District 9

Chapter 246 Fishing

Zhao Bao's friend is Tang Yuan, a freelance media writer who usually produces some sharp current affairs news and publishes it on some small portals that need to attract traffic. But because of his sharp writing and sharp and to-the-point perspective on issues, he did not do well. Even last year, he was prosecuted by the prosecutor for maliciously criticizing the Relief Agency and spent half a year in jail.

Tang Yuan was a little reserved in front of Zhao Bao, because when he was in school, he and Zhao Bao were both famous figures in the school and known as talents. But now that everyone has entered the society, family factors play a crucial role. Therefore, classmates who were equally famous in the past can now be said to be living in the same place in heaven and on earth.

In the coffee shop, Zhao Bao looked at Tang Yuan, who was wearing shabby clothes, greasy hair, and a beard, and asked softly: "Eight children died, where are they?"

"It's in the planned area not far from Songjiang." Tang Yuan replied in a low voice: "Those boys were almost underage. Alas, they died miserably."

Zhao Bao was stunned: "Then why did the child die in the car?"

"According to my experience, these children should have been kidnapped and sold by human traffickers. But I haven't figured out why they died in the car." Tang Yuan rubbed his palms and said with a slight frown: "But I'm looking into this."

Zhao Bao's eyes brightened when he heard this, he crossed his legs and asked softly: "Do you think this news is interesting?"

"I checked all the news." When Tang Yuan said this, his face was full of confidence.

There is an inner city river near Nanyang Road. It used to lead directly to Songjiang, but now it has long been neglected. The water in the river is frozen into ice and covered with white snow. The buildings on both sides have long been dilapidated. The fences are rotten and broken, and the concrete slopes are cracked. No one comes here at ordinary times.

A half-new pickup truck parked on the river bank. Liu Zishu stepped out of the truck and shouted with a walkie-talkie: "I'm here. Come out."

About seven or eight minutes later, four or five young people stepped out of the store on the left side of the river bank and quickly gathered around the car.

"What's going on?" Liu Zishu asked standing next to the car.

"It's Pei Deyong's people who are working hard to bulk goods. Many small buyers are trying to measure up, so they go to get the goods from them." The leading young man said in a low voice: "The brothers below me have made many appointments. , but now they are cancelled.”

"Have you ever figured out whether Pei Deyong's people entered our ground bulk cargo or asked someone to pick it up?" Liu Zishu asked again.

"I asked people to come and pick it up." The young man responded with a serious face: "None of them stepped on the line and came to sell it."

After hearing this, Liu Zishu walked around in the same place, and after thinking carefully for a while, he said: "Then what you do is, find a few small buyers who have a close relationship with us, call Pei Deyong's brothers who sell bulk goods, and tell them what they have in hand We don’t have enough goods to sell, so let them send some over and trade here.”

"I'm not sure if they can deliver the goods." The young man responded with some uncertainty.

"The people lying down below can make whatever money they want." Liu Zishu replied expressionlessly: "Just tell the buyer that if the buyer doesn't come, let him increase the purchase volume."

"Okay, I understand." The young man nodded.

"Let's go to the house for a while." Liu Zishu locked the car and greeted everyone.

In front of a low-end music bar on Nanyang Road.

"Hello?" A young man with dyed white hair shouted with a phone in his hand: "Do you want to see me for anything?"

"I heard that you also sell bulk goods? Haha, can you share some with me?"

"Okay, come and get it. I'm at the Waka Waka Bar." The white-haired boy agreed.

"I can't leave now. I'm waiting for the buyer to pick up the goods." The other party paused and replied, "Hey, can you have someone deliver it to me?"

"That won't work. There is a message from above that we are not allowed to sell out of our own place." The white-haired boy shook his head: "You'd better pick it up yourself."

"Damn it, is your management so strict there?"

"This is international management, haha!" the white-haired guy laughed.

"Let me tell you, the Ma family's goods are all limited. There are only so many in one day, so I am very short of stock." The other party lowered his voice and said: "If you can deliver it to me, starting from today, I will need you every day." Two boxes of antiviral medicine.”

The white-haired boy was stunned: "Can you eat so much?"

"Yes." The other party nodded and replied, "But it's not easy for me to go to your place."


"Damn, why are you talking about it? You are all small buyers now. If I meet an acquaintance and tell Liu Zishu and the others about this, I will not be a good person." The other party explained in a low voice: "After all, I I have been working with them for a long time, and I really can’t leave now, and I’m waiting for someone to come and distribute the medicine.”

The white-haired guy was silent for a few seconds: "How can you really eat two boxes? That's more than 10,000 yuan?!"

"How can you win a prize if I lie to you?"

"……Where are you?"

"Just over here at Magou."

"Then we're pretty close." The white-haired guy blinked, licked his lips and said, "Okay, I'll send it to you later. But it's a bit expensive, I have to ask for cash."

"Okay, give me a call when you get there."

"Okay, that's it." The white-haired guy lowered his head and hung up the phone.

Around 10:30 pm.

The white-haired boy drove an old-fashioned van, led the two brothers to Magou, and parked the car by the river.

The three of them waited for a short while, and two young men came out of the gambling stall next to them, came to the car and knocked on the window.

The white-haired guy got out of the car, grinned and shouted, "Long time no see?"

"Haha, are you doing well recently?" the young man asked casually.

"Okay." The white-haired guy came to the back of the van, opened the trunk with gloves on, and bared his teeth and said, "Twelve thousand and two thousand in total. Take a look at the goods and move them out if there is no problem."

"Are you in such a hurry?" the young man asked with a smile.

"To be honest, if you hadn't called me, I wouldn't have come here at all. The superiors wouldn't let you." The white-haired guy explained.

"Okay." The young man nodded, turned to look at the follower and said, "Let's inspect the goods."

Another person came forward after hearing the sound, reached out and opened the box, pulled out two bottles of medicine, glanced at it and replied, "No problem."

"There must be nothing wrong with the medicine." The white-haired boy bared his teeth and said, "These are all products from Fengbei Longxing. The quality is very high. It is much better than the Ma family's illegally produced products..."

"Really? Do you know where our Ma family got the goods?"

At this moment, Liu Zishu led seven or eight people and walked up from the back.

The white-haired boy was stunned when he saw Uncle Liu Zi, and suddenly turned around to look at the little buyer: "Why is he here?"

"CNM, have you crossed the line?!" Liu Zishu roared angrily, showing the big iron stick behind him with his right hand, standing firmly in the snow with his legs, and smashed it head on.


There was a muffled sound, and the white-haired boy's forehead was hit with blood, and he fell to the ground on his back.

"Poaching, right? Calling the buyer, right? There's no limit on purpose, right?!" Liu Zishu swung the big iron stick: "You fucked up, you don't have the rules to do it, then we don't have the rules to play!"

"Bang, bang bang!"

Liu Zishu held the iron rod high and hit the white-haired boy with all his strength several times. The latter broke his arm and lay on the snow and shouted: "You're almost done. It's not over anymore...is it?"

Inside the cafe.

Tang Yuan drank coffee, frowned and asked Zhao Bao, "Are you also interested in such sensitive news?"

"I want to do something practical." Zhao Bao nodded.

Tang Yuan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

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