District 9

Chapter 2285 Arena

Luhuai, inside the Zhou Clan headquarters.

"How was the conversation?" Zhou Xingli asked, sitting on the sofa.

"He was very calm. He was not surprised or happy that I found him." Zhou Yuanzheng thought carefully and replied: "It seems that everything is natural, and he also told me that we had thought about it before using him. "

"Haha." Zhou Xingli sneered: "A person who has been forgotten indefinitely has a strong voice."

"Yes." Zhou Yuanzheng echoed: "Actually, I still believe in Li Bokang's ability. Before his accident, he only got here because of his outstanding work performance, but his character... It always makes me feel a little out of control.”

"Didn't you think highly of him before?" Zhou Xingli asked, "Why are you going back now?"

"Most of what I know about him is on paper. I believe in his abilities, but when I come into contact with him... he really doesn't give me the impression that he is a very obedient person." Zhou Yuanzheng replied.

Zhou Xingli stood up slowly, walked around the room with his hands behind his back and said, "If you have concerns, then don't use him and make another choice!"

"That's fine." Zhou Yuanzheng nodded immediately.

The military intelligence department has this position, and there are too many things to control behind the scenes. Zhou Yuanzheng really has no idea about Li Bokang, so he is afraid of recommending him forcefully. If this person causes big trouble later, he will not be able to cause trouble. You have to follow suit.

In this way, the matter of Li Bokang being activated again was put on hold indefinitely by Zhou Yuanzheng in a few words.

At around six o'clock the next morning, Sichuan was in the capital.

Qin Yu was busy until very late yesterday, so he didn't go home. He was still resting at the headquarters. Xiao Sang got up early and followed the usual practice of following the guards from the headquarters to go out for morning exercises and ran around the compound for a few times. lock up.

The young people were full of energy. After a large group of soldiers finished running laps, they stretched and moved their bodies in the training room of the headquarters.

Because Xiao Sang is an "Ouchi Guard", his physical condition is to stretch his hips, which is definitely not possible. He usually does morning exercises at Qin Yu's house, but there is no equipment there, so he can only do ordinary aerobic training.

But it was different at the headquarters. The training room here was spacious, equipped with all kinds of equipment, and it could also be used for target shooting. So after resting for a while, he picked up two pairs of gloves and shouted to an officer: " Come on, Xiao Yang, come up and practice!"

"Deputy regiment, I'm not going." Xiao Yang was beaten severely by him and immediately waved his hands and shouted: "The inspection regiment leader gives you a little trial every day and teaches you Muay Thai. Who can beat you!"

"Come on, don't be modest. I know you are very strong in one-on-one combat. Let's practice!"

"I really can't fight, I have to eat." Xiao Yang ran away.

"It's over!"

When Xiao Sang saw him running away, he could only hold his gloves and hit the sandbags on the fighting ring with a bang.

Xiao Sang was born in Yeluzi. He used to be very thin and would rely on his reckless energy when encountering emergencies. Later, he entered Sichuan Mansion and followed Cha Meng every day. The latter also taught him boxing and other things.

But this teaching is not about traditional martial arts routines, but teaching him how to improve his strength, agility, explosive power and so on from all aspects, because Cha Meng has been playing Muay Thai before, and it is more about the improvement of scientific training when he was young. It was also a fierce group. At the beginning, Qi Lin and Qin Yu went to the ring and fucked him with boxing gloves, but they had never done it before.

On the ring, the young Xiao Sang was banging the sandbags, using his legs very frequently, and the beatings looked quite ferocious.

At this moment, a young man wandered in from outside the door, holding a glass of soy milk in his hand. His original direction was to walk towards the window, but when he saw Xiao Sang hammering sandbags on the ring, he immediately I came over to watch it for a while when I had nothing to do.

"Hey, Xiao Sang, you're practicing wrong!" The young man stood next to the ring and shouted carelessly.

When Xiao Sang heard the sound, he turned around and saw that the young man shouting was the number one homeless person in Sichuan Province. Fu Zhen!

"Your legs are not strong enough and you can't step on your feet, so you can't always use your legs!" Fu Zhen said like a chatterbox: "Look at how thin your legs are, you can even sit on the stage to be shaved! You must first practice leg strength and lay a solid foundation before practicing Muay Thai! Look at those who practice Muay Thai, they all have one characteristic, they are short, have thick legs, and have obvious muscles below the waist...!"

"How much do you know!" Xiao Sang squinted and cursed.

"Fuck, everything I told you was good, but you are just showing off!"

"Are you good? Are you good?" Xiao Sang was also a jerk in the early years. Now he has just restrained himself, but his personality cannot change, so he listened to Fu Zhen's words and asked in dissatisfaction.

"I'm really good at it!"

"Come on, go ahead!" Xiao Sang hooked his hand.

"Pull him down, I'll do it for you, then Commander Qin will have some face." Fu Zhen squinted and replied, "This will offend people!"

"Don't push me, come up if you can!" Xiao Sang shouted even more dissatisfied.

The soldiers and officers who had finished stretching in the room were about to go out for dinner at this moment, but when they saw the two of them talking to each other, they all came over excitedly.

"Fuck him!"

"Don't say anything, just go up!"

"Brother, let me tell you, don't brag in front of the deputy team. In the past, two or three of us hit him, but he didn't hold him down!"


The crowd started to boo.

Fu Zhen enjoyed this feeling very much. He slowly put down the soy milk cup, pointed at Xiao Sang and said, "I can get him down in fifteen seconds at most. Do you believe it?!"

"Brother, how can you people from Luhuai be so bragging?"

"You speak in a low-key manner, this is Sichuan Mansion, brother!"


Several officers also started arguing with Fu Zhen.

"I have to teach you Sichuan soldiers a lesson, let me tell you, there is a world outside the sky, there are people outside the world, and I am the only one...!"


When Fu Zhen was bragging to everyone, a full set hit him in the face, interrupting his words.

Fu Zhen looked up, and Xiao Sang hooked his hand directly: "If you don't say anything else, if you can get down for me, I will call you grandpa!"

"I don't need a grandson yet!"

Fu Zhen stretched out his hand and grabbed the ring rope, jumped up in one step, and took off his coat.

In the corridor, Qin Yu, who had just woken up, was about to wash up with Cha Meng when he saw the scene in the training room. They were startled and stood at the door to watch the excitement.

"Are you sure you're not ready?!" Xiao Sang asked immediately when he saw Fu Zhen put on his gloves.

"get ready……!"


Fu Zhen shook his neck, and as soon as he could reply half a sentence, Xiao Sang kicked him over without any warning.

"Fuck, are you playing tricks on me?!"


There was a muffled sound, and a person fell on the ring.

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