District 9

Chapter 2400 Tit for tat

In the capital of Sichuan, in the large conference room of the headquarters, after Lao Li and Zheng Qian, who arrived late, sat down together, Qi Lin took the lead to speak: "There is a very important matter. Meng Xi and Commander-in-Chief Lin in Yanbei have contacted I, they requested that our Sichuan government send troops to formally enter the Eighth District. The troops do not need to be too many, mainly to show our attitude and determination to support the Lin Clan. I personally agree with this matter. Xiao Yu is missing, and the Eighth District The storm is already raging, and we should stand firmly on the side of our allies at this time.”

After the words fell, the conference room was silent, and no one answered the words.

"What do you think?" Qi Lin waited for a while and then asked everyone.

Lao Li pondered for a while and then interjected first: "I don't think it's appropriate to send troops now."

Qi Lin looked at him: "Why?"

"The current situation in the Eighth District is unclear, and Xiao Yu is missing, and we now have no one in charge, so the Sichuan government also needs some time to sort out internal problems. The family matter has not been resolved yet, so we rashly It is irrational to mobilize troops." Lao Li replied with good reason.

"What about?" Qi Lin asked.

"For example, we should first vote for the Acting Commander-in-Chief of the Sichuan Army." Lao Li said with a serious expression: "The government affairs office is okay. If it operates according to the previous model for the time being, there will be no problems, but the army cannot. The three armies must have a chief general. , to make the decision, otherwise once the war issue in the Eighth District spreads to Sichuan, we will not be able to let the generals of the various armies discuss the war."

Fu Zhenguo, who was next to the leader, immediately nodded and said after hearing Lao Li's words: "Yes, military matters are not as important as local affairs. The three armies must have a commander."

If it were someone else who had just arrived in Sichuan and did not have a powerful direct force, they would definitely not speak rashly at this meeting, because if they said something wrong, they might be labeled as a faction. But Fu Zhenguo was different. He didn't care about this. He had expressed his views from the perspective of the Sichuan government's interests.

"Uncle Li, let me say a few words." Lin Nianlei interjected after careful consideration.

"You said it." Lao Li nodded.

"I personally feel that the dispatch of troops to the Eighth District does not affect our selection of the acting commander-in-chief." Lin Nianlei said in a bright and steady tone: "Commander Qi also said just now that the Lin Department asked our troops to enter the city, mainly because To show the Sichuan government's attitude and determination to all parties, the size of the troops entering the city does not need to be too large, and there is no need to conduct any military activities in the Eighth District. Therefore, these two things do not conflict. The commander can continue to be selected, and the troops first Send it over."

After hearing this, Lao Li shook his head: "Supporting the Eighth District expresses a military attitude, but now that we do not have a commander-in-chief, the Sichuan government cannot express this attitude easily. My personal attitude is to choose the acting commander-in-chief first, and then let him Deciding whether to send troops or not, and formulating the Sichuan government's future military plan. This kind of matter of using troops cannot be discussed together by everyone, there must be one person in charge."

"Uncle Li, you should pay attention to our relationship with the Lin Department and the Gu Department. They need our support now." Lin Nianlei emphasized.

Lao Li glanced at Lin Nianlei and said lightly: "Leilei, let me put it bluntly, Lin is your natal family, so some of the decisions you make must be affected by emotional factors. And From the standpoint of the Sichuan government, we should look at the problem rationally and objectively, and not act emotionally. Because this is related to our vital interests, even life and death."

Lao Li's words immediately choked Lin Nianlei into speechlessness. Although he said it very euphemistically, his meaning was expressed clearly enough.

That is, this is an internal meeting of the Sichuan government. You should not help Lin Department speak here and attract resources.

The originally dull and depressing meeting became more serious and confrontational after Lao Li and Lin Nianlei exchanged tit-for-tat words.

Silence. After a short silence, Lin Nianlei suddenly said: "I also agree to elect the acting commander-in-chief and recommend Commander Qi Lin to take this position. Regardless of his qualifications, ability, or influence, he is well-deserved."

