District 9

Chapter 2264 Meng Xi’s conspiracy

On the main ship of the Third Fleet.

Fu Zhenguo walked into the conference room and said to the chief of staff: "The other party has already shown their cards, but I always feel that building the No. 2 inner port is just a starter. They have put so much effort into it, and it is impossible to move just one port. I personally feel , either the Chen clan wants to attack Luhuai, and the attack route is the sea, or they have a bigger plan."

"Yes." The chief of staff nodded in agreement.

"First bring my family into the harbor and stay with me." Fu Zhenguo gritted his teeth and cursed: "I always thought that Chen Zhongren was quite graceful in his work, but I didn't expect that he would use my family this time. It’s a big deal. They are already shameless, I have to guard against them.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Order the 305th Ground Regiment to disperse into the No. 2 Inner Harbor and conduct a warning. We must guard against a sneak attack by the Chen Department." Fu Zhenguo thought for a moment and continued: "The No. 2 Destroyer can move forward five nautical miles and proceed in advance. Be alert, the main direction of investigation is the Chen fleet in Nanhu."


"...!" Fu Zhenguo looked at the sand table. On the one hand, he was worried about his son's safety, but on the other hand, he had to dutifully protect his garrison area. Perhaps only the person involved could understand this complicated mood.

"Looking at this, do you want to report it to the headquarters?" the chief of staff asked tentatively.

Fu Zhenguo thought about it for a long time: "It's not that I don't trust Lao Zhou, but I'm afraid that Chen Xi's appeal will spread among the senior management and make other people have bad suspicions about us. Let's wait a little later, after we confirm this After I find out that the Chen department did this and their purpose, I will report it to Lao Zhou."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements first."


Fu Zhenguo nodded.

After the chief of staff left, Lao Fu looked at the sand table and said with doubtful eyes: "Is it true that Chen Xi is going to take Luhuai? What are they going to do with it?!"

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

Ten navy off-road vehicles drove to the door of Fu's house, and a battalion commander led his soldiers into the villa hall.

Zhang Yue stood up: "Is this Battalion Commander Guo?"

"Yes." The battalion commander immediately nodded and replied, "The commander has already called you, right?"

"Yes, he told us to go to the port and board the warship. What happened?" Zhang Yue asked anxiously.

"I don't know the specifics." The battalion commander shook his head and replied, "My mission is to pick you up with the others."

"Okay." Zhang Yue responded, turned around and shouted: "Xiaoyu, pack your things."


Xu Department's military intelligence personnel had already seen the naval troops arriving at Fu's house, and the person in charge of tracking immediately notified Jiao Peng.

In the surveillance vehicle, Jiao Peng and his staff rushed to Fu's house in a hurry and asked Zhang Yue directly: "Dr. Zhang, are you...?"

"Lao Fu called us and asked us to go to the warship." Zhang Yue stood up and replied.

"Go to the warship?!" Jiao Peng looked at the other party in shock and asked, "You...are you going by yourself?"

"No, our whole family will go." Zhang Yue shook his head.

When Jiao Peng heard this, he was stunned for two or three seconds and then asked: "Is this an order from the headquarters?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yue shook his head.

Jiao Peng glanced at the Fu family and said nothing more. Instead, he immediately walked out of the villa and dialed Xu Hancheng's number.


"Hello? Commander, the Fu family is leaving."

"You want to leave? Where to go?" Xu Hancheng asked with a frown.

"I said I was going to the warship. It was very sudden." Jiao Peng immediately replied: "When I went, Fu Yu seemed to have already sent someone to pick up his wife and children."

When Xu Hancheng heard this, he felt inexplicably goosebumps all over his body: "Is the whole family leaving?"

"That's right." Jiao Peng replied urgently: "Commander, Fu Zhen is in the hands of the other party. We know very little about the situation at the moment. If Fu Zhenguo takes all his family members to the ship, then... Then if something goes wrong...the sea surface will...!"

"You go and delay, we can't let Fu Zhenguo's family leave." Xu Hancheng immediately replied: "I will be at the headquarters soon."

"Yes!" Jiao Peng saluted.

Twenty minutes later.

In Zhou Xingli's office, Zhou Yuanzheng, five or six senior military officials, and the staff of the headquarters were all expressing their opinions.

"The case can be investigated, and we can also use all resources to help him redeem his son, but... it will definitely not work if all his immediate family members board the ship." At this moment, Zhou Yuanzheng also learned from the military intelligence department that Fu Zhenguo was going to take over He wanted to know the news from his family, so he said resolutely: "Once people are on board, the possibilities are endless, Commander!"

Zhou Xingli frowned, his face serious.

"Yes, Commander, we absolutely cannot agree to this. His family members cannot board the ship." The Chief of Staff also agreed.

Zhou Xingli stood up slowly, walked around the room with his hands behind his back, suddenly looked back at everyone and asked, "Have you ever thought of a possibility?"

Everyone was silent.

