District 9

Chapter 2424 It was so sudden

After the other party was silent for a while, he asked in a serious tone: "The question now is whether Lao Yang will be unable to handle it."

"He certainly won't." Wang Zhou replied without hesitation: "He and we are locked in a fight, on the same boat. What good will it do to him if he vomits? He will refuse to admit it. He is only a commander at best. It is inappropriate and responsible for provoking internal military conflicts. But on this point, the Sichuan government has also made a mistake! Both sides are at fault, so it is impossible to sentence only Lao Yang. But if he admits it, then it is a proper death penalty. , even gods can’t save him.”

The other party was silent.

"What's more, Lao Yang and I have been working together for more than ten years. I know very well what kind of temper he has." Wang Zhou continued: "He will take all the dirty things on himself, but he will also pull Chuan. Both sides have made mistakes, and the Governor's Office also needs to balance it. Otherwise, if one is beaten and the other is lifted, then all the neutralists may be dissatisfied. "

"I understand what you mean."

"Mainly the lower levels, the lower level officers need protection." Wang Zhou continued: "Now the opponent is pushing too hard, and the confrontation under the table will soon turn into a confrontation on the table. We must use the internal energy of the Alliance to protect the plate. At the same time, we must also communicate well with the Chen department. Fatty Teng’s opening fire on the Shaanxi-An’an border is also a big deal. If we use it well, our side will gain momentum.”

"Okay, I'll communicate with Chen Department."

"Let's be precise. The old governor will have to step down sooner or later due to physical problems, and Lin Yaozong will do whatever it takes to be the governor." Wang Zhou's thinking was very clear: "We need to arouse the emotions of the grassroots troops. , the emotions of the neutral factions, let them feel Lin Yaozong's urgent determination to come to power, and secretly weaken the voice of other military and political factions. In this way, the Alliance will be recognized by most people, both in terms of reputation and legitimacy."

"It makes sense, Lao Wang." The other party nodded with satisfaction: "You should deal with the aftermath as soon as possible. I will also have a phone call with the chief."


After saying that, the two ended the call.

Wang Zhou wiped the sweat from his forehead and immediately shouted: "Adjutant Zhang."


A man immediately walked in from the door.

"Go to the forward camp immediately, organize grassroots soldiers and officers, and collect evidence that the Sichuan army fired first." Wang Zhou stared at his eyes and said: "We will save this for the lawsuit, damn...!"

Before he could finish speaking, an officer from the military investigation department immediately opened the door and rushed in: "Commander, something... something happened!"

Wang Zhou turned around and said, "What's the matter? Are you in a panic?"

"The forward reconnaissance unit reported that after entering Texas, Fatty Teng's division did not stop, but formed a straight line and headed straight for our army's headquarters." The reconnaissance officer said quickly: "The six regiments of the Sichuan Army are in Baishan. After only a short gathering and rest near the head, they suddenly set off, also in our direction."

Wang Zhou was stunned when he heard this.

"He... they seem to want to attack our military headquarters." The investigation officer said with a trembling tone.

"Impossible!" The staff officer at the work station next to him stood up and shouted: "They don't want to live anymore?! Who gave them the courage to attack the eighth district military command department? The old governor would not issue such an order!"

Yanbei, District 8, Headquarters of the First Theater Command.

"What's going on over at Baishantou?!" Lin Yaozong cursed in stunned silence after hearing the report: "Are these... these brats going to attack Wang Zhou's military headquarters on horseback? No way, Fatty Teng is here too. There, they might agree to such a thing?”

After thinking for a long time, the chief of staff said with a serious expression: "I'm just afraid that Fatty Teng is there! This is a person who can't control his brain when he hears that there is going to be a war... I heard that when their division was conducting exercises, they actually They used us as imaginary enemies...the idea is quite outrageous."

Lin Yaozong was completely confused about the changes at Baishantou, so he could only order immediately: "Call Leilei immediately and ask her what's going on?"

After finishing speaking, the adjutant picked up the landline phone next to the commander's desk, dug out the call records, and dialed Lin Nianlei's number, but the latter did not answer.

Immediately afterwards, the communications department of the headquarters contacted the headquarters of Daya in an official position, but after answering the phone, a staff officer said: "Our commander has gone to the front line and cannot be contacted at the moment."

"Bullshit!" Lin Yaozong cursed speechlessly after hearing this; "The commander can't be contacted? These brats are definitely going to attack Wang Zhou's military headquarters."

Inside Wang Zhou's military headquarters.

"Immediately call me the forward garrison troops..." Wang Zhou pointed to the staff and said, "I want to hear their report on the situation on the scene."

"Boom, boom!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the artillery group's covering attack ignited in all directions.

In the field, Fatty Teng stood next to the command vehicle, holding a walkie-talkie and yelling: "The 956th Division has been completely pulled out, and all the large forces have collapsed. The troops returning to the defense at Baishantou are now in a state of confusion. Wang Zhou's military headquarters There are not many troops around. Blitzkrieg, push it in quickly. The first goal is not to annihilate the enemy, but to capture their military headquarters."



"Division Commander, after the artillery regiment's attack is over, our regiment will take the lead in advancing forward. Please ask the brothers on both sides to ensure the security along the two wings."

"Just go in for me. No troops will harass you on either side."

"Yes, Commander!"

At the same time, Daya ordered six regiments to plunge directly into Wang Zhou's army headquarters like a spear from the rear of the enemy's troops withdrawing from Baishantou.

A group of young leaders in their thirties, plus a lawless Fatty Teng. This combination may be the easiest to ignore the so-called military and political factors.

Just do it!

More than 20,000 people, with no tactical arrangements, pounced on Wang Zhou's army, which was completely confused, like a pack of wolves.

Who would have thought that less than three hours after the battle at Baishantou ended, and before the subsequent incidents were dealt with, these people would attack a military-level unit in District 8? !

In the Eighth District Yanbei, in the First Theater Command Headquarters, Lin Yaozong took the phone and asked: "Did you do this?"

"Yes, Dad." Qin Yu nodded.

"Tell me your reasons." Lin Yaozong felt relieved when he heard that it was Qin Yu who stabbed Gu.

"After the battle at Baishantou, we are the ones who are suffering. If the Sichuan army is unreasonable in the timing of their entry, then the other side will bite back, and it will be very difficult for the Governor's Office." Qin Yu said succinctly: "It's a grinding move. , but it is not easy to capture Wang Zhou. After this incident, it means that only one Wang Zhou is missing. We cannot see what is going on with the Alliance."

Lin Yaozong was silent.

"In this case, it is better to do nothing and kill Wang Zhou's military department directly without giving the other party time to deal with the follow-up incidents." Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and said: "I am just waiting to see whether the alliance will succeed. Stand up and support Wang Zhou."

"Damn it, your wife is still on the front line, have you ever thought about it?!"

"My wife is awesome, she is decisive at critical moments." Qin Yu said proudly: "Dad, you have raised a good daughter!"

The licking was so sudden that Lin Yaozong didn't know what to say.

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