District 9

Chapter 2361 Emergency Response Strategy


Qin Yu rubbed his eyes and left the bedroom. He received a call from Meng Xi in the study: "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Fu Zhen is in Lu District..." Meng Xi went straight to the point and relayed Fu Zhen's experience and the information he got to Qin Yu very quickly.

After Qin Yu heard this, he immediately woke up. After frowning and walking around the study anxiously, he instantly grasped the key point of the incident: "Is Lu District stirring up trouble at this time to interrupt the joint meeting of the eight districts? "

"It must be." Meng Xi and Qin Yu's thoughts instantly reached a synchronized state: "Once the war starts, the Eighth District, the Nineth District, and Sichuan Mansion will all enter a period of military tension. Troops will be mobilized frequently, and the generals in each region will Return to your position, how will you hold a joint meeting then? You may encounter resistance internally, and if the Department is going to cause trouble that week, this meeting will definitely be put on hold for the time being."

"They think Governor Gu won't be able to survive for long. If a war begins, they won't be afraid even if they can't defeat them. As long as Governor..." Qin Yu said half of his words.

"Yes, to be disrespectful, as long as they wait until the governor dies and there are large-scale military conflicts in the periphery, it will be impossible to implement this system." Meng Xi strongly agreed with Qin Yu's point of view: : "Think about it, when the governor was there, not a single system was implemented. Now that that person is gone, who has the ability to suppress the various princes?"

Qin Yu frowned and sat on the chair, lowered his head and lit a cigarette: "We can't start a war now. We must promote the system smoothly and not cause chaos everywhere."

"Lu Di's side is prepared. It's too late for us to mobilize our troops now." Meng Xi reminded: "When Fu Zhen called, he said that many troops over there have secretly gone to Dongfeng Town. So we are now Assembling troops will, firstly, not be able to hide it from the other side, and it will still allow them to take the upper hand; secondly, it will also have a great impact internally. I don’t know how many people secretly disapprove of the system. If we make a big move first, then ...There will probably be turbulence internally as well.”

Qin Yu took a long puff of cigarette, squinted his eyes and said: "Damn it, if you want to find a way to interrupt the opponent's plan, you must not engage in battle, otherwise the alliance will not proceed. We need a time difference , blocking the Zhou system in his own territory, making it impossible for him to fight even if he wants to."

"Commander, you said that the big names in Lu District have just been recruited. They have few troops, poor combat effectiveness, and their execution ability is probably a mess. Then why did the Zhou clique choose to cause trouble in this place?" Meng Xi asked.

Qin Yu replied without hesitation: "They are using Dalizi's troops as cannon fodder! They were originally recruited to occupy the territory of Lu District. The Zhou Clan does not have any expectations for the combat effectiveness of the local armed forces. Nine. What is the intensity of the civil war in the district? Zhou Clan knows very well that if they send troops to cause trouble at this point in the Lu District, even if they fail to defeat them, they will not lose any elites. Their purpose is to delay time."

"I think so too." Meng Xi paused and suddenly said: "But I think it is difficult to rely solely on Dali Zi's troops..."

Qin Yu frowned and immediately interrupted Meng Xi's words: "Apart from Dalizi's new first division, who else from the Zhou Clan was transferred to Lu Di?"

"I don't know at the moment." Meng Xi shook his head: "But according to the previous intelligence, there is someone from the sand system there."


"Sha Xuan, his brigade is stationed in Dongfeng Town." Meng Xi replied truthfully: "I received this information before I left."

Qin Yu's eyes lit up and he immediately stood up and said, "Damn it, this Sha Xuan is really my lucky star."

"Ah?" Meng Xi was stunned for a moment.

"He is our time!" Qin Yu whispered: "It is definitely meaningless to fight against the Zhou system now. If there is no internal unity, the situation will only become more and more chaotic. We have to take advantage of what the old man wants to do. The vision of the last thing is to completely solve the integration problem. As long as the military and the government are unified, Zhou Xingli will not be able to make any splash. I am even determined to conquer him by force with zero casualties!"

After listening to Qin Yu's words, Meng Xi immediately made two suggestions: "I recommend He Dachuan to do this and let Chen Xi cooperate with him."

Qin Yu thought for a moment: "This idea is okay, let He Dachuan go."

"Also, this news must be kept secret, Commander-in-Chief." Meng Xi reminded: "For the time being, we only need to ask Chen Xi to cooperate, and no other people will be notified. Our own troops must be mobilized secretly, Jiangzhou, Eighth District, Nine There is a light rail line in the area, so we can use this diffusion force."

"I know this well." Qin Yu paused and asked, "Hey, by the way, which one of the Eighth District troops is responsible for garrisoning on the border of Lu District?"

Meng Xi recalled for a moment and said, "It's probably the Eighth District and the First War Zone, two regiments of Wang Zhou's army."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Yu nodded: "You must do your own thing well in District 8 and make sure nothing goes wrong."


After saying that, the two ended the call. Qin Yu immediately called Chen Jun, but the latter's mobile phone could not be connected.

In desperation, Qin Yu directly dialed Chen Zhongren's number and communicated with him.

Lu Di, Dongfeng Town.

Sha Xuan was sitting in the brigade headquarters. After taking a sip of white wine, he threw the written order he had just given onto his desk.

"Why do I feel like you can't get up to anything right now?" the chief of staff asked.

"What benefits have you gained from calling back and forth? What benefits have I gained?" Sha Xuan's face turned red. While eating peanuts, he whispered: "Damn it, we are not the ones in charge. , Just live one day at a time, what kind of bullshit spirit do you have?"

"Yes." The chief of staff slowly picked up the wine glass.

"Dip Lingling!"

At this moment, the phone rang. Sha Xuan sat on the chair and answered the phone: "Hello?"

"The target didn't go to Dongfeng Town. It's possible that he got wind of it and ran back." The person on the phone frowned and said: "It's definitely not possible to use him as a lead. There is an order from the top of the mountain. Tomorrow, Dalizi's troops will fire artillery. Taking the lead on the grounds that innocent people were harmed..."

Sha Xuan listened drowsily, and only said some coping words under the influence of alcohol.

Lu Di Nei.

Fu Zhen received a call from Meng Xi: "What did the superiors say?"

"You don't have to worry about this. You immediately lead people to evacuate Lu Di." Meng Xi said loudly: "Don't bargain with me, do you understand?!"

"I understand." Fu Zhen nodded.

"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call. After careful consideration, Fu Zhen contacted Lao Zhan: "Hello?"

"What's wrong? I won't tell you anymore. Don't contact me easily at night? I might be in a meeting."

"...Comrade Lao Zhan, this response plan may have to be temporarily cancelled." Fu Zhen gritted his teeth and said seriously: "Just wait a moment. After the higher-ups handle the emergency, you can find an opportunity..."

"Oh my God! Are you stupid? I've packed my luggage and you told me to cancel the meeting?" Lao Zhan yelled: "Can you be a little more reliable?!"


He Dachuan received direct orders from Qin Yu and had already begun to assemble his troops.

Qin Zhai, after Qin Yu finished calling Chen Zhongren, he still felt a little uneasy, and then dialed another number.

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