District 9

Chapter 2296: One man and one gun, rushing into the mountain

on the street.

Fu Zhen opened the driver's door of the military off-road vehicle and took the lead to see the injury of officer Xiao Liang. His left thigh was pierced, and the flesh and blood exploded, revealing the dense white bones.

Xiao Liang looked at Fu Zhen, covering the wound with his right hand, his expression was very painful and he cursed angrily: "When will you think about others when you are riding a horse?! I told you, don't get off the car first, we just need to entangle them." , once the support arrives, none of them will be able to escape, you have to listen!"

Fu Zhen walked around to the passenger seat, took out the gauze from the emergency first aid kit, sewed it up, and waited for the medical supplies to return. He quickly tore open Trabecular's trousers, helped him quickly stop the bleeding, and strangled the wound.

Behind him, Xiao Sang also took out medical supplies from the first aid box and lowered his head to treat the wound. His injuries were not serious, but they certainly affected his mobility.

It only took Fu Zhen thirty seconds to help Xiaoliang finish treating the wound. He then picked up his D-step, picked up four more boxes of bullets from the trunk, and put them in his backpack.

Seeing that he was acting a little abnormally, Xiao Sang immediately frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I'll go after them." Fu Zhen wanted to get some more medical supplies, but found that Xiao Sang had already used them up.

Xiao Sang was startled for a moment: "How many people can you chase by yourself?! They have a car and they can leave the city in less than five minutes."

"I can probably guess where they are evacuating from." Fu Zhen took off the tablet computer used for electronic positioning and navigation in the cab and replied quickly: "No one is bothering them. It is possible for these people to really Will run out."

"Take a break, okay?!" Xiaoliang yelled with red eyes: "Haven't you caused enough chaos? Deputy Director Zhu Wei has been arrested. If you go over and get held down, then what the hell will happen to the other side? You can talk about it as much as you want.”

Fu Zhen did not argue with him, and said seriously: "The training and education I received do not allow me to be a prisoner of war. Don't worry about this. I have a gun, so there is no way I will be caught alive by them."

After saying that, Fu Zhen turned to look at Xiao Sang: "Inform the search troops and ask them to move to the no-man's land in the southwest. The other party will definitely run from there."

"How do you know that's where they're going?"

"It's hard to explain the details to you." Fu Zhen was eager to leave, so he kept repeating: "Remember, don't search for the truck with all your strength, it will be useless, just let the helicopter search team bring the hot Just use the imager to search the no-man's land to the southwest and along the border with the Old Triangle."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't go...!"

"Don't push me too hard. I'm so young, and I don't want to commit suicide. If I don't have any confidence in my heart, what should I do?" Fu Zhen frowned and said, "You should contact the higher-ups. After I chase after him, the communication equipment will probably If there is no signal, you ask the helicopter search team to pay attention to the ground signal."

After saying that, Fu Zhen turned around and left.

"Come back on horseback...!" Xiao Sang was really anxious and wanted to get up to stop him, but Fu Zhen had already run away and didn't look back.

In the past three months, Xiao Sang has become very familiar with Fu Zhen. They both share a similar affinity and are considered good friends, so he doesn't want to see anything happen to this stupid young man. In addition, Fu Zhen's identity is also quite special. If he is caught or killed, it will have a huge impact on the Sichuan government.

Xiao Sang thought of this and immediately called Qin Yu. After hearing this, the latter became furious: "Damn it, are you fools? You've already lost Zhu Wei, why do you want him to chase after him? He's gone. How can I explain this matter to General Fu?!"

"I stopped him, but I couldn't stop him at all! He has such a bad temper that he won't listen to anyone!"

About ten minutes later.

Two Sichuan police helicopters pursued the truck along the road on the west side of Chongdu, and finally tracked the truck in a large field.

The helicopter in front immediately opened fire and shouted, ordering the other party to stop. However, what the officer in the vehicle did not expect was that the truck showed no resistance at all and parked quietly in the field.

The soldiers in the helicopter cabin lowered their locks, came forward with guns, and ordered the people in the car to raise their hands and get out of the car.

After more than ten seconds, a middle-aged man in the car ran out with trembling hands raised, with a piece of fried chicken the size of a cigarette box locked on his body.

"It has nothing to do with me. I was coerced. Don't shoot. It has nothing to do with me...!"

The soldiers swarmed up and took control of the driver instantly. They then searched the car and found no one inside.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I run a small shop on Zhongxing Street. A group of people just rushed in, holding long guns, and held me hostage. They asked me to drive. They also locked explosives on me and told me that it was within ten kilometers. They pressed the remote control and The bomb exploded...I dare not not listen!" The middle-aged man was pushed to the ground and shouted: "My wife and children are also in the store, and they also said that if I don't cooperate, someone will kill my whole family...! "

"Damn it!" The soldier checked the bomb on the middle-aged man's body, turned around and said, "This is either a remote control, or an ordinary C4!"

"Take this person back, while the others get on the plane and continue searching!" a slightly higher-ranking officer shouted.

Sichuan Mansion does not have a special zone wall. From any point in the city, one can penetrate into the planned area and no-man's land on the outside. Moreover, most of the Sichuan land has mountainous terrain. A dozen people climbed up and took advantage of the cover of the vast snowfield. Fish into the sea.

Fu Zhen's judgment was correct. Zhang Tian's team did abandon the truck. However, the helicopter formation followed his instructions and continued searching along the areas to be planned and uninhabited areas, but found nothing unusual.

Helicopters are equipped with thermal imaging cameras and fly at very low altitudes. If there are people hiding in the mountains, it should be easy to find traces of the gangsters in this icy and snowy environment. But for some reason, they gradually increased their size. After searching the area, there was still no trace of Zhang Tian's team.

In the mountains.

Fu Zhen, a "mental illness", was alone, carrying a gun on his back, running in the mountains and forests, looking down at the map.

His mind was extremely active at the moment, and his brain was calculating clearly.

The truck couldn't run too far because it couldn't get away from the helicopter search team, so its whereabouts would be completely exposed within twenty minutes at most.

In other words, the end point of the truck being searched is a straight line distance from the starting point of the gunfight, which is where the gangsters may escape. With this range, the purpose of the pursuit is clear.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhen took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact the headquarters security group, because he only had contact information there, but when he took out the phone, he saw that the signal was very weak, so it was far away from the city.

After making several calls in succession, Fu Zhen heard a tone indicating that the connection was temporarily unavailable. Fu Zhen raised his head and looked at the sky behind him. He saw a helicopter circling in the distance. He didn't have any panic in his expression. He just accelerated his pace toward the mountains. pursuit.

A complained "mentally ill", carrying a gun on his back, wanted to hold down twelve gangsters by himself!

This kind of courage and seemingly impetuous handling method may only be possible by Fu Zhen!

The snow got thicker as we got further into the mountains. Fu Zhen's running took a lot of energy. If he were a normal person, he would have chased in a straight line, but he ran diagonally because he never found any traces left by the gangsters.

Zhu Wei was kidnapped, Kirill was rescued, and Fu Zhen disobediently rushed into the mountain. So... in what direction will the situation develop?


Li Bokang was sitting in a simple office, playing with the tea cup in his hand, and whispered: "You just came here, don't lose your skills!"

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