District 9

Chapter 2341: Wait for the wind to blow, then take the Emperor's Sword

Fu Zhen was somewhat of a loser, and the reason why Meng Xi agreed to let him enter the interrogation room was because he was more convinced of Fu Zhen's interrogation ability.

Under Fu Zhen's moody and harmful interrogation, Lao Xu soon collapsed. Three back molars were slapped out alive, and electric shock plugs were plugged into all the "most sensitive" parts of a man's body.

Look, it’s the most sensitive part of all!

Lao Xu couldn't stand it anymore and vomited. This was partly due to his psychological collapse. More importantly, he finally discovered that Fu Zhen should be the bastard who wore the triangle scarf last night. And he was from the Military and Political Investigation Bureau, so why did he appear at the scene of the riot? Damn it, this matter is too deep, Lao Xu feels that he can't handle it anymore.

In the arraignment room.

Lao Xu looked at Meng Xi and said in a leaky voice: "I took 400,000 yuan in benefits and agreed to help the other side to incite the masses. What I originally thought was...many local families were involved in this matter, and I was among them. It’s not eye-catching, so why not do it if you can make some money?”

Meng Xi: "Who's on the other side?"

"Special agents from the Seventh District Zhou Department." Lao Xu replied truthfully: "They are all very low-level people. If something happens now, they may all run away."

"That's all?" Meng Xi asked.

"Well, that's all. I'm not a major figure to begin with, I just help them instigate them secretly..." Lao Xu Zhi responded without hesitation.

"You came from Taoli, so do you know whether the Ruan family was involved in this trouble?" Meng Xi asked expressionlessly.

Lao Xu thought for a long time and replied in relatively vague words: "Without a family leader, who would dare to cause trouble?"

"Do you know anything else?"

"I'm at this level and my knowledge is limited." Lao Xu shook his head.

"If you record a confession like this, you will die." Meng Xi took a sip of tea.

Lao Xu was a little confused.

"Let me give you an idea." Meng Xi stood up and walked back and forth in the room, thinking clearly: "You were originally a good citizen of Sichuan Mansion, with a bright and positive mentality, but suddenly one day the military intelligence officer from District 7, They cruelly kidnapped your family members and threatened you with their lives to provide services for them. Despite the fierce inner struggle, you still chose to protect your family and agreed to their conditions, thus sinking deeper and deeper. In While providing services to the Seventh District Zhou Clan... you suffered physical persecution and threats several times, and they even used poison and injection drugs to control your behavior. You lived a hellish life..."

Lao Xu looked confused.

"...You regret the crimes you committed and the harm you caused to the people of Sichuan and the law enforcement agencies." Meng Xi continued: "But you had to obey their orders when you and your family were threatened. , you played an active role in several incidents, so they gave you a regular position... You are a junior officer in the action team of their military intelligence department. You are mainly responsible for engaging in terrorist incidents and inciting riots in the Sichuan area. wait……."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to have a personality! You have to be valuable!" Meng Xi pointed at him and said, "Otherwise, what's the use of you?"

Lao Xu couldn't keep up with Meng Xi's thinking at all.

"Xiao Deng, follow my ideas and give him a character design." Meng Xi called out to Deng Wenzhao: "Hurry up."

"Understood!" Deng Wenzhao nodded.

Fu Zhen looked at Meng Xi very puzzled: "What's the use of this?"

"My habit is that I don't like to be passively defensive. After the internal problems in the Sichuan government are resolved, I have to take back the initiative." Meng Xi walked out and said: "I have been farming for more than a year, and I have to let Qin Commander, get excited!"

Fu Zhen heard the sound and immediately followed Meng Xi: "Hey, you should teach me more about doing this kind of thing. I also want to be the leader, and I also want to get rich..."

An hour later, Meng Xi found He Dachuan and said concisely: "I want to use your troops."

"Then there must be an order from the headquarters." He Dachuan bared his teeth and replied.

"I order you not to worry about it, I'll take care of it."

"That's no problem."

"Old He, after doing this, you will have no friends in Sichuan Mansion. You have to think about it carefully." Meng Xi reminded.

