District 9

Chapter 2356 Draw a future

Yanbei, District Eight.

After Meng Xi contacted the representatives from Beifengkou, he returned to his room. Just as he was about to call Qin Yu, the doorbell rang outside.

"Who is it?" Meng Xi shouted.

"Headquarters, from the Chinese Federation Coordinating Office." The person outside replied.

Meng Xi walked to the door, opened the door, and saw a lieutenant colonel. He saluted to him and shouted: "Dear Representative Meng, I have been ordered by the Coordinating Office to convey to you the charter of the meeting and the relevant information. Documentation on discussion of bylaws.”

"Oh, okay." Meng Xi nodded.

After the lieutenant colonel officer finished speaking, he handed the sealed document bag in his hand to Meng Xi: "This document is distributed internally. There is a serial number in the upper right corner. After you have read it, destroy it as soon as possible. Remember to keep it strictly confidential."

"I got it." Meng Xi lowered his head and glanced at the document, and saw that it was indeed marked with the word "Top Secret", and the serial number of Sichuan Mansion 002 was also marked on the upper right corner, which showed that Sichuan Mansion's meeting sequence was ranked second.

"Then you're busy, let's go first."

"Trouble." Meng Xi nodded.

After the two parties communicated, the people from the Eighth District Headquarters left quickly, while Meng Xi closed the door, returned to the study, sat on a chair, opened the documents, and read them carefully.

This document is said to be about discussion of the meeting charter and bylaws, but in fact the information it reveals is very important.

Strictly speaking, this document is a system reform framework for the Eighth District, the Nineth District, the Chen Clan in the Seventh District, the Qin Clan in Sichuan Prefecture, Beifengkou, and even the border areas and Tibetan Plains.

The contents of the document are very direct and sharp. To put it simply, the Eighth District General Headquarters will establish an integrated government, unify the military and political system, and include all the above-mentioned regions, military and political forces, into one system policy. To put it bluntly, it means integration and unification.

It is estimated that only Gu Tai'an has the courage to come up with such a direct and unabashed reform framework, and it has already begun to be implemented.

Meng Xi studied this document very carefully, extracted the essence, and made a summary.

First, the framework structure of the system is to completely abolish the concept of three major regions, and establish a Chinese regional government after integration. The military power and political power are centralized and under the leadership of the highest military and political unit. But at the same time, a Chinese General Assembly will be established to curb personal expansion and arbitrary actions caused by excessive concentration of power. Parliament has a veto system, similar to models such as the National Assembly and the People's Assembly.

Second, in terms of military affairs, the Chinese Region will establish six war zones. After the existing troops are absorbed, they will be rearranged after study by the highest military unit. In other words, many military-level and theater-level combat units are now likely to be transferred out of their original garrison areas and rearranged to other places to conduct garrisoning and military activities.

Third, Sichuan Prefecture and Beifengkou will be implemented an autonomous system and have certain freedoms in military and government affairs, but the overall pace must still follow the Chinese regions. This signal is particularly important. It shows that Gu Tai'an is extremely decentralized and carefree towards the younger generation, especially Qin Yu, who is full of care.

Meng Xi smiled knowingly when he saw this. He certainly didn't really think that Qin Yu was Gu Tai'an's illegitimate son, but simply felt that the framework formulated by the old man was really based on the interests of the three regions. He has seen clearly the future pattern of the Chinese people, and has laid important foreshadowing on how to smoothly transfer power.

The general framework of this document is very clear, and the details are thirty or forty pages long. After reading it patiently, Meng Xi had high respect for the idea in his heart, but at the same time he was also full of worries.

After sitting on his chair and thinking for a while, Meng Xi turned on his computer, encrypted the document, and sent it directly to Qin Yu using the military network of the Sichuan headquarters.

After the transmission, Meng Xi sent a text message to Qin Yu, reminding him to take a closer look.

In the evening, around ten o'clock, Qin Yu's call came to Meng Xi's mobile phone.

"Hey, Commander-in-Chief!"

"I read the content, what do you think?" Qin Yu asked.

"The idea is fine, every frame is designed to be sharp and angular." Meng Xi replied softly: "But I think these edges and corners will also make many people feel conflicted."

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded in agreement.

"The Chinese General Council system will completely disintegrate some old factions and family forces. There are only so many positions. After this round of screening, many people will be kicked out of the top power center. Local officials will have no special privileges in the future. Military In business, if they want to use a company of troops, they must obtain permission from the theater headquarters; in government affairs, they also have to hand over power, and the parliament will lead the development of each region and the implementation of government orders. To put it bluntly, generals can only do what generals should do in the future. If you are alive, it is simply impossible for anyone who wants to influence policy decisions and military decisions by relying on a large family and strong power. To put it simply, the power belongs to the Chinese region, and the position is political. You can only obey orders. Only by doing things in a down-to-earth manner can you belong to yourself. By cutting down vassals and centralizing power, the era of warlords will be completely over."

"Do you think the resistance will be great?" Qin Yu asked.

"It will definitely be big." Meng Xi responded without hesitation: "This turbulent era has made many people in power accustomed to freedom. Now if you suddenly tell them that you are just a civil servant, then they will definitely accept it. No! Reform takes time to settle. If more than ten years have passed since the civil war in District 9, and during this period, the top management has slowly withdrawn all discretionary power, then it is completely unreasonable to implement this system again. There is no problem, because time is enough for many people to recognize themselves. But it is different now. The civil war in District 9 has just ended for more than a year, and there are also huge military and political systems like the Zhou Clan on the periphery that are against the grain, as well as the European Union District, District Five, With all the threats in District 6, who can stand it if you suddenly carry out such restructuring and transformation?"

Qin Yu was silent.

"...And Governor Gu, the signal he has now sent to the outside world is very obvious. Your father-in-law, Commander Lin Yaozong, will be pushed to the top position, so not only the various neutral factions have been cut off, but also the direct lineage of Gu The troops must also hand over power, so that no one will respect themselves and have other ideas." Meng Xi continued: "But to be honest, your father-in-law is not Commander-in-Chief Gu after all. He will inevitably be jealous of others when he comes here. .”

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time: "I'm also afraid of causing chaos again."

"To be honest, if someone else comes to do this now, I personally think there is no hope. At least we have to wait until the seventh district has no more peripheral connections before we can integrate it." Meng Xi paused and said, "But Governor Gu personally To draw this future... I also feel that he has a certain degree of certainty in his heart."

Qin Yu thought for a moment: "You have only one idea for participating in the meeting in the Eighth District, and that is to support all the ideas of the Lin Department."

"Don't you have to hide it? Haha!" Meng Xi smiled.

"No, who doesn't know that my father-in-law is Lin Yaozong? Is it useful for you to hide it?" Qin Yu replied domineeringly: "To show off your muscles and political weight, the more cards you have, the less resistance there may be. You and Let’s communicate with the people over at Beifengkou and build momentum for my father-in-law first.”

"Okay!" Meng Xi nodded.

After the two ended the call, Qin Yu immediately called Daya and specially arranged for him to come back from the garrison area near Jiangzhou.

Three days later, Fu Zhen led ten energetic young men and was about to arrive in Ludi.

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