District 9

Chapter 2417 Rapid Support to Baishantou (Leader Update)

On the border of Shaanxi and Anxi, in the area occupied by Chen's clique, a company of Fatty Teng's division was advancing rapidly in off-road vehicles.

In the defensive area of ​​the Chen Department, a regiment commander shouted with a loudspeaker: "Attention, advance troops, we are warning you again. You have entered our military controlled area. Please exit immediately. Otherwise, our department will treat it as such." It is a military provocation and will be retaliated with fire."

Along the highway, the company of Fatty Teng's division did not respond or speak, but continued to speed forward.

"Da da da!"

Chen Xi suddenly opened fire, and the machine gun blasted the path forward of Fatty Teng's company into flying sand and rocks, filling the air with the smell of gunpowder.

This is a warning to fire, which means if you move forward, I will run towards them and shoot them.

After a brief ceasefire of the machine guns, the company's cars continued to move forward without slowing down, only avoiding the craters made by the bombs.

In an instant, the distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters away.

"Fire!" the leader of the Chen Department immediately roared.

"This... this can't be done, commander, they are friendly forces!" the officer controlling the machine gun said reluctantly.

"Damn it, what can I do? This is the order from above." The regiment leader stared at his eyes and yelled: "Fire!"

After the death order was issued, the officer could only order the soldiers to control the machine gun to attack Fatty Teng's company.

A row of hand-length bullets hit and directly shattered the armored vehicle at the front of the company. Two soldiers died tragically and six soldiers were seriously injured.

These people are all dead soldiers of Fatty Teng's division. They know that the other party will open fire. They are all wearing heavy body armor and charging cars on steel plates.

After the other party fired at someone, the company commander immediately took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The convoy is at a standstill, stay where you are, and two cars will rescue one car of wounded people."


A quick response came from the intercom.

After the company commander rushed out of the car, he took the walkie-talkie and reported: "Call the division headquarters, our side was attacked by the Chen Clan, the first vehicle was blown up, there are casualties."

In the command vehicle at the rear, Fatty Teng heard the report with his own ears. He was instantly furious. He gritted his teeth and said, "What the fuck! In order to take care of the overall situation, I have to let my soldiers die to find an excuse to fire. This kind of thing." What’s the point of sacrifice?! Cnm, don’t you want to be the emperor? I’ll just wake you up!”

After Fatty Teng finished cursing, he reached for the headquarters walkie-talkie and shouted directly: "According to the planned plan, the artillery regiment will provide me with full fire coverage. The armor regiment and the tank regiment will crush the enemy's defense line within five minutes."

After this order was issued, the division officers and regimental commanders were all confused. Because this kind of offensive deployment is not based on the level of military friction, but is really like fighting a battle, rushing to annihilate the opponent.

The commander of the artillery regiment hesitated and asked: "Division... Commander, do you really want full fire coverage?"

"Li You, are you deaf? When did my division need to order the lower-level troops twice?!" Fatty Teng shouted with his eyes wide open: "Stop asking about the division's decision-making. If you are asked to fight, you will Call me."

"Yes, yes, division commander!" The commander of the artillery regiment actually stuttered a bit after being scolded.

Five seconds later.

A complete artillery regiment stopped on the spot and launched a thunderous attack towards the Chen department's defense zone.

The dense rain of shells instantly turned the Chen Department's defense zone into a sea of ​​flames.

The Chen Department was also beaten very suddenly, because from their standpoint, they just wanted to delay Fatty Teng's advance, and they also considered that military friction would definitely break out between the two sides, just like the Sichuan Army was looking for trouble to deal with the 556th Regiment and the 557th Regiment. In this way, the conflicts that gradually arise can achieve their own goals in small-scale conflicts.

But the regimental commander of Chen's side miscalculated. He had no idea what Fatty Teng's character was, and he didn't expect that the opponent would bombard his position with artillery batteries.

Fatty Teng had already made preparations for the attack and made a complete plan before meeting Chen Jun. In addition, there were not many troops on Chen's side, and the main force had not rushed in yet, so Fatty Teng pinpointed a point and continued to grind. Then the opponent would achieve his goal and he would be held back. So since we have already broken up, let's do it louder, break up early, and end it until death.

The large forces attacked in echelons, and the artillery regiments covered them with firepower.

An armored regiment and a tank regiment, in a group attack mode from the direction of Onoji, instantly smashed the right defense area of ​​the Chen garrison regiment.

After breaking through, Fatty Teng's division did not stop at all, and all units rushed to Texas as planned.

The leader of the Chen Department took the communication equipment and reported to the superiors: "We can't stop them anymore. Fatty Teng used an artillery regiment to open the way when he came up... We have to withdraw."

"Damn it, this Fatty Teng is going to die, isn't he?!" The leader of the Chen Department glared and cursed: "You guys retreat, don't worry about the rest."

After the Chen Department's delaying plan was shattered by Fatty Teng in one round, the two regiments could only avoid his attack and retreat backwards. This also foreshadowed Fatty Teng's subsequent encounters.

Dezhou, Baishantou battlefield.

The troops directly under Wang Zhou's army charged towards the top of the mountain like crazy. They did not distinguish between attack waves and rhythm. When the forward offensive troops were exhausted, they immediately asked the rear troops to make up for it.

This kind of fighting will cause great damage, but it can save valuable time.

Yang Zexun was commanding near the top of Baishan Mountain. He held a communication device and kept giving orders: "They only have a thousand people at most. You three regiments should not stop the attack rhythm, or just keep pressing me forward. I will One goal, capture Lin Xiao alive!"

In the mountains.

A leader of a special operations team pulled his neck and shouted: "Is there any ammunition left?"

"No, their offensive pace was too fast. I used up all four bullets."

"Damn it, abandon the trenches, hide in the woods, and prepare to fight them hand-to-hand to snatch the ammunition!" The officer made an immediate decision.

About a minute later, two platoons of enemy troops rushed into this side.




The booby traps laid in advance by the special operations team came into effect, explosions sounded frequently, and the enemy troops who rushed up immediately dispersed.


The special operations team rushed out in a swarm and began to catch the scattered enemy soldiers.

The two sides engaged in hand-to-hand combat and exchanged gunfire at close range.

The gunshots and miserable howls lasted for less than a minute and a half, and half the platoon of enemy soldiers retreated.

All members of the special operations team died in the battle and fell on both sides of the trench.

On the way from Jinmen Port to Dezhou.

Sitting in the military vehicle, Daya shouted with a walkie-talkie: "Did the reconnaissance plane reply?"

"We're back. Our front line is the 555th and 558th regiments of the 956th Division. If you want to get in, you have to touch them." The investigators at the front replied: "The area near Mount Paektu is under communication control. Our drone flew in and disappeared. The signal was interrupted and no picture was fed back."

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