District 9

Chapter 2252 Madam Socializing

On the street in front of Qin's house, Ye Lin reached out and pulled the car door open, and said with a smile: "Please, First Lady of Sichuan."

"Ouch, don't call me that, it makes me dizzy." Lin Nianlei smiled and waved her hand, bent down and got into the passenger seat, and politely replied: "Thank you."

Ye Lin returned to the car and asked generously: "What do you want to eat?"

"Your treat is up to you."

"Okay." Ye Lin started the car and said softly while driving: "I have wanted to date you for a long time, but I heard from Wu Di that you are also very busy..."

Lin Nianlei and Ye Lin were actually not very familiar with each other, because they had no intersection before, and this was also the first time they met in private. But fortunately, women always have endless things to talk about when they get together. From children, husbands, families, to clothing and cosmetics, there are countless topics that can break the embarrassment.

About twenty minutes later, the two came to a relatively high-end Chinese restaurant and sat by the window on the second floor.

After Ye Lin asked Lin Nianlei to order, she poured her a cup of tea: "Haha, why are you dressed so plainly?"

"Oh, Boss Qin's aura is too heavy. I'm in the news department all day long. I'm not suitable for dressing up too brightly. I have to dress seriously, hehe." Lin Nianlei held the teacup in both hands and said softly: "Don't talk about jewelry at ordinary times. No, I don’t even wear my wedding ring anymore.”

"...As for what? You don't show your face on the big screen."

“You’ll come into contact with a lot of people, so it’s better to be more serious.”

"The art of leadership, haha." Ye Lin joked with a smile.

"No." Lin Nianlei looked at the other party and changed the subject: "Hey, don't talk about me. You have been in Sichuan Mansion for a while. How are you getting used to it?"

"It's nice here, but it's too busy. After I gave birth, I stayed at home and had nothing to do. To be honest, it's really boring."

"Don't you have business in District 8?"

"Our family has all come to Sichuan, and the focus of the industry must have shifted." Ye Lin replied smoothly: "Originally, I wanted to use the funds accumulated from the liquidation to invest in Sichuan, but my Wu Di wouldn't let me do that. Then You won’t let me do it, so there’s nothing I can do about it.”

"Why? Now that the investment environment in Sichuan is so good and the current situation is stable, it is a good time to invest?" Lin Nianlei asked seemingly cutely.

"Wu Di said that we want to engage in investment, that is, political and business capital. Once there are competitors, it will easily remind people of the relationship between Wu Di and Commander Qin. If any gossip spreads, the impact will not be good. Hey, that's how he does things. I'm very cautious." Ye Lin sighed and said, "Just yesterday, we had a fight over this matter."

"What's the noise about?"

"It's about the matter in the fourth district. Didn't Lin Chengdong encounter a little problem there...!" Ye Lin talked about yesterday's incident like a casual chat: "Originally, I thought that the channels there should be opened up. , I also followed suit and got involved with the company's capital, but he didn't agree...I couldn't insist on it, alas."

Lin Nianlei looked at Ye Lin with a smile and asked curiously: "You said, with your capital accumulation, you are already financially free by now, right? Why are you still working so hard?"

"I have to realize my self-worth. I'm only this age, so I can't always be a full-time housewife." Ye Lin said straightforwardly: "Besides, we just came to Sichuan, so we still have to produce a good-looking report card. "

"Do you have research on mining?" Lin Nianlei asked taking advantage of the situation.

"I've known him before, but I don't really understand him. I'm just interested." Ye Lin replied smoothly.

Lin Nianlei looked at the other party with a smile for two seconds, then suddenly turned around and said, "Hey, why hasn't this dish been served yet? I'm a little hungry."

"Yeah, I didn't eat anything in the morning either."

In this way, the two of them changed the topic in a tacit understanding, and neither of them talked about the minerals anymore. Ye Lin also had a higher impression of Lin Nianlei in her heart, feeling that she was evaluated differently from outsiders, not as expected. So straight.

Lin Nianlei already knew Ye Lin's purpose for looking for her, but she didn't make it clear, let alone make any promise to him in person.

Ye Lin went to Lin Nianlei today because she really wanted to get involved in the mining project in District 4, but she felt that Wu Di had sealed the conversation at the wine table yesterday, and if she asked him to go to Qin Yu again, she would lose face. Moreover, Ye Lin's style of doing things is always good at fighting for it. She feels that the mineral matter can be completely controlled with her funds and ability. Money comes second. If he achieves results and brings benefits to the Sichuan government, Wu Di will naturally shine.

At the same time, Ye Lin also felt that it was a kind of etiquette for this wife to socialize. She and Wu Di had just arrived in Sichuan, so it was very necessary to visit Mrs. Qin Yu. Moreover, she did not want to mention the mining issue today. She only wanted to chat casually about home affairs and enhance the relationship between the two parties, but Lin Nianlei did not. He deliberately guided her, so she just said it.

In the afternoon, the two had dinner together and walked around the street. Ye Lin sent Lin Nianlei to her work.

When the two parted, Ye Lin called Wang Zongtang, who had already taken root in Sichuan Mansion: "Hello? Brother Wang."

"Hey, tell me, Mr. Ye!"

"I didn't tell Leilei that you wanted to join the Yandao project." Ye Lin responded bluntly: "She doesn't seem like someone who is willing to engage in wife politics, so I talked it through and told her that it would make things worse. Not very good. If you are interested in this project, I suggest you talk to her directly. As long as the idea is good and you can make sure you can do it well, she should be willing to help."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Wang Zongtang nodded.

"As long as she does not touch the interests of the Sichuan government, she is still easy to contact. Whether the project can achieve results is very important."

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Ye!"


After that, the two ended the call. Ye Lin restarted the car and said with a smile: "This kid from a political family will be really enlightened once he figures it out!"

District 4, Baku.

Lin Chengdong, Zhou Zheng, and Zhan Nan finally met the legendary General Tengba under Jiang Xiaolong's introduction.

In the conference room.

After Lin Chengdong and Zhou Zheng exchanged glances, the latter said directly to Temba in English: "Your Majesty General, we have two plans here. First, if we cooperate for a long time, we hope to get some mining rights around Baku. The rights are absolute mining rights. As for the supply of ordnance, we will do our best here. Second, if you are unwilling to hand over the mining rights, then we will give your troops a batch of ordnance and equipment for free. There are about three Thousands of standard rifles, as well as a certain amount of light and heavy firearms, as a thank you for your life-saving grace."

Tengba was startled for a moment, then asked with no expression on his black face: "Dear friend, are you negotiating terms with me?"

Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment, looking at the other person's expression, he thought to himself that this old black guy seemed a little moody.

"Ahem, are you speaking too harshly?" Zhan Nan covered his mouth with his right hand, lowered his head and cursed: "Why don't you talk in a low-key tone! They can chop off heads at every turn, don't you know?!"

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