District 9

Chapter 2315 The task force evacuates


Lao Mao returned to Yanbei with the members of the task force and invited some senior officials from the Eighth District Police Bureau to dinner.

During the banquet, Lao Mao raised his glass to a middle-aged man politely and said in a low voice: "Deputy Director Dong, I have caused you trouble during this period. We will prepare to withdraw tomorrow."

Although Deputy Director Dong looks quite young, he has a strong build and a Chinese character face, which makes him look very upright and fierce.

"Director Li, there is really nothing we can do about Xin Zihui's case." Deputy Director Dong also lowered his voice and said: "We are just about to enter the camp to search, and we will get the news immediately over there. People can't hold back, so what can we say? It's all useless. In addition, this period is a bit sensitive. Our government affairs office has little say, and the army is very ruthless in doing things. We did it twice but failed to get results. If we check again later, they may not be able to Cooperate, you know what I mean."

"I understand." The old cat nodded.

"Well, we have been fighting for these years, and the troops have been put in high positions, and no one can afford to offend them." Deputy Director Dong sighed.

"Forget it, I'll go back to Sichuan first." Lao Mao paused and said, "If it doesn't work out later, we can only coordinate with the upper levels of the army and ask the 956th Division to take the initiative to release Xin Zihui back to Sichuan."

"This is the only thing we can do. If the First Theater Command can say something, they won't dare to protect Xin Zihui." Deputy Director Dong nodded.

"Okay, no matter what, we have caused you trouble during this period, so I'd like to toast you."


After saying that, the two raised their glasses and drank it all.

After Lao Mao thanked the people at the Eighth District Police Headquarters, he stopped talking about business and just drank and chatted with everyone. It wasn't until the banquet was about to end that he said to Deputy Director Dong again: "Hey, by the way, Director Dong, you still have to complete a formality for me. That is, our Eighth District General Administration agrees, and the Sichuan Police The permission procedures for personnel to enter the area to handle cases. It can be whether you are cooperating in the investigation or leading the case. I will have to put this in the materials later. It will also be used if I need to communicate with the army later. "

Deputy Director Dong was stunned for a moment: "I have opened this procedure for you, but there are likely to be hidden dangers, haha!"

Both parties were smart people. Old Mao leaned his head towards Deputy Director Dong and said, "I never cause trouble to my friends."

After careful consideration, Deputy Director Dong nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll open it for you."

Old Mao clasped his fists: "Thank you, Deputy Director Dong."

"Hey, let's help each other. In the current political environment, if we can't protect everything, we will still have to ask you in Sichuan." Deputy Director Dong sighed.

At this point, both parties nodded and did not talk further.

After the banquet was over, Lao Mao and other members of the task force packed up their simple belongings, checked out of the hotel, and took a plane back to Sichuan.

late at night.

In the camp of the 956th Division's 3rd Regiment and 1st Battalion in the 8th District and 1st War Zone, the battalion commander was sitting in his own independent lounge, holding the phone, and asked with a red face: "Are you leaving? Ah, you have flown back already? Okay? , I understand. Okay, just take care of it over there, that’s it.”

After the battalion commander made the call, he put his cell phone on the table full of drinks and dishes, looked up at a fat and fair man and said, "The people in the Sichuan task force can't afford the time and have already left by plane."

"Are you sure?" The fat white man is Xin Zihui. He is about thirty-five or six years old. He looks very elegant and wears black-rimmed glasses. At first glance, he looks like a person with academic qualifications, a diploma, and a certain ability, but he does not He is also a greedy person who gets in the way. In the past year or so, he has been helping people run official positions in the Sichuan government, taking advantage of his power to obstruct judicial justice and making at least nearly 10 million in profit for himself.

"It's OK. Our people have already inquired with the Police General Administration. After the old cat had a thank-you banquet, he led the task force back to Sichuan." The battalion commander loosened his collar and said, "Just be honest. Just stay here and wait for the higher-ups to come forward to coordinate. When the Sichuan government agrees to give you a lighter punishment, you can show up again."

"Damn it." Xin Zihui frowned and replied: "Old Liu, I'm afraid now that if the Sichuan government greets Prince Gu, and he wants to say something, I'm afraid our division won't be able to protect me!"

The battalion commander lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, "Do you think our prince is mentally retarded?! Our governor has been in poor health. He is so sensitive now. If something happens to you, how many people will the Sichuan government arrest? Huh? How could he help the Sichuan government beat their own people? Otherwise, if the old man passes away one day, who among the people below will praise him? And I don’t think Qin Yu would do this. Think about it, originally this matter , even lower-level officials commit crimes, but when you get to the top, the matter escalates."

Xin Zihui was relieved when he heard this kind of comfort, and curled his lips and cursed: "Fuck, to be honest, the upper echelons of the Sichuan government are quite inhumane. We, the people, have helped them build there for so many years. Now we have finally put the economy, judicial system, and government system together, but if I make a small mistake personally, the old cat is chasing us so closely, wishing to sentence us to death tomorrow. This is really unkind. !”

"You guys are too cruel..." the battalion commander frowned and said, "You even took the money from the secret agents. This is different in nature!"

"There are so many people in Sichuan, who knows who is a spy?!" Xin Zihui immediately argued: "Brother, in the past dynasties, it has a positive side and a negative side. Under the political system, it is impossible to do anything when the water is clear and there is nothing. Fish. If there are really no fish in the water, what kind of water is that? That's smelly water! This case should be closed once the arson case is found. We people are not ignorant. You should be punished and we should spit out money. It's okay to spit out money and admit mistakes internally, but you can't pick up a stick without being beaten to death by a group of people! Doing this will touch the interests of many people, not just the group of people in our eighth district who aided Sichuan... ...You see, the more you investigate this matter, the bigger it gets, and the old cat may not be able to handle it in the end."

"Yes, the case must be closed when it is discovered. Once the country has been conquered, the meritorious class must have some privileges." The battalion commander nodded in agreement.

"Well, to be honest, I really don't want to leave Sichuan. There are too many opportunities there now." Xin Zihui said viciously: "Damn it, it's all thanks to that Xue Gang, I made a mistake. I don't agree with you either... !”

"Stay here for now. As long as the top doesn't say anything, no one can touch you." The battalion commander said with relief.

Region Eight Headquarters.

A guard walked into Lin Yaozong's lounge, saluted and said, "Commander, there was a call from the guard building at the front door saying that your daughter wants to see you."

Lin Yaozong slowly raised his head, a little confused: "Why is she here?"

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