"I'm the most loyal soldier under Commander Qin. What do I want as a friend?!" He Dachuan replied with a clear conscience.

"Haha." Meng Xi smiled: "Okay!"

Next to him, Aitank washed some fruits, brought them over, put them on the table and said, "Eat, I'll wash something else."

Fu Zhen glanced at Ai Tank and muttered sincerely: "With this body, it would be a shame not to be a member of the Navy's special forces..."

Within a week.

All major towns in Sichuan Province are implementing this street cleaning ordinance. Commercial enterprises are closed, factories are not allowed to operate, and small traders are not allowed to do business. During the day, even the most prosperous streets of Chongqing are rarely seen with pedestrians, only soldiers with live ammunition and patrol police.

In addition, the Military and Political Investigation Bureau announced the results of the Tianfu Group's investigation, the investigation results of Zhang Liang, and the personnel changes of the General Police Bureau to the public, so that the public can see that the higher-ups are doing things. Not fooling everyone.

Zhang Liang is well aware of the criminal punishment he will face. He also knew that Tianfu Group was about to become history, but he felt relaxed all over his body.

When he comes out again, he will become a truly wealthy and idle man. Although he is no longer at his peak state, he will no longer have the mentality of being overwhelmed by high places and cautious everywhere.

Within this week, the mentality of ordinary people also began to gradually change.

A large number of posts insulting the protesters and causing trouble began to appear on the Sichuan government's online broadcast platform.

At first, the number of views and clicks on these posts was not high, but as the street cleaning time extended and the people themselves were seriously affected, the public opinion of criticism and insult began to ferment.

The fermentation is divided into two stages: In the first stage, a large number of ordinary people began to complain and curse the troublemakers for attacking the police headquarters. They think it's okay to express dissatisfaction, but to attack the judiciary without discipline is no different from a mob.

Why do ordinary people begin to consciously take sides and criticize the protesters? Aren’t we all on the same front, shouting for fairness?

Quite simply, because the specific people who participated in the protests brought consequences to everyone, which directly affected ordinary people.

When factories shut down, everyone couldn't go to work and make money; when business stopped running, people had to suffer from the northwest wind. And many people can't go out on the streets to get some air, and stay at home and feel very depressed. But at this time, the Military and Political Investigation Bureau's approach was correct, because yesterday the Police Headquarters was attacked, and tomorrow the government may also be attacked, so they blocked the investigation and there was no problem at all.

But this depressing atmosphere needs a breakthrough, so the people who brought bad consequences to everyone were directly kicked out of the camp of the general public. At this moment, everyone feels that they are irrational and cannot represent the people.

The second stage of public opinion fermentation.

After criticizing the protestors, the common people unknowingly began to target various local families and forces.

why? Because everyone is looking for the root of the protest. With so many people carrying out organized and disciplined activities, it’s impossible that no one is organizing them?

Who in the local area has this kind of organizational ability?

The family, the gentry, are powerful!

The Songjiang Clan has been rectified, but who can get the immediate benefits? Obviously, it is also a local force!

Therefore, many business group executives and big bosses with certain political acumen have also spontaneously led teams to attack the Sichuan family system. This group of people feel that the family power is a cancer that can control the people and manipulate the government at will, and it should be eradicated long ago.

Why do the top executives of business groups and big bosses spontaneously criticize these families? Because of this incident, they suffered the greatest loss. The common people have no work and only have a few days of leisure at most, but they face huge financial losses every day...

The rhythm picked up and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

The common people followed the thinking of these business tycoons in looking at the problem, and eventually found that they were also being used by local forces. Then their thoughts changed from jealousy of the Tianfu Group to jealousy of the local families.

Damn it, it was us who caused the incident, and we are the ones who suffered in the end, but you achieved your political goals. Is this fair? !

Curses and criticism instantly spread across major online media in Sichuan. Families, factions, gentry and other classes suddenly became shouting for beatings.

At this moment, Meng Xi felt that the heat was almost there.

After he was reactivated, he directly proved one thing: in the entire Sichuan Mansion, he was the only one capable of picking up the Emperor's Sword and controlling the overall situation.

If your local family and gentry want to achieve their goals through the people, Meng Xi will use the people to kill them.

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