen Jun and cook the raw rice into cooked rice. In this way... the commander-in-chief's position will not change and everyone will be safe. To say something unpleasant, even if If we fail, what we end up with is the reputation of a loyal minister and a loyal remonstrator, not a rebellious general."

Chen Zihui thought about it for a long time: "...Now it's hard to ride a tiger. I agree with your idea."

At around one o'clock in the morning, inside the Nanhu Chen Clan headquarters.

Chen Zhongren sat cross-legged on the mat, drinking rice porridge and looking at the chessboard on the table.

Opposite him, a middle-aged general sat cross-legged on the tile with a nervous expression, wiping his cheeks with a tissue. He didn't know whether it was because he was hot or because he was too fat. In short, it was awkward to sit on the mattress, and his face was covered with sweat.

Chen Zhongren was drinking porridge, moving the chess pieces on the chessboard, and asked calmly: "Old Wang, what do you think of the current situation?"

The middle-aged man raised his head when he heard the sound and replied with a bright smile on his face: "...Commander-in-Chief, this battle broke out inland. Our navy has never participated in the battle, so all the information comes from battle reports and data analysis. But this is just based on paper. When talking about the current situation, I can only take a peek at the situation. I’m really not very good at judging..."

"Xiaojun came to me. He advised me to open the Nanhu City Gate, welcome the coalition forces into the city, and settle the old feud with Sichuan Mansion and the Eighth District. But just after he left, Zhong Qi also came to me. I could tell from his words, Many people don't want to tie their own hands and hand over Nanhu to Qin Yu." Chen Zhongren sighed and said: "Oh, I am also very conflicted now, just like this chessboard, the path is clear, but I just can't make a move. The ideal result is difficult.”

The middle-aged man surnamed Wang wiped his sweat again and immediately echoed: "... grasping the overall situation is what your commander-in-chief should consider, and we, the generals, only need to do our best to carry out your orders, and I personally believe that ….”

"This is too frivolous." Chen Zhongren interrupted directly: "I want to hear your true thoughts."

The middle-aged man named Wang was silent and his face was pale.

"Do you support Zhong Qi's suggestion, or do you think Xiaojun's suggestion can also be considered?" Chen Zhongren pressed.

The middle-aged man surnamed Wang clenched his fists and whispered again: "I support the commander-in-chief's judgment. No matter which plan you choose, all combat units of our navy will be based on your orders and the plan you formulated." Target."

Chen Zhongren didn't even raise his head, still drinking porridge with his head down and looking at the chessboard. The middle-aged man named Wang no longer dared to move at this moment and just sat in silence.

Chen Zhongren moved the rook-shaped chess piece on the chessboard and prepared to take the throne: "Haha, Old Wang! My son has rebelled... Oh, do you think I can trust you?"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man surnamed Wang stood up suddenly, saluted and shouted: "I and other naval admirals will support the leader to the death."

Chen Zhongren put down the bowl and looked up at him: "I don't want to ask about your past, but you can't make the wrong move now."

The middle-aged man surnamed Wang was startled for a moment, then replied again: "I will bear in mind the commander-in-chief's teachings!"

"Would you like to eat something? I see you have lost weight recently due to hunger." After Chen Zhongren stood up, he patted the other party's shoulder hard and left decisively.

Five minutes later, in the corridor, a staff officer asked Chen Zhongren: "Do you think he...?"

"Available." Chen Zhongren replied succinctly.

Inside Chen Jun’s camp.

"Immediately purchase some casual clothes, enough for three regiments." Chen Jun sat on a chair and ordered: "Transfer people out, leave the camp secretly, gather secretly, and you will manage it yourself."

"Understood!" The chief of staff nodded and asked, "When will we do it?"

"Tomorrow, the gunshot will sound." Chen Jun replied.


After the two discussed, Meng Xi arrived, sat in Chen Jun's office, and asked with a smile: "Brother Jun, do you think I can help?"

"Did you come with a sword or an amnesty order?" Chen Jun intervened and asked.

Meng Xi thought for a while and replied: "To be honest, I have them all."

"...Refreshing!" Chen Jun nodded slowly.

"Can it be done?" Meng Xi asked bluntly.

"Try it!" Chen Jun replied.

In Luhuai, in the Chief Nursing Home, Xu Hancheng was lying on the hospital bed and asked in a low voice: "Did Commander Zhou agree to Chen Zhongqi's plan?"

"Yes, the Luhuai troops will cooperate." The officer next to him nodded.

"Damn it, this Chen Zhongqi is just a troublemaker." Xu Hancheng shook his head and commented: "Before they and the Sichuan government had a falling out, this bastard was jumping up and down every day and wanted to fuck us. Later, when they split, he He also advocated fucking the Chuan Prefecture and the Eighth District... Now in turn, he wants to fuck the eldest brother. ... His life is run through by the word "gan", but he has done it over and over again, but he has not understood any of it!"

The officer pondered for a while and replied: "I heard that he didn't want to do anything to Chen Zhongren. He just wanted to force him to turn over Chen Jun and show his firm attitude."

"...These words are just for fooling a three-year-old child." Xu Hancheng curled his lips and replied: "His mouth is similar to Biaozi's working channel. As long as the interests are right, it can do any job."

These words were so sharp that the officer did not dare to answer them, and he also muttered in his heart that after Commander-in-Chief Xu returned from Jiujiang, his speaking style had changed, and every word he used was like a quatrain.

A little aggrieved, a little radical, a little unbalanced...

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