District 9

Chapter 2446 Talk

Half an hour later.

Several military vehicles were parked at the entrance of an apartment at the Nanhu Naval Headquarters. Chen's chief of staff stepped out of the vehicle and led people into the building.

A short while later, in a room on the fourth floor, Chen Jun was sitting on the sofa, looking at the chief of general staff with cold eyes and no expression on his face.

"Xiaojun, the headquarters requires you to return to Jiangzhou immediately. The situation there..." After the chief of general staff bent down and sat down, he spoke quickly to explain the situation in Jiangzhou.

"What's the matter? Can't we sit down and talk about it? After the fight in District 9, District 8 will be in chaos; once District 8 is in chaos, District 7 will also be in chaos," Chen Jun yelled angrily: "When is the end? Is there any end? ah?!"

The chief of general staff was silent.

"You have to come out openly if you are unhappy and put the problem on the table, but you acquiesce to the Zhou Clan's attack on Sichuan and organize the troops to give way. Isn't this just over the line?" Chen Jun glared and asked: "We use How long did it take for the relationship with the Eighth District and the Sichuan Mansion to reach this level? How much effort did I, Chen Jun, make in this relationship? With this opening fire, everything was gone!"

"Xiaojun, Jiangzhou cannot be lost." The Chief of General Staff stepped in and looked at him: "You know the importance of it better than anyone else. Of the three major cities in the Seventh District, the Zhou Clan occupies two. Although we sit in the capital, We must be positioned diagonally with Jiangzhou in order to contain Jiujiang and Luhuai on both sides. If we lose here... we will be very passive."

Chen Jun loosened his collar and gasped violently.

"You are right. If there are problems, we can sit down and talk about them, but the anger of a few people cannot change everyone's minds." The chief of general staff continued: "As for the direction of reform of a system, we will study it later. But now Jiangzhou must be saved."

Chen Jun was silent when he heard the sound.

"Let's put it this way, after the one-system plan is implemented, whether it is five years or ten years, your position, Chen Jun, may not be affected at all, but it is different for others! Many generals will be laid off. You have to delegate power... You have to consider their situation and ideas." The chief of general staff stood up slowly and said: "Even if we have to talk in the future, we have to sit in Jiangzhou and talk."

Chen Jun stood up slowly, frowned and looked at the other party and said, "If I continue like this, I will choose the army between my family and the army. I have to be responsible for my 60,000 to 70,000 brothers, that's it!"

After saying that, Chen Jun strode out quickly.

The chief of general staff watched Chen Jun leave, slowly took out his cell phone and dialed a number: "Hello? Zhong Qi, Xiaojun is back, but he is very dissatisfied. He probably wants to go to talk."

"How did he say?"

"He said that if his gaffe continues to get out of control, he will choose the army between his family and the army."

"...!" After the other party was silent for a long time, he softly replied: "Let him stabilize Jiangzhou, and we will add more troops later."

"Well, I'll go back to the headquarters right away."

After Chen Jun left the apartment, he bent over and sat in the car and said, "Go to the port and airport immediately."

"Yes!" The driver nodded.

Chen Jun sat in the car and took out his phone and dialed the number of the chief of staff: "Completely reduce the garrison in Jiangzhou and do not engage in head-on fire with the Sichuan army."

"Their offensive is very fierce, and we are avoiding it. We may also lose the defense area in the central part of Jiangzhou." the chief of staff reminded.

"Retreat thirty kilometers and avoid fighting in the defense zone. I will contact the Sichuan government immediately."

"Okay, I understand."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

After a while, in the capital of Sichuan, Qi Lin received a call from Chen Jun in the headquarters. After listening to the other party's words with a cold attitude, he replied calmly: "Commander Chen, what you are talking about, I can’t help myself, so you’d better give Leilei a call.”

Chen Jun listened to Qi Lin's tone and immediately explained: "I have lost contact with the outside world these days."

"Well, I can understand." Qi Lin replied still lukewarmly.

"Okay... let's do this for now." Chen Jun sighed secretly and hung up the phone first.

Sitting in the car, Chen Jun considered it carefully before contacting Lin Nianlei again.

"Hello, I'm Chen Jun."

"It's Brother Jun!" Lin Nianlei's attitude was very enthusiastic. She took the initiative to ask: "Is it because of the incident in Jiangzhou?"

"Yes. Some time ago... due to some internal issues, I was... isolated for questioning." After Chen Jun explained something awkwardly, he immediately said: "Currently, I have been re-appointed to be responsible for Jiangzhou issues. I If you don’t want to fight, let’s talk and cease fire immediately!”

"I don't want to fight either." Lin Nianlei immediately replied: "Opening fire between our two families is tantamount to fratricide! But currently, all the reinforcements from the Sichuan government have arrived at the border, and the decision-making of the generals ahead... I also It’s hard to express too many opinions... You know very well that the generals of this army are used to staying outside, and something happened to Qin Yu again, and I... it’s hard for me to control them."

"You should organize a meeting immediately to discuss the cease-fire issue with the generals below." Chen Jun immediately said: "I...I will not cover up this military mistake just by relying on my connections." Chen Jun will I will give you some compensation for your losses, even if you give up the outer border of Jiangzhou."

"Okay, Brother Jun, I'll contact my subordinate generals right away."

"That's it, when I get to Jiangzhou, we can meet."


After saying that, the two ended the call.

five minutes later.

Xiang Zehao, Xun Chengwei, Xiaobai and others who were responsible for attacking Jiangzhou also all learned of Chen Jun's intentions, and they unanimously refused peace talks.

The favorability of the people in the Sichuan Mansion towards the Chen Clan has now dropped to a negative number. Currently, the generals of the Sichuan Mansion are unwilling to believe a word of what they say.

Chen Jun boarded the plane at the naval headquarters airport and also received a call from the chief of staff. The other party told him that the offensive rhythm of the Sichuan troops had slowed down.

At the same time, Lin Nianlei also sent a text message to Chen Jun, telling him that she was holding an internal meeting within the organization to convince the commander to stop attacking the Chen faction.

Chen Jun immediately replied to Lin Nianlei: "For the sake of the overall situation and stability, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Near the Jiangzhou border.

Xiaobai took an off-road vehicle and personally arrived at the forefront of the combat troops, and summoned six regiment leaders to attend a meeting.

"Gather all our armored vehicles and offensive equipment and assemble with the 234th Regiment at location 4." Xiaobai said quickly: "Order all combat soldiers to reduce their own weight, except for ammunition and medical supplies. , no other combat equipment will be brought..."

In the conference room, after listening to Xiaobai's words, a regiment leader frowned and asked, "Are we going to take advantage of the ceasefire to pursue Feng's defeated army?"

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