District 9

Chapter 2419 Race against time

Wang Zhoujun, Dezhou Regional Command.

After Yang Zexun heard the sound of artillery fire from the outside, he turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

"Chief of the General Staff, there is a report from the forward reconnaissance point. The troops attacking the flank of our headquarters are the Sichuan Army's Northeast Theater Forces. They may be commanded by Wang Henan himself, and their strength is about two regiments." The communications officer immediately replied.

"...It's Wang Henan again!" Yang Zexun glared and cursed: "Aren't his troops fighting against the 555th Regiment and the 558th Regiment? Why did they suddenly advance to this side? What is the purpose of the forward reconnaissance point? Yes, why hasn’t it been detected before?”

"Chief of the General Staff...have you forgotten? The Baishantou side is under communication control. I...our own investigation unit can't send back any news. They took a detour." The commanding officer next to him reminded me. One sentence.

Yang Zexun gritted his teeth, immediately lowered his head to look at the sand table, frowned and said: "This Wang Henan wants to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, we can't let him succeed. The command headquarters immediately moved back, and the other two wing troops shrank back to buy time with them. At the same time, notify the attack For the troops at Baishantou, tell them not to panic or to return to defense, just speed up the attack and capture Lin Xiao as soon as possible."



The generals in the room responded one after another, and at the same time, the security units began to help the civilian staff of the headquarters pack their things.

Near the battlefield outside Yang Zexun's headquarters.

Daya stood in the center of the armored vehicle group, glanced at the opponent's defense area with a telescope, and then turned around and asked: "Has the communication signal here been restored?"

"It has been restored, which means their headquarters should be nearby." The chief of staff thought for a while and replied: "Do you think we should speed up the attack?"

"How many people are there on the other side?" Daya asked.

"One and a half regiments, more than two thousand people," the chief of staff replied.

Da Ya blinked and immediately made a new arrangement: "Notify the communications department and ask them to contact the special operations brigade headquarters immediately to find out their internal communication methods, and then keep calling Lin Xiao..."

The chief of staff was stunned when he heard this: "Baishantou has been controlled by communications. It doesn't make any sense for us to call Lin Xiao? They can't possibly reply."

"Listen to me and don't interrupt!" Daya glared: "If you are asked to call, just call. When the special operations brigade personnel at Baishantou respond, report to me."

"Yes!" The chief of staff nodded.

"Order the reconnaissance unit to gather all the existing unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in our department and scatter them on this side of the battlefield. Let me observe along the way where the enemy troops are constantly retreating." Daya frowned and continued: "Scale Don’t let anyone out of the three hundred people go, they will be watched to death.”


"Third, order our two regiments, as battalion-level combat units, to attack the enemy's central area from multiple points without worrying about battle losses." Daya paused and said, "For this reason, Wang The Zhou army must be red-eyed, and holding down Lin Xiao is their only way out, so we must give the enemy forces on this side the greatest sense of military oppression."


"Immediately execute the order, my headquarters will continue to move forward, hurry up!" After saying that, Daya walked directly towards the off-road vehicle.

About five minutes later, the two regiments under Daya's personal command, with an attack distribution of six full battalions, collectively advanced into the defense area near Yang Zexun's headquarters.

Fierce fighting broke out between the two sides.

Near Baishantou, a regiment and a half responsible for attacking Lin Xiao's special combat brigade heard that the headquarters was under attack. They immediately called back and asked for instructions whether to return to defense, but Yang Zexun refused.


Lin Xiao led the remaining troops in a counterattack and regained some defensive positions in the center of the mountain. But there were too few of them to defend at all, so they could only use special operations and mobile operations to avoid large search forces on the mountain and only engage with small groups of troops.

On the mountainside, Lin Xiao shouted while running: "The battle on the periphery has already started, and we still have a chance. Each team should save ammunition and try to use mobile warfare to block the enemy's search. If we delay a little longer, we can attack Out."

"Brigadier, go find Meng Xi." A captain yelled and persuaded: "It's not much if you have more people on the front line, but it's not much if you have one less person on the front line. They are here for you. As long as you are okay for the time being, They won't be able to achieve their goal."

"Don't worry, I won't be caught alive by them." Lin Xiao gritted his teeth and replied: "I sent a thousand people into Texas and beat them to this level. If I were to run away again, it wouldn't be worthy. I'm leading the special operations brigade. No need to persuade me anymore, I'm with you."

Lin Xiao's choice was actually the right one. The special operations brigade has suffered heavy losses. A large number of wounded and sacrificed personnel have filled the top of the mountain. If he wants to run away at this time, it is actually no different from a deserter.

Lin Xiao knew that the other party was here to capture him alive, and he could not let the other party achieve this goal and thus threaten his father and the Sichuan Mansion.

A lifetime spent in uniform means nothing more than death in battle.

Lin Xiao was mentally prepared for this.

Side battlefield.

After Daya's two regiments attacked for about ten minutes, the reconnaissance unit sent back a report.

Next to the command vehicle, a staff officer held a military tablet with a folding screen, pointed at the image displayed on it and said: "The enemy combat units at these four coordinate points are constantly retreating, and they are all equipped with anti-attack weapons. Aerial reconnaissance fire, our unmanned reconnaissance drone was killed as soon as it approached."

Da Ya glanced at the images and immediately ordered: "Send all four sets of images to the forward combat units and ask them to attack these four areas in groups and continue the attack for five minutes. Which side of these four areas is affected? The one with the most enemy support is the point we are looking for.”

"Understood!" The chief of staff had fully understood Daya's intention.

Just when the defense area on Yang Zexun's side was under fierce attack, the combat units of Wang Zhou's army on the top of Baishan Mountain were also seizing time to attack.

At the top of the mountain, the helicopters that were originally responsible for communication blockade had begun to fire rockets, smoke grenades, and detonators downwards to cover the attack of the troops below.

A large number of wounded soldiers from the Special Forces Brigade gathered on the top of the mountain and suffered a second round of massacre.

at the same time.

In the direction of District 8, ten planes took off and headed straight for the Baishantou battlefield.

Wang Zhoujun Military Headquarters.

"Reporting to the commander, we have detected the Xinyang No. 1 military airport, and about ten transport planes flew out." The person in charge of the military investigation said after saluting: "Preliminary judgment, it should be the troops under Lin Cheng's command. We estimate the number of people, There are about two thousand of them.”

"Damn it!" Wang Zhou stood up upset when he heard this.

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