District 9

Chapter 2305 Family

The next day.

In the capital of Sichuan, in the office hall of the General Police Bureau, the old cat loosened his collar and asked Fu Xiaohao: "How many people were arrested over there in the mountains?"

"The pursuit team captured five in no-man's land, but none of them were alive." Fu Xiaohao immediately replied: "I asked the Chongdu Police Station to reorganize the arrest unit and are still searching for no one." Search deep in the area!”

"Why are there no survivors?" Old Mao frowned and asked, "Who asked the arresting team to beat them so harshly? We have very little information. I need the gangsters alive!"

"It's not that we beat them hard, it's that when the gangsters found they couldn't escape, they would choose to commit suicide." Fu Xiaohao explained softly: "Those who didn't want to die were beaten to death by their companions who could run."

"...!" The old cat was speechless.

"The opponent this time is not the old Leizi on the ground." Fu Xiaohao thought for a while and said: "Only the district can cultivate such people, and we judge that the five people caught dead should be the same as those who followed. Kirill’s team is not a group of people, they are separated. This group of people is mainly responsible for covering and entering the field later.”

The old cat stood up slowly: "Inform the other side to continue searching."

"Yes!" Fu Xiaohao nodded.

"Have you found Yang Fengli's family?" Old Mao asked again.

"There is only one mother in Yang Fengli's family. We have already called her." Fu Xiaohao nodded: "She is in the interrogation room."

"Are the Ruan family members here?"

"No." Fu Xiaohao shook his head.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they left the office together and went to the interrogation area downstairs.

While walking towards the interrogation room, Fu Xiaohao introduced Yang Fengli's background to Lao Mao.

Yang Fengli's father is Ruan Ming's fucking cousin. From the Ruan family's point of view, this relationship is not too close, but it is not too far either.

The kinship between the Yang family and the Ruan family was at its peak during Ruan Ming's mother's generation. At that time, it was in the era of reconstruction in the three major districts after the Era. The Ruan family relied on its large number of people, and in There was accumulation before the first century, so he took advantage of the situation and began to get involved in various industries in the areas to be planned in that chaotic and dark era, gathering money and territory.

And Ruan Ming's cousin, Yang Fengli's father, also naturally followed the Ruan family to "conquer the country" because of this family relationship, and became Ruan Ming's father's "horseman".

This title of "Zhima" is not a specific official position, it is just a slang term on the ground. It is roughly equivalent to the personal adjutant of the military leader, similar to Cha Meng and Xiao Sang.

Around the 16th and 7th year of the New Era, the Ruan family began to compete with neighboring living villages for the surrounding road transportation rights. Because there are many mountains in Shu, whoever controls the scarce roads also controls the money. Therefore, the Ruan family and the neighboring villages at that time The family and the clan village with the first surname also fought a lot of battles, and it was at this time that Yang Fengli's father blocked two shots for Ruan Ming's father and died.

For Ruan Ming's father, the relationship between his wife's cousin and his daughter-in-law's cousin was not particularly far in the first place. In addition, he and Lao Yang lived together all day long and had a deep relationship. Therefore, after Lao Yang died, he had no feelings for this The old brother's widow also took good care of her. Not only did she give some money to Yang Fengli's wife, but she also planned to send Yang Fengli to study.

But when relatives help each other, there is a certain limit. No one will let their own life go by and help relatives live their lives wholeheartedly.

When Lao Yang died, Yang Fengli was not old enough. A young woman in her thirties could not remain a widow for the rest of her life. She was always looking for someone to continue living and live her life. Therefore, Yang Fengli would be his mother soon. She remarried, and Yang Fengli was her only relative, so she naturally lived with her mother.

After Yang Fengli grew up a little, the Ruan family arranged a lot of things for him to do, but these things were all very small. He did business and lost money in the business. They arranged a job for him in Taoli, where he ate, drank, whored and gambled all day long. , not only did he not take it seriously, but he also always enriched his own pockets. He was sent to school in a large area, and he sneaked back within two days to hang out with his friends.

In this way, the Ruan family was like using a high-speed train to pull Yang Fengli, but it couldn't be pulled. If this man couldn't work hard on his own, it would be useless to have any relatives, so the old man of the Ruan family didn't bother to care about him.

But Yang Fengli and his mother always felt that the Ruan family owed them something. They felt that without Ruan Ming's father, Lao Yang would not have died, so they kept coming to borrow money from time to time, and Ruan Ming's mother almost never refused.

In recent years, Yang Fengli's mother has gotten older, over fifty, and has begun to miss his son, so he asked the Ruan family for help and got him a job in the police system.

Sichuan government's current real development time is only four to five years. Although the major government affairs systems have been established, they still have many loopholes and cannot be compared with the regional ones.

For example, in the police system, the team led by Lao Mao and others from Songjiang is definitely not enough to manage the entire Sichuan Prefecture. If each region wants to divide and govern, they can only recruit people from the local area to supplement the police force, and all the local people are entrenched. Who is it? Obviously, those are the major families.

Therefore, arranging Yang Fengli into the police system was just a matter of words from the Ruan family.

The recruitment process for middle- and low-level police officers is very simple. After studying for three months to half a year at the police academy run by the General Administration of Police, if you understand some laws and some police knowledge, you can be employed and hold titles.

This kind of review process is definitely unhealthy, but there is no way for the Sichuan government. The place is vast and sparsely populated. If you want to manage it quickly, you need people. Therefore, the quality of the personnel is uneven, which is also a dilemma that cannot be solved temporarily, and This dilemma is inevitable for a new political party or force, and has been so since ancient times. Therefore, anyone who wants to compare the Sichuan government’s police force with that of a large district is simply stupid.

In this way, Yang Fengli was reported to the "Police crash course" by the Ruan family. Later, under the protection of the Ruan family's connections, he worked in Tianmen Prison directly after he came out. It was also a fat position, mainly for logistics procurement, and because of The convenience of this position allows him to freely enter and leave the main building where felons are held, as well as the dormitory building, and he has access to the main building warehouse.

The current political ecology of the Sichuan government is relatively abnormal. Its top leadership is absolutely elitist. Many of the old people around Qin Yu have built their status from scratch and have excellent personal abilities. But in the middle At the lower levels, there are many people who are incompetent and occupy positions, and the penetration of family influence is also serious.

Using a family can quickly govern a large Sichuan mansion, but it will also be burdened by various nepotisms within the family. This is something that no one can avoid.

When Lao Mao went to interrogate Yang Fengli's mother, the old man of the Ruan family sat in his living room and sighed and said: "I can't control this matter, and Xiao Ming can't control it...don't interrupt."

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