District 9

Chapter 2259 Shen Nong in the Experimental Field

At the door of the greenhouse in the experimental field, Ma Laoer reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties wearing a military coat opened the door, yawned and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"We are from the Military Supervision Bureau, looking for Meng Xi." Ma Laoer whispered back.

The middle-aged man was startled for a moment, then immediately adjusted his figure and said very politely and cautiously: "Ah, he is here, he is here. Come in... come in!"

Ma Laoer and Wu Di heard the sound and walked into the room, turned around and glanced at the surrounding environment.

"Two sirs, the environment here is a bit bad... You guys sit down and I'll call him." The middle-aged man is also a civil servant in the Sichuan government. He has seen Ma Laoer and Wu Di in various video materials, so he has already recognized them. Outside of them, the mood became even more tense.

"Excuse me." Wu Di pulled a chair and sat down.

The two waited for about five or six minutes before the unkempt Meng Xi walked out of the back room. His hair is very long, and the hair on the temples has been tied to his ears. It seems that it has not been trimmed for a long time. His skin color has become dark yellow, his beard is unkempt, and he looks very downcast and a little dirty.

For more than a year, Meng Xi has never received a call from his superiors, but he can endure his loneliness and has been squatting in various experimental fields and concentrating on farming.

"Hey, why are you here?" Meng Xi asked relaxedly when he saw the two of them looking unsurprised.

"Come to see you." Ma Laoer replied very hypocritically.

"Haha." Meng Xi smiled: "Are you okay?"

"If you want to say that, then I won't pave the way." Ma Laoer was also very anxious and immediately whispered: "We do have something to ask you."

Meng Xi scratched his head: "Go to my room and talk."

After that, the three of them left together.

Inside Waka Bar.

Jiao Peng and other military intelligence officers have been waiting for more than three hours, but no clues have been found.

It was already late at night, the bar was about to close, a large number of customers had left, and the hall was slightly empty.

The leader of the second group walked up to Jiao Peng and whispered in his ear: "There is nothing abnormal at all. Keep squatting, or should we summon everyone?"

Jiao Peng stood up slowly: "We have already missed the point. If we summon everyone, wouldn't we expose ourselves on our own initiative?"

The leader of the second group nodded.

"Order each group to withdraw quietly without causing any noise." Jiao Peng whispered: "Go to the boss alone and call him into my car. I will talk to him."

"Okay, what about the prisoner?"

"Take him back from behind." Jiao Peng ordered.


After speaking, the leader of the second group issued an order, and the military intelligence personnel of the Xu Department began to evacuate on their own.

About ten minutes later, in the alley behind Waka Bar, a fat middle-aged man got into a car belonging to the military intelligence department.

"Hello... hello!" The boss greeted Jiao Peng nervously.

"Do you know which department we are from?" Jiao Peng asked.

"I know, I know!" The boss nodded while wiping his sweat.

"Don't be nervous, we are not here for you." Jiao Peng frowned and ordered: "You will go back to the store in person later, make a copy of your surveillance video, and then hand it over to our staff."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away!" The boss nodded immediately.

"If the matter I am looking for you is leaked, do you know what the crime will be?" Jiao Peng stared at the other party with a gloomy look and asked.

"I know... I know. Don't worry, I understand the rules."

Jiao Peng waved his hand upon hearing this, and the boss immediately opened the car door, nodded and bowed and backed out.

After only meeting him for the first time, Jiao Peng already had his own judgment about this boss. He felt that this person had nothing to do with the military intelligence system, but he still ordered his subordinates very strictly: "Keep an eye on him."

"Yes!" The person outside the car nodded.

After a while, Jiao Peng's car left the alley.

In the greenhouse of the experimental field.

Meng Xi sat under the dim light, holding a cup of hot water, and asked Ma Laoer softly: "Have the military intelligence officers of the Xu Department taken your bait?"

"Bit, we have spies on the outside." Ma Laoer immediately replied: "As soon as our person in charge of paving took Fu Zhen away, the people from the opposite side arrived at Waka."

"Have they moved?" Meng Xi asked again.

"No." Wu Di shook his head and replied: "After entering Waka, they deployed controls, but they didn't leak."

