District 9

Chapter 2464 Meng Xi who lost his mind

Inside the Governor's Office Building.

Gu Tai'an had been carried out of the ward, and more than thirty personal guards escorted him to the backyard air raid shelter.

In the center of the crowd, more than a dozen generals from the headquarters were trotting along with the stretcher towards the backyard.

"Governor, we may not be able to hold on for the time being. For your safety now, we must send you to the air raid shelter and find an opportunity to evacuate." The chief of general staff whispered: "Don't worry, our two regiments will all die in the battle." , and I will definitely protect you."

Gu Tai'an lay on the hospital bed and nodded slowly: "Hold, hold, wait for the support from Fatty Teng's division outside the city."


The generals nodded.

The group quickly passed through the internal defense zone and rushed to the underground air raid shelter.

As soon as Gu Tai'an moved, He Yu immediately received the news. A staff officer stood in the operations hall of the security headquarters and spoke very quickly: "Lao Gu has been moved into the air-raid shelter. This shows that their security department no longer has the determination to defend."

"Are you sure?" He Yu asked.

"Confirmed. All the Gu soldiers in the defense area saw Gu Tai'an being moved, and our two internal agents confirmed the news." The staff officer immediately replied: "And... Gu Tai'an seemed to say when he was being carried away, We have to wait for reinforcements... reinforcements from outside the city."

"He's talking about Fatty Teng's Division. Currently, this is the only unit that can carry out siege warfare." He Yu thought about it carefully and continued: "Damn it, add another regiment and quickly clean up the area around the Governor's Office. The remaining enemy troops must work together to capture him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a communications officer stood up and shouted: "There is a call from the battlefield from the Military Intelligence Division."

"Get it!" He Yu shouted.

The call was transferred to the combat table. He Yu picked up the phone and asked, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Hello, Commander He Yu, I am Gu Zheng's adjutant. We were held up on the battlefield of the Military Intelligence Division. Five hundred people from the other party appeared out of nowhere and blocked our attack." The other party said in a hurried tone: "Chief Gu Zheng asked me to convey two important pieces of information to you: First, there may still be a certain number of Gu troops remaining in the city. We don't know how they got in. We don't know how many they have. Therefore, Chief Gu Zheng reminds you that you must pay attention to the safety of the headquarters. Secondly, we need support here."

He Yu frowned: "The battlefield is so stalemate in the governor's office, how can I still have the troops to support you?!"

"If you don't support us, we won't be able to get out of trouble. Chief Gu is at risk of being captured."

"Damn it!" He Yu gritted his teeth: "Okay, I understand, just hold on."


After the two sides ended the call, He Yu immediately ordered: "Deploy a battalion of the security regiment to support Gu Zheng's side. Damn it, these politicians only engage in conspiracy under the table. If they really start a war, it will be useless. ! Before the war started, the chief of the police department assured me that 1,500 special police officers were on standby at any time, but when the war started, they only had 200 people participating in the war, and the leader was my brother..."

From the tone of He Yu's words, it was clear that he did not have any particular respect for the Gu family.

"Okay, I will send people to support immediately." After the chief of staff replied, he also reminded again: "Gu Zheng said that there may still be some people active in the city. Should we slow down the attack speed to prevent changes in the city? Because Our current main force has all rushed towards the Governor's Office, and the city defense and headquarters are relatively empty."

"Gu Tai'an has already run into the air-raid shelter. Wouldn't he be a fool to slow down his advance and withdraw some of his troops at this time?" He Yu replied without hesitation: "Attack with all your strength and forget about other things. In addition, command Everyone in the department has gathered together, and we will go directly to the Governor's Office to join the large army."

"Yes!" The chief of staff nodded.

Military intelligence branch battlefield.

The five hundred people supporting Gu Yan rushed straight into the battlefield from one point, directly separating the special police inside and outside the building, as well as the people brought by Gu Zheng.

After the battlefield was cut open with a knife, Gu Yan and Meng Xi led their men out of the building and went straight to the direction of Gu Zheng to pursue them.

On the street where gunfire burst, the adjutant pulled his neck and shouted at Gu Zheng: "Sir, there are too many of them. I don't think we can wait until the support troops arrive."

"Damn it, Gu Yan is the bait." No matter how stupid Gu Zheng was, he understood the key point of the matter at this moment. The reason why Gu Yan didn't leave Yan Bei was because he was waiting for the other party to attack him.

As soon as the battle started, the disadvantage of the military intelligence branch was staged by Gu Yan in order to see clearly how many people were helping the Gu family.

Now that the opponent's counterattack has begun, Gu Zheng is at an absolute disadvantage. Although he wanted to capture Gu Yan alive, his reason told him that the fighting chance was gone. If he continued to fight, he might end up here. And currently, on the battlefield on the side of the Governor's Office, the Gu family and the Security Headquarters have the upper hand. As long as they can succeed there, Gu Yan can't escape, so there is no need to risk his life at this time.

After thinking about this, Gu Zheng quickly issued a retreat order, asking the SWAT team and his retainers to quickly retreat to the outside.

However, Gu Yan and Meng Xi had been waiting for so long, waiting for Gu Zheng to play all the cards. Could they let Gu Zheng leave so easily?

Around the building, Gu Yan was wearing a white shirt, holding a gun and shouting: "Fuck, everyone, ignore the SWAT team and ignore the people in the building. Just pinch the opponent's retreating troops and fuck them hard!"

After Meng Xi heard this, he was also very anxious. He turned around and shouted at the person in charge: "Gather the body armor for me and pick out twenty people. Hurry!"

"Come here, come here!" The person in charge waved his hand and shouted behind him.

Soon twenty people gathered together, and the military intelligence personnel responsible for the cover also took off all their body armor and threw them in the alley of the street.

Meng Xi picked up two pieces of body armor, wrapped them directly around his legs, and fastened them with cross-buttons. Then he pulled his neck and shouted: "Take four telescopic steel shields, let's divide into four groups, and just rush over. Guns." Don’t cease fire, stand up immediately if you fall, and break through their covering troops. Their retreating troops will definitely be in chaos.”

As soon as the words fell, the twenty people divided into four groups, hid behind the retractable steel shields, and rushed directly from the alley.

"They're charging, fire, fire!" the officer in charge of the Gu family yelled immediately.

He swept wildly from the D step, and the steel shields he hit were emitting sparks. However, Meng Xi and others pushed forward in a straight line, and their bodies could be completely locked in the shield. Rush forward.

"Machine gun, mount the machine gun quickly and hit them with the handgun!" The person in charge saw that the automatic firepower could not suppress the opponent, and immediately roared again.

"Swish swish!"

Several hand bombs were thrown from the back of the car.


With the sound of explosion, Meng Xi and others who were running at the front were the first to be hit. Their hand l exploded under their feet. Five people were knocked down by shrapnel on the spot. The man who was running at the front holding up a shield was shot dead by a SWAT sniper.

Meng Xi's arms and face were covered with blood. He lay on the ground with ringing ears and glanced around. Completely relying on instinct, he pulled the shield to his side and set it up again.

"Can you still run?" Meng Xi was actually temporarily deaf in both ears, but he didn't know it. He just looked around the battlefield and yelled.


The remaining three injured military intelligence officers all got up immediately.

"It's from cnm! Either you die or I live!" Meng Xi has always been a rational person, but at this moment, he doesn't know why he is so resentful of the Gu family, which makes him so arrogant. He holds a shield with no regard for his own safety and rushes towards the police with blood flowing on his body. Enter the defense zone on the opposite side.

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