District 9

Chapter 2339 A shocking case

That night, the backyard of the Police Headquarters was maliciously smashed and burned by "protesters", injuring more than a dozen police officers. Police vehicles and public buildings were burned to varying degrees, resulting in considerable losses.

After gathering, the police officers rushed out and arrested six people. However, after being arrested, these people insisted that they did not participate in the "riot" incident at all, and only went to watch after hearing the shouting and fighting. Among these people, Lao Xu...

He was too difficult. He just took a look and was targeted by the police. No matter how he ran, the people behind him kept chasing him away. Finally, he was blocked in a dead end and had to be beaten down by the police. Only then did he become honest.

When Lao Xu was arrested, he kept scolding the comrade wearing the triangle scarf, and his words were quite dirty and obscene.

For example: cnm, your mother is dead? I am your father, and you have been following me? The mole, this person is definitely the mole! There are so many people, why do you have to follow me...

Since the establishment of the Sichuan Autonomous Government, there has never been an attack on a law enforcement unit of such a heinous nature.

The upper echelons of the government, the police bureau, and the Sichuan Army Headquarters were all extremely angry.

After the fire was extinguished by the firefighting unit, Qin Yu's special car parked in the compound of the Police General Administration.

I came in person!

According to rumors, Qin Yu scolded Lao Mao and more than thirty other senior officials in the large conference room of the Police General Administration that night, and even raped four or five district-level senior officials on the spot.

This is a big deal!

Protesting and shouting slogans are one thing, but attacking law enforcement units and setting them on fire is another thing.

From this moment on, the protestors were officially classified as a mob.

It was around eight o'clock the next morning.

The Sichuan Autonomous Government held a press conference, and Meng Xi appeared on behalf of the Military Investigation Bureau to personally respond to media issues and announce a series of handling plans.

The conference site.

Lin Nianlei was wearing work clothes, standing at the entrance of the conference hall with her arms folded, watching the interviews on stage.

After the press conference officially began, a reporter raised his hand first and asked: "Director Meng, many people currently do not know the specific responsibilities of the Military and Political Investigation Bureau, so please explain the specific work content of this unit in easy-to-understand terms. .”

Meng Xi adjusted the microphone and said expressionlessly: "To put it simply, the General Bureau of Military and Political Investigation is an internal supervision unit. For any official in any military and political department in the Sichuan government who is suspected of violating disciplines or betraying military intelligence and interests of the Sichuan government , we all have the right to summon and arrest. After the investigation is completed, we will transfer the case to the government judicial agencies and military judicial agencies for judgment, such as the local court, the Sichuan Supreme Court, and military courts, etc. "

"Okay, I understand." The reporter sat down.

"Director Meng, I have something to ask."

"Please speak." Meng Xi reached out to the male reporter who wanted to ask a question.

The male reporter stood up and asked: "It is said that the attack on the police headquarters is related to the previous arson case and a large number of official disciplinary violations. Many people are dissatisfied with the monopoly of Sichuan's business resources by a certain group, so This has led to the current situation. So I would like to ask Director Meng, what is our specific solution?"

"First of all, I want to make a correction. The previous arson case and official disciplinary case have no direct connection with the subsequent cases. If there is, then someone is maliciously instigating and instigating. The details and facts of these two cases, Everything is very clear. The Police General Administration will announce detailed information to everyone later." Meng Xi said clearly: "As for now, some people are dissatisfied with the monopoly of resources by individual commercial companies, and we have also begun to intervene in the investigation. Now. I can announce two important pieces of information here."

"You tell me, Director Meng."

"First, the Military Investigation Bureau will not avoid the center point of the conflict, which is the Tianfu Group. I can tell you very clearly that at 6 o'clock this morning, we have officially summoned the president of the Tianfu Group, one of the largest shareholders, Zhang Liang, and launched an investigation into some of his business violations. I don’t care who is behind him, but as long as he and his group are suspected of violating disciplines, they must be dealt with resolutely. So don’t listen to external rumors and say Zhang Liang is very tough. No matter how tough he is, he can't be tougher than the political system or the legal system." Meng Xi frowned slightly and continued: "Second point, for people who make reasonable protests and express their thoughts, we adopt It is an attitude of communicating at close range and solving problems when problems are discovered. However! If any person or force wants to take advantage of public sentiment to cause trouble in the Sichuan government, then my personal attitude and that of the Military Investigation Bureau must be to resolutely eliminate them !”

Meng Xi's answer was not official at all, because he was directly facing the most acute issues, such as the handling of Tianfu Group and so on.

The reporter got a satisfactory answer, applauded and sat down.

Meng Xi glanced at the crowd and said: "The attack on the Police Headquarters is a strange news in the world and a vicious case that Sichuan government will never tolerate. So from now on, I officially declare that the entire Sichuan government will enter a fifteen-day street cleanup." status. All enterprises with more than 20 employees have entered a state of suspension and are not allowed to operate. In the four cities of Chongdu, Yuanshan, Nanmu, and Taoli, except for a few government departments, other private units and commercial groups , factories, and a series of commercial activities have all come to a standstill. We have sufficient evidence to show that this incident was planned by military intelligence personnel in the enemy area, so the street cleaning activities will not end until the investigation is completed to avoid our judicial The department was attacked again..."

As soon as these words came out, the reporters below were in an uproar.

The city is on lockdown!

It can be seen that this mass incident is far from as simple as everyone expected, and it can also be seen that the upper management was angry about this incident and the attack on the Police Headquarters.

After Meng Xi finished speaking, he left immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the General Administration of Police announced at a press conference that Li Fugui, the former director of the General Police, officially resigned from this position, and a deputy director temporarily served as acting chief. Many senior officials from the Songjiang Department in other departments within the bureau have also been transferred or dismissed.

Don’t some of you want to take advantage of the people’s dissatisfaction to create the Songjiang clique?

Then let me show it to you!

Lao Mao resigned as the director of the General Police Bureau and went directly to the Government Affairs Office to take charge. Following this, some members of the Songjiang clique within the General Police Bureau were also purged.

In addition, Zhang Liang was officially put under investigation, and the fire that had accumulated in the hearts of ordinary people was instantly extinguished.

However, after this series of operations, the street cleaning operation that followed was something no one expected.

This is Meng Xi’s real killing move!

Within the headquarters.

Chief of Staff Wang looked at Qin Yu and asked: "Cleaning the streets for half a month, the impact is too great... The entire economic loss and negative impact of the Sichuan government may be...?"

Qin Yu directly waved his hand to interrupt: "I promised to give Meng Xi permission, so I can't go back on my word. Let's see what he does next!"

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