"Today is an internal meeting. If we want to discuss a result, everyone must speak freely." Lao Li turned his pen and said expressionlessly: "I have different opinions on the candidate for acting commander-in-chief. I recommend Li Zhan to serve as acting commander-in-chief." Commander-in-Chief. This is entirely out of consideration for balancing the military and political relations between all parties. After all, Commander Li has been in District 9 for more than a year. He is more familiar with the military and political leaders there and can easily make correct judgments.

As soon as these words came out, the room became even quieter. Fu Zhenguo held his shoulders and said nothing; Li Zhan held his chin, unable to see any change in his mood; and Xiang Ruan Ming, Xiao Bai, Qi Yuming, Xun Chengwei and others were also as silent as dumb.

There were major differences in the Sichuan government over the selection of the acting commander-in-chief, especially between Lao Li and Lin Nianlei, who were obviously at odds with each other.

The first lady of the Sichuan government rejected both proposals.

After Lao Li and Lin Nianlei expressed their opinions, no one dared to express their opinions in a hurry, and they all said some conciliatory words, so the meeting eventually broke up.

There was an interesting phenomenon during this period, that is, Lao Mao did not express any opinions from beginning to end. Although Zheng Qian arrived, he didn't say a word the whole time. He just sat there and expressed his attitude.

After the meeting.

Lin Nianlei and Qi Lin left together, and the two got into the car. The latter was the first to say, "Let me talk to Old Mao and Uncle Li."

"I don't think it's useful." Lin Nianlei frowned and replied: "He has publicly stated his position at the meeting, so it is even less likely that he will get any results from talking to you in private. I personally feel that Uncle Li's return this time is I want to go through battles."

Qi Lin frowned when he heard this.

"My grandpa said that matters at the decision-making level cannot be negotiated." Lin Nianlei said with firm eyes and a trembling voice: "Okay... fortunately, before Xiao Yu disappeared, I asked Meng Xi to handle the family issues in Sichuan Mansion. , so currently no one within us dares to jump out and do anything. But...but this matter must not be delayed, because it is hard to say when Xiao...Xiao Yu will have news. If it is delayed, it is very likely that The family problems that had been suppressed have reared their head again."

"I have this worry too." Qi Lin glanced at Leilei's profile and nodded with complicated eyes.

"You don't need to express your position yet. You don't need to talk to anyone, and you can't break up with the core generals." Lin Nianlei looked at him and said, "I will solve this matter."

"You?" Qi Lin asked in astonishment, "Can you...?!"

"I'll try." Lin Nianlei knew that the other party didn't believe that she could handle such a big matter, so she immediately replied: "Don't worry, I won't let the situation get out of control."

"Okay." Qi Lin had a lot to say in his mind, but he couldn't express it clearly, so he could only nod in the end.

That night.

Lin Nianlei returned home and personally dressed her son and the girl.

"Mom, I don't want to wear such thick clothes... I want to wear sportswear..." Xiao Ziyi didn't know that his biological father had been lost, and he was already sleeping, but he was suddenly woken up by Lin Nianlei. Laiji.

"Be obedient, mom is taking you to Uncle General's house. It's very cold outside, so you have to wear thick clothes..." Lin Nianlei squatted on the ground and helped her son button up.

"Mom, I'm sleepy and I don't want to go."

"Be obedient and put it on quickly."

"I won't wear it, I won't go, I won't go...!"

"Stand still! Let me fasten the buttons for you!!" Lin Nianlei stood up suddenly, pointed at her son with red eyes and yelled: "No noise, do you understand?!"

Xiao Ziyi looked at his mother's fierce expression and froze in place. He had never seen his mother so gloomy.

Her husband is missing, there are problems within the Sichuan government, and the Eighth District is waiting for news about her. All these pressures are now on Lin Nianlei.

The collapse of an adult woman may occur in an instant.

Lin Nianlei calmed down for a while, stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes, and bent down again to help her son get dressed.

An hour later, Xun Chengwei opened the door of his room in person. When he looked up, he saw Lin Nianlei standing in front of him with her two children.

"Lin... Minister Lin, please come in quickly!" Xun Chengwei was shocked and immediately moved away.

at the same time.

In a villa in District 8, the leader of the Tongmenghui received a text message, which read: "The internal meeting of the Sichuan government collapsed."

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