District 9

Chapter 2319 How to deal with it?


At around four o'clock in the morning, Baojun was inviting five military intelligence officers to a meal in a small restaurant.

On the table, the dishes were cold, but the wine bottles were empty. Three bottles of high-strength liquor, each weighing one kilogram, had been consumed by everyone.

While eating and drinking, no one spoke much and seemed very silent. It was not until they were about to finish eating that a man in his thirties put his arms around Bao Jun's neck and said, "Brother, you said... everyone in the district is... We have an ideal, a belief and so on, but what do we have? Are we doing this kind of thing for the sake of Commander-in-Chief Qin, for the people of Sichuan, or for the love between our brothers? "

Baojun turned to look at him and said calmly: "Just two words."


"Soldier!" Bao Jun looked at him with a blushing face: "You have worn a military uniform, received military expenses, and been awarded a military rank, so you must come when called upon and be able to fight."

When the man in his thirties heard this, he thought carefully for a long time: "Yes, we are no longer just gangsters lying around on the ground. We are soldiers."

"I have been with my second brother for too long, and my face is very familiar. I can't go, otherwise I will take people into the city." Baojun raised his neck and drank the last bit of liquor, looked out the window blankly and said: "We Sichuan The foundation of the government cannot be compared with that of the region. Their military intelligence personnel have all received ideological education and received systematic training. Whether it is loyalty or personal quality, they are better than us. Therefore, I will use newcomers and young people for this matter. People, don’t worry about that. My second brother said, if you don’t kill him, everyone in Sichuan will dare to rebel in the future. Lao Yan, do you understand what I mean?”

During his Tiancheng period, Lao Yan mingled with Bao Jun and others. They had deep feelings and understood each other's thoughts very well.

Lao Yan was silent for a long time, then raised his glass and said: "Raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while! After drinking the wine in the glass, let's go."

After saying that, everyone except Baojun raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Ten minutes later, the five people left the hotel, got into a car arranged by Chen's military intelligence department, and left Jiangzhou in the wind and snow.

Baojun watched everyone go away, his eyes red.

He is no longer a passionate young man who hangs out on the ground and makes a living, but is a soldier and an officer. This change in status requires adaptation. Fortunately, the people under Ma Lao'er have been adapting for a long time. Since the beginning of the Songjiang Civil War, they have officially completed the role change in their hearts.

The next day, it was about five o'clock in the morning.

Lin Nianlei, Lao Mao and others returned to Sichuan Mansion. The former went home directly to rest, while the latter rushed to the Police Headquarters non-stop to prepare for interrogation of Xin Zihui.

In the office, Lao Mao was washing his face and asked: "The Military and Political Investigation Bureau has already started, right?"

"Yes, more than a dozen teams are interrogating each other in turns. We are exchanging information with them." Ding Guozhen immediately replied: "Even if Xin Zihui bites the bullet and refuses to spit, the evidence is enough to make him suffer a mental breakdown."

"That's fine. I'll wash my face first, eat something, and start working later." Old Cat replied.

"Hey, by the way, Director, we have something strange happening here."

"What's strange?" Old Mao picked up the towel and looked up at Ding Guozhen.

"Before we could catch him, Wei Lili came to the police station and surrendered."

"Surrendered?" Old Cat asked in surprise: "Did she take the wrong medicine?"

"No, it was the Ruan family who brought her to surrender." Ding Guozhen explained softly: "I asked someone to examine her initially, and Wei Lili directly admitted that she led the people to cause trouble in front of the headquarters because of Xue I just instigated it, and I have a good attitude towards admitting my mistake."

Old Mao wiped his face and said expressionlessly: "Then record her confession and throw her into prison first. Later, we will prepare all the evidence and let her be sentenced together with his son."

Ding Guozhen scratched his head and whispered: "Director, that's not what I want to say."

When the old cat heard this, he was slightly startled, and his face became unsightly.

Ding Guozhen continued: "The Ruan family took the initiative to send Wei Lili here. Don't you understand what it means?! Yang Fengli is already dead. The Ruan family sent Wei Lili just to ask us to raise our hands and not to judge too harshly. . Because after all, Wei Lili has no brains. Subjectively, she did not want to help the Zhou clique’s military intelligence officers to engage in collective incidents in Sichuan Mansion. She just wanted to save her son. Ruan Ming’s second uncle also talked to me , the meaning is also...let us give it a try."

The old cat was silent.

"How do you think this matter should be handled?" Ding Guozhen continued to ask: "If we follow the normal case characterization, then the circumstances of Wei Lili's crime are very serious. Because objectively, she was indeed instigated by enemy agents. The Sichuan government incited family members of military personnel to engage in mass incidents, and this alone is enough to sentence her to death."

What Ding Guozhen said is actually not serious at all, because in modern law, the characterization of crimes is very critical. For example, in robbery, if the criminal takes other people's property with bare hands, that is one sentencing standard, but if he takes a knife, even if he does not hurt others, that is another sentencing standard. For another example, if a criminal takes a photo at a certain base where photography is prohibited, and then posts it to the Internet to show off, and it is collected by someone who is interested, then if he is caught, the sentence will be extremely terrifying. Because the established facts and losses it caused are also very large.

Therefore, Wei Lili's matter seemed simple, as if she was just planning a farce to save her son from death, but in fact she was suspected of a criminal offense of inciting a riot and also violated the military espionage law. Not only does the Police General Administration have to hold her accountable, but the headquarters also has to deal with her.

Lao Mao understood what Ding Guozhen meant by saying this. He was trying to persuade him not to accept death too seriously and make too big a deal out of Wei Lili's case. Doing this is a bit disrespectful to the Ruan family. After all, they took the initiative to send the person here.

"Brother, what's this about...?"

"In normal times, there is a reprieve, but not now." Lao Mao pondered for a while and said: "If you don't deal with her seriously, then the Eighth District will catch you by the pigtails, how can you seriously deal with other people involved? Since we want to fight the tiger, then We must fight it thoroughly, and no one will lose face."


"She will be put aside for now, and the case will be characterized according to her established criminal facts. However, we can consider the circumstances of her surrender, write this into the materials, and let the court decide the specific sentence." Lao Mao said briefly. One sentence.

"Okay." Ding Guozhen nodded slowly.

District 7 Jiujiang.

Xue Gang, who fled from Sichuan Mansion, has been a little restless these days. He always pays attention to what is happening in Zhongdu, and through many external relationships, he inquires about the details. He knows that many people have suffered because of him, so he feels very panicked.

At around five o'clock in the evening, five men entered Jiujiang according to normal procedures with their documents.

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