"Maybe Chen Xi just wants us to have bad suspicions about the Zhenguo family." Zhou Xingli said to everyone: "So, we must be cautious in handling this matter, otherwise it may unnecessarily intensify internal conflicts. "


At this moment, the door of the office opened and Xu Hancheng walked in. The first thing he said when he saw Zhou Xingli was: "Commander, we can't let people from the Fu family board the ship! Fu Zhenguo's son is in the hands of others. Once he If you compromise, countless possibilities will emerge on the sea."

Zhou Yuanzheng stood up when he heard this and immediately interrupted: "I still stick to my opinion. If Fu Zhenguo is not worried about the safety of his family, he and his family can be transferred back to the commander. Department, and then personnel from our General Military Intelligence Department will intervene in the investigation."

Zhou Xingli looked at his immediate family members and suddenly realized that the kidnapping case had turned into a political battle. Many people seemed to want to take advantage of the situation to get rid of the disobedient Fu Zhenguo...

Things became more complicated. After Zhou Xingli pondered for a long time, he did not take action according to other people's suggestions. Instead, he responded tactfully: "Let me call Lao Fu and communicate with him personally."

Fu family.

Xu Department's military intelligence officers had already blocked the door of Fu's house. Jiao Peng said to Zhang Yue, "Considering your safety, you cannot evacuate now."

"If we can't leave, do we still need to report to you?" Fu Yu stood up and asked.

"This is the order we received." Jiao Peng replied.

Fu Yu was furious when he heard the sound. He pointed at the other party and responded politely: "CNM, are you mentally ill? I've been checking the case over and over, but you haven't made any progress at all. Instead, you are thinking about conspiracy theories. You think so." Far?! My dad has been standing in the outer harbor, blocking the Chen system for a year. During this time, he ate, drank, and had sex on the warship, and he only went home a few times a year. For a general like this, what are you afraid of him?! "

"You have given us too little information." Jiao Peng also replied excitedly: "You are resisting cooperation with us."

"I cooperated with your mother! Xu Hancheng tried to kill my dad several times at the conference. Why are you pretending to be good people now?" Fu Yu yelled back: "And we don't have any information ourselves, so the kidnappers just beat us We made a phone call because you thought too much and thought we were lying."

"I watched the surveillance. When Fu Zhen came into contact with Chen Department personnel, he was not intimidated. Instead, he followed the other person away on his own initiative. Isn't this strange?!" Jiao Peng asked with eyes wide open.

"Then what do you mean? You mean my brother and Chen's military intelligence officer wear the same pair of pants, right?"

"I didn't say that, but it's doubtful."

"I'm going to fuck you! My dad is guarding the border. Is this how you treat my family?" Fu Yu pulled his neck and shouted at the battalion commander: "Tell them to get out of here!"


The battalion commander and the soldiers in the room collectively raised their guns and roared.

"It's impossible for you to leave." Jiao Peng said, turned and left.

On the main ship of the Third Fleet.

Fu Zhenguo is currently studying Chen Xi's intentions and has already sent a group to infiltrate the No. 2 inner harbor.


At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a staff officer walked in and said: "Commander, our response people have arrived at your home, but the military intelligence personnel of the Xu Department... refused to let your wife and others leave. .”

Fu Zhenguo was stunned. He sent his troops home to pick up the people. He didn't think too much about it, just because Fu Yu encountered assassination threats during the day, and the "kidnappers" also threatened his family at night. Something happened, so he thought of taking his immediate family members to the warship and staying with him, which would be safer.

But what Fu Zhenguo never expected was that people from other factions thought too much.

Lieutenant General, what kind of formation and what kind of storm have you never seen before? Fu Zhenguo was silent for only two seconds before he thought of the crux of the problem and was extremely angry inside.

Why should he keep his family members? Isn't it because some people don't believe in him?

Fu Zhen was arrested, and many people were afraid that Fu Zhenguo would be led around by the nose, so they wanted to hold Zhang Yue and others as quality control.

This almost touched the most sensitive area in Fu Zhenguo's heart. He led his troops at the forefront of the coastal defense line and didn't go home for more than a year. Now, because of his military threat to the Chen family, something happened to his son, but the rear is still engaging in such conspiracy theories. .

Fu Zhenguo was about to explode with anger. He put his hands on the table and cursed: "What a f*ck! It wasn't a big deal at first, but if you stop me like this, I won't give you this face. I'm going to kill you." My wife and children have been brought to the warship, and I’ll see if your headquarters can treat me as a traitor and kill me.”

"Dip Lingling!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang. After the staff member answered the call, he immediately covered the phone and said to Fu Zhenguo, "The commander-in-chief is calling."

Fu Zhenguo reached out to take the phone and said expressionlessly: "Hello, Commander-in-Chief."

This title was very alienating, and Zhou Xingli felt it, so he immediately said: "Lao Fu, I have just received a report from the military intelligence department and learned about your affairs. Don't worry, your son's life is safe with our commander. This is the top priority of the department, and I will also give you full trust. In this way, you come to the headquarters first, and we can talk about this matter in person. I also have many things I want to find out from you..."

When Fu Zhenguo heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and his eyes became complicated.

What does "go back..." mean?


At the same time, in Jiangzhou, Ma Laoer took the phone and said: "Notify people in the city and prepare for action immediately."

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