District 9

Chapter 2260 Bizarre Kidnapping Case

District 7, Luhuai City.

After Jiao Peng heard that Fu Zhenguo's son had been kidnapped at the Waka Bar, he immediately ordered to the leader of the second team: "Quick, let's check the surveillance right away."


A few minutes later, Jiao Peng led the core members of the unit into the small conference room and played the surveillance video of Waka Bar.

Before this, Jiao Peng had no direction, so he needed to search carefully bit by bit to watch the surveillance, so that he could lock in the enemy's military intelligence personnel. But the situation is different now. Fu Zhenguo's son was kidnapped in Waka Bar. Could this be an accident? Most likely not, so his investigation direction immediately became focused on Fu Zhen. He wanted to see if the two things were related.

The video was projected onto the wall and played at 0.5x speed.

Jiao Peng hugged his shoulders and stared at the picture, not missing every detail.

Soon, the video gave feedback. The leader of the second team pressed the pause button, pointed at the screen with an infrared pen and said: "Secretary, this guy with a shaved head and a white coat is Fu Zhenguo's son, Fu Zhen." .”

"Keep playing, speed up, and see who Fu Zhenguo's son has been in contact with." Jiao Peng ordered with a frown.

The leader of the second group heard the sound and adjusted the playback speed, and everyone continued to watch. A short while later, Daxiong's figure appeared on the surveillance camera. He obviously held a pair of gloves in his left hand. He walked up to Fu Zhen and had a conversation with him.

Due to the increased playback speed, this scene only stayed for a short while and then was skipped. The remaining image was of Fu Zhen and Da Xiong going to the second floor together.

"Cut to another screen." Jiao Peng frowned and ordered.

The leader of the second team called up the surveillance video on the second floor and played the scene of Daxiong and Fu Zhen entering the corridor together. Then he whispered: "In the bureau, there are only these two scenes."

Jiao Peng was stunned for a moment: "What about the scene when they came out?"

"There is no footage of them coming out. The private room they are in is at the innermost side of the second floor and is a blind spot for surveillance. I saw the scene. On the left side of the private room is the staircase to the back door of the next floor." The leader of the second team replied truthfully.

A staff member pointed at the image of Daxiong and said, "He should be the person who kidnapped Fu Zhen."

Jiao Peng touched his chin and immediately ordered: "Call back and cut to the scene when the suspect came into contact with Fu Zhen."

The leader of the second team immediately followed the instructions and replayed the surveillance video.

Jiao Peng watched the scene of Da Xiong and Fu Zhen just coming into contact three times in a row before frowning and saying, "Did you notice a detail?"

The leader of the second team thought for a moment and immediately replied: "The suspect seems to know Fu Zhen. Their conversation was very smooth."

"Yes." Jiao Peng was a little confused: "It was said to be a kidnapping, but why did they talk so smoothly?"

"Could this person not be a kidnapper?" the staff member next to him interjected.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see that he was holding a pair of gloves in his left hand?!" The leader of the second group immediately replied: "This is a characteristic of the Chen Department's military intelligence officers."

"Connector?!" Jiao Peng muttered these two words unconsciously.

"Secretary, this matter involves Fu Zhenguo's son, and the situation has become complicated again." The leader of the second group analyzed from the side: "Do you think the mission of Chen's military intelligence officer is to go to Staying at a bar and kidnapping Fu Zhenguo's son?"

"It's hard to say now." Jiao Peng walked around the room and immediately made a plan: "Cut out the photo of the suspect who came into contact with Fu Zhen and screen it in our enemy's archives. Then put his Send the photo to the prison for identification by the enemy agent who has been captured. We now need to determine the identity of this person as soon as possible..."


"Team Three, check Fu Zhen's recent activities. If it was a kidnapping, it means the enemy has been targeting him for a long time."


"The General Affairs Office has officially notified all city gates to assist us in handling the case, asking them to strictly check people entering and leaving the city, and report any situation to us immediately."

"Yes, bureau seat!"

"Old Liu, come with me to Fu's house." Jiao Peng called out again.


"All groups move, hurry up!" Jiao Peng clapped his hands and shouted.

After the order was issued, Xu's military intelligence personnel became busy. When Jiao Peng left, he called Xu Hancheng directly to report.

If there were only changes in the military intelligence personnel of the Chen family, there would be no need to report the matter to the theater commander and just handle it on their own. However, as this matter involves Fu Zhenguo's immediate family members, the nature of the case is already essential. Variety.

About forty minutes later.

Xu's military intelligence officer's car was already parked at the navy family compound. Jiao Peng led a dozen people and strode towards Fu's house.

Everyone rushed through the perimeter of the compound and arrived at the door of Fu's house. Then Jiao Peng saw that many police cars had parked at the main entrance of Fu's compound.

Jiao Peng paused, led everyone into the yard, came to the door of the villa and rang the doorbell.

After a while, Zhang Yue's nephew opened the door, looked at Jiao Peng and others and asked, "Are you...?"

"From the military intelligence department, we want to see Mrs. Fu." Jiao Peng replied politely.

"Oh, come in." The nephew stepped aside.

When Jiao Peng and others entered the room, Zhang Yue was communicating with people from the Police General Administration, so they could only wait in the hall for a while.

More than twenty minutes later, Zhang Yue met Jiao Peng in the lobby on the first floor.

"How did you know about this case?" Zhang Yue didn't have a good impression of Xu's military intelligence officers, because they were controlled by Xu Hancheng, and because her son had an accident, she was also in a irritable mood, so she didn't have a smiley face when she spoke. .

"Dr. Zhang, I want to ask you, did the kidnapper call you?" Jiao Peng did not answer the other party's question directly, but asked a question.

Zhang Yue thought for a moment: "Hit."

Jiao Peng's eyes lit up: "What did they say?"

"...The kidnappers told us to prepare a ransom of five million and wait for their contact." Zhang Yue replied truthfully.

"Then what?" Jiao Peng asked.

"He only said one sentence in total." Zhang Yue replied.

"Just one sentence, five million ransom?!" Jiao Peng was very confused at this moment, because he knew very well that the person who kidnapped Fu Zhen was almost 100% a military intelligence officer of the Chen Department. When the other party showed up, his left hand was He pinched a pair of gloves, which was very consistent with the information he had.

But the strange thing is that people from the Chen department kidnapped Fu Zhen. Why did they ask for a ransom of five million? This is a bit illogical!

"Do you have any missing information?" Jiao Peng asked.

"I told you, the kidnapper just said this to me." Zhang Yue repeated impatiently.

Jiao Peng clenched his fists, thinking that this case was too weird. First of all, he was the first to learn that the military intelligence officers from District 7 might show up in Waka, and then he kidnapped Fu Zhen after the person showed up, and his final demand was just for a ransom of five million?

Damn it, how short of money does Chen Xi have to do such a stupid thing?

This is so strange.

Jiao Peng felt that the case was out of control. After chatting with Zhang Yue, he immediately called Xu Hancheng again.


Qin Yu was lying on the bed, staring back and replied: "Brother, I asked you to instigate rebellion against Fu Zhenguo, not to drive him crazy. Why are you kidnapping his son for fun?"

"There was an accident, but I have already thought of a remedy. Now I just want to ask you, how do you think Fu Zhen will handle it? Should he stay in Jiangzhou, or...?"

"Damn it, you're forcing a commander to commit a crime with you!" Qin Yu gritted his teeth, considered it carefully and said, "Forget it, get him back, it's safe here. Otherwise, if this Fu Zhen is here If something goes wrong on our hands, Fu Zhenguo might just use cannon to bombard the Chen family's ship."

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