District 9

Chapter 2429 Night Terror

In the urban area of ​​Chongdu, Wu Jing and three people left the trading company and drove together to the tracking location.

About two hours later, at the foot of Xiushan Mountain outside Chongdu, Wu Jing's car stopped on the street in the Life Village.

After a while, a military intelligence officer with an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes walked over. After turning his head and looking around, he opened the door and sat in the back seat.

"Group Wu, he is in a boarding and lodging shop in front." The military intelligence officer said to Wu Jing.

"Is it just him?" Wu Jing asked.

"He came here on his own, but we don't know who he met specifically." The military intelligence officer replied softly: "Our people followed him to the boarding and lodging shop, and they have been talking in the guest room on the second floor."

"How many people did he meet?" Wu Jing asked again.

"It's hard to judge this." The military intelligence officer shook his head: "There was only one person to pick him up, but we don't know how many people are in the house, and whether there are people living in other rooms in the courtyard."

Wu Jingcheng nodded: "What is he doing running so far in the middle of the night?"

"It's quite abnormal. His life was very regular in the past few days, except for work and at home." The military intelligence officer frowned and replied: "Today he came out of the area suddenly."

"Divide into two groups. If he wants to go back later, I will keep an eye on him. Then you can lead someone to keep an eye on the people in the boarding and lodging shop. We will keep in communication."


After the two sides communicated for a while, the military intelligence officers got out of the car and returned to their tracking location.

In fact, many people think that the work of military intelligence officers is very exciting and they are in a state of mental stress almost all day long. But what they don't know is that military intelligence officers are actually very boring most of the time.

It is common to sharpen a sword in a year, or even in ten years.

Because their work requires a high degree of secrecy and may be life-threatening if exposed, many military intelligence officers are no different from ordinary people during their hibernation. Moreover, the upward path for most people is relatively narrow, because the chances of encountering big cases and big information are not high.

Take the Chen Clan as an example. Although they have not yet established a government, their military intelligence department has at least six to seven thousand core personnel. It is impossible for all of these people to have the opportunity to encounter big intelligence or big cases, so personal military merit is The accumulation of money is relatively slow. Many people work until they are forty or fifty years old and still achieve nothing.

Wu Jing and others sat in the car and waited until after two o'clock in the morning before Target No. 5 appeared. He drove alone in the car and headed back to the urban area.

On the way, Wu Jing took the phone and whispered: "Kill the end of the boarding and lodging shop. Don't forget to leave a supernumerary person. Once discovered, someone can notify me as soon as possible."

"I understand, team leader!"

After the two communicated for a few words, they ended the call.

Near Lao Sanjiang, Fu Zhen, Lao Zhan and others had been waiting in a test field for several days, but Meng Xi never called them.

This group of people was quite confused. They didn’t know what this mission was about. The higher-ups had no details or plans.

Inside the greenhouse.

Fu Zhen held a hand of playing cards: "Two three, I'm done."

"Are you stupid?" Lao Zhan yelled: "Can two people take care of two people?"

"Why can't you control it? You haven't gone to school. Isn't three older than two?" Fu Zhen asked confidently.

"Brother, have you ever played Landlords? This game has been around for decades, and I have never heard that two or three can control two or two!"

"Can't you afford it?"

"Fuck you, I have no money!" Lao Zhan threw the cards down directly.

"Are you going against me? Do you believe that I can wear small shoes for you...?!" When Fu Zhen was dragging Lao Zhan to grab the money, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Stop making trouble, answer the phone, answer the phone." Lao Zhan roared.

"You'll be waiting for a while!" Fu Zhen took out the phone and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Leave the experimental field by yourself, go in the direction of Chaonan Village, and wait next to the big sign in Field No. 4. Someone will give you something." Meng Xi ordered.

"I'm Zinima, what kind of job is this?" Fu Zhen collapsed after hearing this: "Why does it look like a drug seller?!"

"Go quickly, don't worry." Meng Xi warned: "Remember Ang, you can only go by yourself."

"Okay, I get it."


After that, the two ended the call. Fu Zhen looked at the phone and cursed: "There is really no normal person in Sichuan. Damn it, just tell me what mission you have, it has to be mysterious." "

"Come to work?" Lao Zhan asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, I'll go by myself." Fu Zhen picked up his coat and walked towards the door: "Don't go out."

After leaving the greenhouse of the experimental field, Fu Zhen, who looked at the careless man, stood in the snow and waited for a while to confirm that no one was following him out, and then walked quickly in the direction of Nancun.

Driving hurriedly, Fu Zhen walked about four or five kilometers before arriving at the big sign of Experimental Field No. 4.

It was dark at night and there was no one in sight.

Fu Zhen was wearing a military coat, holding his shoulders, and his nose was so cold that he had runny nose.

Suddenly, there was a faint rustling sound next to Field No. 4, and Fu Zhen immediately turned his head and looked into the darkness. But there was nothing there, only a row of bare trees standing covered with frost and snow.

This sight made Fu Zhen unconsciously recall the story of his battle with military dogs.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhen couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body. He felt that as long as he went out alone at night, he would definitely encounter some weird things.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhen took out a hot water bottle from his pocket and prepared to take a sip to relieve his nervousness.


At this moment, the sound of feet stepping on the snow came from behind a thicker bare tree.

Fu Zhen looked up again and looked over in shock. He saw a tall figure appearing behind the tree and waving at him.

"Who is it? The connector?!" Fu Zhen asked, stretching his neck.

The other party didn't answer and just continued to wave.

"Damn it, why are you still mute?" Fu Zhen carried the kettle and stepped towards him.

Under the moonlight, the two of them got closer and closer. Fu Zhen squinted his eyes and took a closer look at the figure through the faint light outside. Suddenly he felt a little familiar.

Soon, the distance between the two was no more than five meters. Fu Zhen leaned forward to look, and gradually got a clear look at the other person's face.

Behind the tree trunk, the man's face was pale, with a smile on his lips, and he was still waving his hand at Fu Zhen.

"I'm cnm!" Fu Zhen screamed in fright and jumped at least half a meter high.

He finally saw the figure clearly. He was none other than Commander-in-Chief Qin, whom Fu Zhen had visited a few days ago.

"...Xiao Zhen, I don't have any money to spend down here, why don't you send me some mail? I promoted you like that...!" Qin Yu said in a dark voice.

Although Fu Zhen wasn't too big on superstitious matters, when he saw Qin Yu appearing alive in front of him and asking for money, even though he had a steel gut, he was instantly frightened to the point of peeing. .

"Commander Qin!!! I'll burn it for you right away, burn it right away!" Fu Zhen ran towards the road with a scream, and shouted with a pale face: "...I'll give you two more little paper figures for you to play with."

"Brother Fu Zhen, give me a haircut too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Sang, who was "in trouble" with Qin Yu, walked out from the side.


Fu Zhen's feet slipped in fright, and he sat directly in the snowdrift, his crotch instantly wet: "Don't come over, Commander Qin, I have a Guanyin around my neck, come here and fuck them all to death...!"


Wu Jing sat in the car and answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Something's wrong. There are at least ten people in the boarding and lodging shop, and they have a lot of weapons on them. They should be preparing to do some work."

"Working?!" Wu Jing raised his eyebrows instantly.

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