District 9

Chapter 2267 The collapse of faith

The person in charge of the Military Intelligence Headquarters felt a little guilty looking at Fu Zhenguo's stern face. After all, he is also a lieutenant general. Although the current political situation is worrying, who knows if he will be used again one day.

The two sides were in a stalemate. When the person in charge of the military intelligence headquarters was hesitating whether to pressure Fu Zhenguo, Jiao Peng suddenly stepped forward, reached out and directly touched Fu Zhenguo's pocket, and said coldly: "I'm sorry, General Fu." , receiving communication equipment is our rule here."

Fu Zhenguo glanced at him: "You're the one who won't let my family leave, right?"

"It's me." Jiao Peng was a bit extreme in his actions. He knew that his political stance could not be changed, so there was no need to give Fu Zhenguo any face. As long as he does what he has been told above, that is the greatest form of political correctness.

After speaking, Jiao Peng took out Fu Zhenguo's mobile phone, threw it directly to the staff and said, "General Fu, please go to the inquiry room."

Fu Zhenguo looked at the people in front of him without saying another word.

With Jiao Peng proofing in front, the mood of other people in the military intelligence headquarters also rose. They also felt that they did not need to give Fu Zhenguo any face, and they could only finish the things assigned above.

Five minutes later, Fu Zhenguo was brought to the inquiry room and sat on a wooden chair.

In the center of the living room, Fu Zhenguo looked at the wall with the slogan of leniency for confession and strict interrogation for resistance, his heart filled with irony.

Did you agree that I would keep you safe?

Where are the old friends we've made friends with for many years?

At this moment, all promises and personal emotions were shattered in the face of power and politics.

Fu Zhenguo has been in the military for many years. Although he has an upright and strong personality, he has a minimum political IQ. Could he not have thought that Zhou Xingli had given up on him at this moment?

Perhaps it was not Zhou Xingli who did this intentionally, but rather due to internal pressure, but it was obvious that he had already made a mistake.

Jiao Peng sat in the interrogation position, frowned at Fu Zhenguo and said, "General Fu, I have a few questions about your son's kidnapping case."

Fu Zhenguo looked at him indifferently and said nothing.

"First of all, I found a detail in the surveillance video of Waka Bar, that is, when Chen's military intelligence personnel came into contact with Fu Zhen, the two parties communicated without any obstacles. In other words, they did not use any extreme behavior to They threatened Fu Zhen, but the latter chose to go with them." Jiao Peng looked at Fu Zhenguo and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Fu Zhenguo looked at the people in front of him with disdain and remained silent.

"Do you think your son's behavior is normal? Is there any possibility of him rebelling?" Jiao Peng paused and asked again.

Fu Zhenguo stared at him with a smile, showing no intention of speaking.

Jiao Peng frowned and stared at the lieutenant general, picked up the cigarette case and continued: "Tonight, a frigate of your Third Fleet moved towards Nanhu without any warning. What was your motive? Are you out? For what purpose was this order issued?”

"Haha." Fu Zhenguo laughed and looked at everyone meaningfully.

"General Fu, we respect you, but we also ask you to respect us." The person in charge of the military intelligence headquarters said coldly; "It will not do you any good if you confront him and ask questions."

"Who do you think you are?" Fu Zhenguo replied in a flat voice: "My motives and loyalty have been given to the people, to the regional government, and through actions during my decades of naval career and foreign wars. After proving it, what do I need to explain to you? Who do you bastards represent?!"

"Fu Zhenguo, you'd better have a correct attitude. We have our responsibilities." A division chief from the military intelligence headquarters stood up and shouted.

In Fu Zhenguo's eyes, these people in front of him were as insignificant as ants. He didn't bother to communicate with them at all, and all he felt in his heart was sadness and confusion.

For the first time, he began to doubt himself. What was the purpose of his military career for so many years?

For the sake of the people? Is it for the sake of the regional coastal defense force to shine?

No, it doesn't seem to be the case. This kind of rhetoric is like a stimulant for passionate young people to comfort themselves. It is too childish and naive.

He suddenly realized that after so many years of hard work and hard work, it seemed that only politicians were successful in the end. His fleet and the highly qualified officers he brought out were ultimately nothing more than political chips placed on the table for mutual negotiation.

Personal vision is nothing! What can the lieutenant general control at the critical moment? ! If your superiors tell you to lose it, you will have to lose it right away. The shining stars on his shoulders and the medals hanging on his chest can't even redeem himself in the end, let alone the people and the coastal defense force.

Fu Zhenguo was desperate and had completely lost confidence in the system and in Zhou Xingli, whom he thought he might be able to trust.

In the slightly dim inquiry room, Jiao Peng looked at Fu Zhenguo calmly and said again: "General Fu, I hope you can cooperate with our questioning. To put it simply, your son Fu Zhen's kidnapping case still requires us Take responsibility. You have made the situation too tense, and I guarantee that nothing will go wrong in the process of rescuing your son."

Threat, Chi Guoguo's threat.

Jiao Peng almost said openly, you quickly tell me what I want to ask, and then you are fired from the position of commander of the Third Fleet. This matter is over, otherwise your son's safety will really become a problem. .

Fu Zhenguo looked at him blankly and smiled again.

"General Fu, you are under the care of Commander-in-Chief Zhou. He appreciates you very much. Even if you leave your current position, your life will not be very bad. You will not be officially activated one day, so you really don't need to have Such a big emotion." Jiao Peng continued: "It's normal to have ups and downs in a political career, isn't it?"

"You mean, I'm not worthy of you, and you won't even talk to Chen Xi, right? Just watch my son die?!" Fu Zhenguo asked.

Jiao Peng looked at him coldly and did not reply.

Outside the courtyard of the Military Intelligence Headquarters.

More than 20 navy-specific military vehicles suddenly rushed over from the left side of the road, directly smashed the guardrail at the entrance of the Military Intelligence Headquarters compound, and rushed into the compound.

A colonel-level officer opened the door and got out of the car, holding his hands behind his back and shouting: "Assemble!"

Nearly 400 naval soldiers rushed down from more than 20 military vehicles. They held guns and wore combat uniforms, and quickly formed a formation in the courtyard.

The senior colonel-level officer hurried forward and headed straight to the main building.

At the gate of the hospital, dozens of guards from the military intelligence department came out to greet them. They recognized this force as belonging to the Naval Special Forces, and they were not stationed in the port.

The leading guard officer stepped forward, saluted and shouted: "Sir, are you...?"

"I have been assigned by the headquarters to pick up General Fu and leave. Make way!" the colonel frowned and shouted.

"But we didn't receive such an order?" The leading officer was confused: "We need to ask the higher-ups for instructions."

"Go and ask for instructions." The colonel directly pulled him aside and walked towards the main building.

The guard soldier was confused about the situation and instinctively raised his gun.

The colonel turned around, pointed at the guards and shouted: "Get out of here, or I will bloodbath your bullshit military intelligence department!"


Four hundred people raised their guns and shouted.

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