District 9

Chapter 2346 Attack

The four combat brigades of Sichuan Province passed through Jiangzhou and set up camp near Jiujiang, pretending to want to fight for revenge.

But in fact, based on the current situation, it is almost impossible to start a war. The civil war in District 9 has just ended for more than a year. The Sichuan government has not recovered, nor has District 8. There are also Districts 6, 5, and the European Union in the periphery. Military threats, and Governor Gu's physical condition is also very poor.

Under such circumstances of internal and external troubles, the forced use of troops will easily lead to internal collapse, and the initiative and advantage may be lost, because once the fire is fired, for the Zhou Clan, the military deterrence of the Sichuan Mansion, the Eighth District, and the Ninth District will be lost. No longer exists.

If this is the case, then why does Meng Xi still propose to do this? !


The Zhou government and troops must have received more information than ordinary people. They are very aware of the current situation in Sichuan and the Eighth District. They also know that there is a high probability that there will be no firing here, but ordinary people don't know?

Ordinary people are war-weary!

Jiujiang has suffered a military threat and entered a state of tension, which will directly affect the living conditions of the people!

The Zhou clique is trying to use public opinion to undermine the Sichuan government, and Meng Xi will use public opinion to fight back!

Three or four days later.

After the Sichuan Army's troops arrived near Jiujiang, they occupied the main roads along the periphery. Xu Hancheng's troops, who were responsible for guarding Jiujiang, immediately became nervous and entered a state of readiness for war.

At the same time, a division reorganized from the former Shensha Corps was also transferred from its own defense area and deployed to the south of Jiujiang.

External public opinions and news reports, and the official media of Zhou Clan can be blocked, but the news of large-scale troop mobilization cannot be concealed at all. For a time, Jiujiang City exuded a strong smell of gunpowder, and the originally peaceful life was broken. All the main streets and areas in the city are filled with soldiers.

Some areas outside Jiujiang City were also placed under military control. Many businessmen doing business in the city were affected and gradually brought some external information back to the city, causing people to panic.

If there had not been the civil war in Districts 8 and 9, this short-term military emergency situation might not have panicked ordinary people, because without lessons learned from the past, ordinary people would not have a clear idea of ​​what the outcome of the war would be.

But the civil war in Districts 8 and 9 has ended, and the people have heard how many people died. The most important thing is that Qin Laohei of Sichuan Mansion has a stubborn mind in military offensives. What a reckless man!

If he said he wanted to do it, he really dared to do it. When he said he wanted to move Jiujiang, he immediately opened fire!

With this kind of historic record, ordinary people really feel that the Sichuan government may retaliate against the Zhou clique.

As a result, there is external military pressure.

The people of Sichuan Province outside Jiujiang City are still making trouble and are still denouncing the Zhou Clan!

Various rumors have also appeared in various areas of the city, claiming that the cause of this incident was the Zhou clique's military intelligence department, which sent spies to maliciously incite the people in the Sichuan government, causing a large number of casualties among ordinary people, and even a coup d'état among the upper echelons of the Sichuan government. People take revenge.

Some people even said that the Zhou Clan had sent someone to assassinate Fu Zhenguo in order to retaliate. Others said that when the director of the Sichuan Police Bureau was getting married, Commander Qin was ambushed by unknown people and was beaten on the butt when he was leaving. One shot...

In short, everything is said. The public has gradually received more and more external and internal information, but some are true and some are false. On some online media platforms in Jiujiang, some people have bypassed the wall and found many reports about the "Sichuan coup". The middle-aged spy surnamed Xu who was captured by Meng Xi cried and told how he was instigated by the Zhou clique's military intelligence to rebel, how he suffered personal threats with vicious means, and threats to his family's safety...

The more news the people of Jiujiang get, the more resentful they feel!

The incident continued to ferment for more than ten days, and demonstrations and group activities of protest began to appear in the semi-blockaded Jiujiang City!

Banners saying no to civil war, stop civil war, began to fly!

The first to feel this pressure was Xu Hancheng and the government affairs department he was in charge of!

Luhuai region.

In the Zhou Clan headquarters, some staff generals were meeting with Zhou Xingli.

"Commander-in-Chief, there is a lot of commotion in Jiujiang. There are about three to four thousand people participating in the parade in the district, and there are even more people outside the district. The people there are afraid that the war will affect their own interests. People who have come with Sichuan Prefecture, They were shouting together outside the city, and almost tens of thousands of people gathered." A senior colonel staff member said in a low voice: "Now Luhuai has also received a lot of impact, and protesters have also appeared in some areas."

Zhou Xingli sat on the sofa with a gloomy face and said nothing.

"The Sichuan government may have spent money on this matter and deliberately incited people outside the region to join in the fun." A wise analyst put forward his own opinion.

"What does the propaganda department do?! Can't you suppress public opinion in a city?" Zhou Xingli scolded with an ugly face.

"There are people in the city who are offering fire. We have started to arrest them secretly, but the screening will take time." After a pause, the colonel's staff lowered his voice and said: "Now many people are very dissatisfied with Li Bokang's plan, especially Xu The generals over there... had a lot of complaints in private, saying that the war could not be won and the troops would be in a state of tension for a long time. This kind of consumption was meaningless, and the city was in chaos, and the people's disapproval of the troops was There’s also a lot of resistance…!”

Zhou Xingli said nothing.

"Commander-in-Chief, to tell you the truth, I have also received many calls attacking Li Bokang." The chief of general staff frowned and said: "...Many people hope that the headquarters can remove him from his post."

Zhou Xingli sat up suddenly when he heard the sound, and cursed with a gloomy face: "Don't think that I don't know what these people are thinking. Many people speculate that Li Bokang came here to deal with faction and family issues. They were panicking and wanted to kill him. People with different voices! The more this happens, the more I have to reuse Li Bokang! Otherwise, Fu Zhenguo was incited to rebel, and it will happen again in Luhuai!"

This was not only said by external generals, but also directed at the group of people within the headquarters, because many people were disgusted with the upright and very offensive Li Bokang, and felt that this person did not stand with that faction, but Zhou Xingli was the one who And willing to listen to him.

"Don't think about removing Li Bokang from his position. The headquarters will give me a plan to solve this problem immediately. Hurry!" Zhou Xingli said, turned around and left.

In a tavern in Luhuai City, Li Bokang sat on a chair, drinking tea and saying nothing.

"I heard that many people want to mess with you. You are in danger this time." A middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Is there anything dangerous? If you let me do it, I will do it. If you don't let me do it, I will go back to teach." Li Bokang looked at it very indifferently, turned to look out the window and said: "If Zhou Xingli can't bear the pressure, this also shows that, The Zhou system is rotten to the core, even the gods can’t cure it!”

Sichuan Mansion, the capital.

Fu Zhen returned home, sat on the sofa and looked at his father and said, "I'm okay now. I'm the Director of the Secret Operations Division of the Military and Political Investigation Bureau!"

Fu Zhenguo raised his eyelids upon hearing this: "What department is this?"

"Uh... a secret department!" Fu Zhen replied calmly.

"What do you mainly do?"


"..." Fu Zhenguo pondered for a long time: "What a damn secret. I have never heard that the Investigation Bureau has such a department. Okay, do your best and don't die outside secretly."

The way these two men communicate is very direct and exciting.

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