District 9

Chapter 2398 Lao Yi’s worries

After Yi Lianshan escaped a shot, he was completely frightened. He took this opportunity of being attacked to apply to the military headquarters to return to his army. The military department was also very concerned about his personal safety and ordered the Yanbei Military Office to send troops to escort him.

At the same time, Wang Zhou's military headquarters reported Yi Lianshan's situation to the Federation, claiming that he had been attacked and slightly injured. He currently needed to recuperate and was unable to participate in the meeting.

After returning to the 956th Division, Yi Lianshan waited for a whole day before he could wash away the smell of daddy from his body and suppress the fear in his heart.

No one is afraid of unknown death threats, the dangers of commanding operations, and the life-and-death struggle of power. These are two different things, and people's mentality is also completely different.

If Yi Lianshan was shot dead yesterday, no one would be able to figure out the specific reasons and details ten years later. To put it harshly, his death was in vain.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, inside the division headquarters.

Yi Lianshan sat on the sofa and asked a group leader in a hoarse voice: "Are you sure something happened to Lao Wang?"

"Yes, Chief of Staff Wang has been out of contact for a day." The regiment leader said in a low voice: "We sent people to the woman's residence, but no one was found. And the neighbor said that last night, the woman's home and There was unusual movement at the door."

When Yi Lianshan heard this, he took a deep breath of cigarette and became even more panicked.

"Tell me, does Staff Wang...?" the regiment leader asked tentatively.

Yi Lianshan waved his hand: "With the order of the division headquarters, the 557th and 556th regiments will be transferred back, immediately, immediately!"


"Go and do your work." Yi Lianshan replied with a frown.

After the leader left, Yi Lianshan became more and more panicked as he thought about it. Then he walked to the desk, reached out and opened the drawer, and took out a rarely used personal mobile phone.

Coming to the window, Yi Lianshan dialed Wang Zhou's phone directly: "Hello? Commander, the more I think about this matter, the more I feel something is wrong! Lao Wang has probably been arrested."

"I am also investigating this matter, but don't panic, the alliance will handle it internally." Wang Zhou replied in a calm tone: "Just stay at the division headquarters and don't worry about the rest."

Yi Lianshan paused and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead: "Commander, what if Lao Wang bites me? What if the other side directly transfers me back to Yanbei for questioning?"

"Did you personally give the order to Wu Feng to passively participate in the war?" Wang Zhou asked.

"No, it was Lao Wang who came forward to talk to him and Zhang Daming. I didn't show up." Yi Lianshan replied truthfully.

"Then if the governor's office sends you back for questioning, you must cooperate. You must have a good attitude and speak steadily, but you must not admit this matter." Wang Zhou ordered softly: "Wang Ningwei is also an old man here, and he and You have been in the team for so many years and have a strong emotional foundation. He will not bite you easily. To say the least, even if he confesses that you ordered two regiments to passively participate in the war, then you don’t have to admit it and say that he is messing around. Dirty water. There can’t be any audio or video recordings of the conversation between you and him. There is no evidence on this matter, so nothing can be done to you."

Yi Lianshan scratched his head: "Commander, if I fall into the opponent's hands, I won't be able to say a lot of things! The association has been stopped now. Lin Yaozong is probably red-eyed, and the old governor must be too. My stomach is burning, I'm afraid... they will use extreme measures against me."

"Old Yi, you have to understand that the entire alliance is standing behind you." Wang Zhou frowned and replied: "If the old governor and Lin Yaozong were sure of controlling the overall situation, they would have launched a large-scale attack long ago, so why bother testing each other with us? How about fighting each other? Don’t worry, no matter what happens, the higher-ups will definitely protect you."

"I still think we should take the initiative to attack now and just attack Lin Yaozong..." Yi Lianshan advised again.

"No, you can't reveal your cards until the last moment." Wang Zhou said in a serious tone: "This is a life-or-death matter. Whoever makes the first move may be in jeopardy. Do you understand?"

Yi Lianshan was silent.

"Do as I say and do whatever you need to do at the division headquarters. If the other party doesn't look for you, don't show up. If they do, then cooperate with them and the higher-ups will keep an eye on it." Wang Zhou continued: "As for Ning Wei Over there, I believe he knows it well."

"Yeah." Yi Lianshan nodded helplessly.

"that's all."

After the two ended the call, Yi Lianshan looked helplessly out the window, feeling anxious.

Wang Zhou considers the problem from the perspective of the overall situation, because his position is determined, and until the moment the struggle comes to an end, nothing major will happen to him. Moreover, he is also one of the leaders of the Alliance, and the political resources in his hands are very terrifying. No one in the Eighth District dares to touch him easily.

But Yi Lianshan is different. He is just a division commander, and his position in the alliance is not particularly high. He is at most a backbone. And now that he has been brought to light, he is likely to be the first person to be affected when the storm begins.

Yi Lianshan is a suspicious person with a strong sense of worry. He is good at thinking about various possible bad outcomes.

If Wang Ningwei vomits, then Lin Yaozong will definitely attack after the alliance cannot continue. The first person he will attack will definitely be Yi Lianshan.

As for what Wang Zhou said, although it sounds very reasonable, things really happened, and the actual situation cannot be the same as predicted in advance.

For example, there were many things that Yi Lianshan could not say to Wang Zhou. When he was a division commander, he and Wang Ningwei and others tried to constrain resources in the garrison area and generate gray income. Therefore, even if he passively participated in the war, the other party could not get rid of him without evidence. Then Wang Ningwei would have to reveal some other bad things, just like Lin Yaozong. You can handle him. Arrest people first, then interrogate other matters.

So Yi Lianshan, the Splatoon, felt very unsure at the moment. He stood at the window and lit another cigarette. After thinking carefully for a while, he turned around and shouted: "Less than!"

After a while, the office door was pulled open and a young man walked in: "Teacher!"

"Check, which department is responsible for Wang Ningwei? Hurry!" Yi Lianshan couldn't help it anymore. He felt that since the higher-ups didn't attack, he had to protect his own business and his destiny must be in his own hands.

"Yes!" The young man nodded.

Yi Lianshan smoked a cigarette and looked out the window, his eyes filled with a sinister look of fear.

In Chongdu, Lin Nianlei received a call from her father at the Sichuan Army Headquarters: "Hello... Dad!"

"...You, are you okay?" Lin Yaozong asked worriedly.

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