"Well." Meng Xi took a sip of water, looked at Ma Laoer slowly and asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

"I'm here to ask you a question!" Ma Laoer said speechlessly: "I just don't know how to deal with it now."

Wu Di pondered for a moment and took over the conversation: "The key to the problem now is that Fu Zhen, a hot potato, has been caught, and Xu Department's military intelligence officers have also taken the bait. So if we want to deal with the Fu family, we must not hide it. Living."

Meng Xi did not answer.

"If we threaten Fu Zhenguo with Fu Zhen, what do you think is the chance of success?" Wu Di asked bluntly.

"Not big, almost no chance." Meng Xi replied without hesitation.

Wu Di knew that the other party had something to say, so he didn't say anything anymore.

"Fu Zhenguo is a lieutenant general, and he is one of the top ten characters in the Zhou family. In addition to his son Fu Zhen, he also has a lot of concerns, family, subordinates, status, and The loyalty of a soldier will tie him down." Meng Xi said clearly: "The news that you kidnapped Fu Zhen cannot be hidden. As long as people from the Xu family come into contact with people from the Fu family, who is behind Chen Xi? The matter of the move has been completely missed. When the time comes, your plan to instigate Fu Zhenguo will also attract the attention of the upper echelons of the Zhou Dynasty. In other words, you will not only have to deal with Tong Fu Zhenguo himself, but also Zhou Xingli With Xu Hancheng and other upper-level defenses, do you think the success rate of this kind of thing is high?"

Wu Di was silent.

"Threats are a bad idea. Once Fu Zhenguo is angered, the effect will be counterproductive." Meng Xi continued: "It's not good. He will hit Chen Xi harder than anyone else in the future."

Wu Di nodded unconsciously.

"What do you mean?" Ma Laoer asked tentatively.

"Continue to do the trap, take advantage of the unequal information, and continue to intensify the conflict between Fu Zhenguo and the other party. In this case, there is still room for remedy." Meng Xi looked at Ma Laoer and said softly: "Now Xu Zhenguo The department is still confused, they don’t know what you are going to do, right?”

"Yes." Ma Laoer nodded along with the other person's thoughts.

"You need to make the Fu family nervous first. You can do this..." Meng Xi whispered a few words to Ma Laoer.

About half an hour later.

At Fu's house in Luhuai, Fu Zhen's mother Zhang Yue's phone suddenly rang. She opened her eyes drowsily and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Your son is in my hands, prepare a ransom of five million, and I will contact you again." A cold man's voice said only one sentence before hanging up the phone.

After Zhang Yue was stunned for two seconds, he sat up with a cry and called the other party back in a panic, but the phone was turned off.

Zhang Yue's heart was beating loudly and he immediately called Fu Zhen again, but the latter's phone was also turned off.

At this time, Zhang Yue was completely confused. She quickly stood up and called the Third Fleet Headquarters directly.

After a while, Fu Zhenguo, who was on the battleship, answered the phone: "What's wrong?"

"Lao Fu, something happened to our son. He was kidnapped. The other party wants a ransom of five million..." Zhang Yue said with a trembling voice.

More than two hours later, Jiao Peng, who had returned to his workplace, was about to watch the surveillance video of Waka Bar.

At this moment, the leader of the second team walked in quickly and said: "Bureau, there is an emergency over at Waka Bar."

"What's going on?" Jiao Peng looked up.

"...People from the Police General Administration went to the bar to investigate and said that Fu Zhenguo's son, Fu Zhen, was kidnapped there." The military intelligence officer immediately replied: "After the bar owner contacted them, he immediately reported it to us. Made a call."

"Fu Zhen was kidnapped?!" Jiao Peng stood up in disbelief.

On the battleship.

Fu Zhenguo's right eyelid twitched wildly, and he was extremely agitated.

In the greenhouse of the experimental field, Meng Xi said to Ma Laoer: "You can ask me for advice, but don't tell outsiders... My current situation is a bit sensitive, do you understand?"

"I understand. If things develop in a positive direction, I will immediately tell Commander Qin that it is all your fault."

"You are a little bit less human...!"

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