District 9

Chapter 2321: Stalemate

after one day.

In the interrogation room of the police headquarters building in the capital of Sichuan, Xin Zihui was in a depressed state, sitting on a chair with his head hanging down, as silent as a mute.

"Aren't you going to say it yet?" Fu Xiaohao asked with a relaxed expression while turning his pen.

Xin Zihui slowly raised his head and looked at Fu Xiaohao: "I have nothing to say. I accept your investigation results, the prosecutor's accusations, and the court's judgment. Alas, I admit it."

Fu Xiaohao hugged his shoulders and looked at him with a frown: "Do you think you are great enough to be righteous? You can save everyone else without saying anything?"

Xin Zihui was silent.

"Do you know how many people have been arrested by the Military and Political Investigation Bureau? If you don't tell them, others won't tell them either?" Fu Xiaohao asked.

"...If someone vomits on their own, that's their own business, but if I bite it blindly, that's a completely different story." Xin Zihui calmly replied: "The thing happened to me, so I admit my verdict. Isn't it okay? But I have to explain that I really don't know that Xue Gang is an enemy agent, and I want to kill him more than anyone else now. So you say that I took advantage of my power to buy and sell official positions for corruption, I am I admit it, because I did do it. But if you want to say that I rebelled and deliberately planted agents of hostile forces in the Sichuan government, then I don’t admit it."

When Fu Xiaohao heard this, he understood that it would take some effort to find out other people's cases from Xin Zihui.

Xin Zihui ran away as soon as something happened, and there were still people protecting him, which showed that the Eighth District of Sichuan Province was quite united. Perhaps people had already held a "group meeting" when Xin Zihui fled. The purpose was to save Lao Xin if they could, and if they couldn't, let him stand up and take matters into his own hands.

In this way, once the case is concluded, the brothers outside will not treat Xin Zihui's wife, children and parents badly. As for Xin Zihui himself, he knew very well that since the Sichuan government captured him in the eighth district, he had almost no room for struggle. He is regarded as a typical example and will definitely be sentenced severely. The situation is death, so biting more people and biting less people will not have much impact on his case.

After the preliminary interrogation did not yield any results, Fu Xiaohao was not in a hurry, because political crimes, job crimes, economic crimes, etc. usually involve a wide range of people and the case is more complicated. There are often cases within the case and need to be verified. The direction of the stolen money in the series and so on. Therefore, the litigation period of such cases is relatively long. It is impossible to complete all the evidence chains in one step, and the investigation also takes time.

Wu Di's side has arrested many people from the Eighth District. Just because Xin Zihui doesn't vomit, doesn't mean that others can hold on. As long as someone bites him, it will cause a chain reaction, so Fu Xiaohao, the presiding judge, is not in a hurry and directly adjusts his direction and starts to attack other disciplinary officials.

The case is being heard, and Zhongdu has regained its composure on the surface, but everyone knows in their hearts that if the upper echelons of the Sichuan government have such a tough attitude in arresting Xin Zihui, they will definitely not let the case get stuck at one point in the end and not delve into it further. .

While the General Police Bureau and the Military and Political Investigation Bureau were busy investigating the case, Qin Yu was also very angry. Kirill was lost, and the warship that had been negotiated with Qian Chen naturally had problems.

Jinjin Chen was extremely speechless and angry at this mistake made by Sichuan Province. They had originally used Kirill as a pledge to put forward many conditions to Free Chan, and the other party agreed. If the normal process is followed, Qianjin Chen will take the initiative to return Kirill after receiving half of the benefits, completing this dirty under-the-table transaction. But when the matter reached its most critical moment, the hostage was fucking lost in Sichuan Mansion.

Do you think it's okay to not be angry if someone moves forward?

Therefore, as soon as the news of Kirill's rescue reached the upper levels of Qianjin, they immediately stopped the warship transaction, saying that there was a change in the upper level's decision-making, and the deal was temporarily shelved.

Qin Yu was very depressed and angry inside, but he was indeed not responsible for the matter, and the Sichuan government was begging others for the purchase and sale of warships, so he did not dare to show off or say harsh words.


In the Sichuan Army Headquarters, Qin Yu was eating a light meal, looked up at Ma Laoer and asked, "Have you talked to Yegor on the phone?"

"After a few calls, this guy is pretending too much now." Ma Laoer was also helpless: "I invited him to come to Sichuan Mansion to sit down, and he promised, but he never took any action! Picking up the shelf."

"What the fuck." Qin Yu loosened his collar in annoyance: "The more I think about this now, the more I hate this bastard Xin Zihui. Without him, the hostages can't be lost! The warships they got were stunned by this gang. The harm caused by playing should be gone.”

Ma Laoer didn't answer.

Qin Yu put down his chopsticks, and after thinking for a while, he took the initiative to ask: "Do you think the other party will let the relationship between us and them return to the starting point just because Kirill was lost?"

Qin Yu asked this question to test Ma Laoer's political thinking. The latter naturally understood this, so he calmly replied: "Definitely not! The warship is just an introduction for the two sides to enter into friendly relations. Jinjin Chen is willing to contact us. , not because we have a Kirill in our hands, but because Sichuan is worth the price. But this thing really makes people feel uncomfortable, so it is normal for them to use a shelf to dry us out."

Qin Yu nodded, very satisfied with Ma Laoer's answer.

"However, I'm now afraid that Qianjin Chen will use this matter to impose a lot of harsh conditions on us, such as ceding certain interests to them in Sichuan." Ma Laoer reminded Qin Yu.

"This is impossible." Qin Yu waved his hand directly: "I would rather not have warships than give them any privileges in the interior. We can kill Shen Wanzhou with three punches because he attracts external forces to enter the border. , if you look back and do this yourself, then where is the justice? Aren’t we the same as them? There is a bottom line in everything."

"Then what leverage do you have to help people move forward and get down the stairs?" Ma Laoer asked.

Qin Yu licked his lips: "I really do, but now is not the time to talk. If you are like this, don't break off contact with Yegor recently. If you have nothing to do, call him and harass him. Wait for a while, I have to get this warship back, otherwise Lao Fu will be angry with me."

"Then I must be worried about you! Lieutenant General Tangtang will plan the land for you in Yandao, and his son will farm for you in the experimental field," Ma Laoer said with a smile: "We came to Sichuan with Lao Fu and his family to improve agriculture. The production is coming. Damn it, I would have hanged myself if I had left it alone."

"Go away, don't push me." Qin Yu also smiled.

Outside the capital, inside the experimental field.

After Fu Zhen stayed here for a few days, his mania symptoms significantly worsened. He wanted to run away, but Meng Xi arranged for several people to keep an eye on him every day, and even slept in the same room with Fu Zhen at night.

There are no entertainment activities here, and mobile phone communication signals are intermittent. For a patient with depression and mania, this method can be said to be very cruel...

And what kind of sparks can the combination of Meng Xi and Fu Zhen create? What does Qin Yu mean by arranging these two people together?

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