District 9

Chapter 2234: Fight to the end

After about another month or so, a series of post-war tasks in District 9 were almost settled.

Qin Yu and Commander Zhou had two phone calls and decided that the first military and political conference after the war would be held on the 10th of this month.

Five days before the conference.

Meng Xi received a call from Staff Officer Wang of the Sichuan Division. The latter claimed that he wanted to know something from him and asked him to return to the capital.

In fact, Meng Xi had foreseen this outcome in his heart. He had dealt with all the matters at hand in advance and returned to the capital alone according to the time limit.

Friday night, around seven o'clock.

As soon as Meng Xi entered the division headquarters, he was unarmed by the guards and taken to a very empty lounge.

In the room, Staff Officer Wang and the two leaders of the division's picket department all stepped in and looked at Meng Xi with very serious expressions on their faces.

Meng Xi nodded at the three of them, bent down and sat on the chair in the middle, without speaking first.

"Commander Meng, we have received some internal reports here. From now on, you will answer whatever I ask you." Staff Wang showed a businesslike look and spoke his opening remarks with a lukewarm attitude.

"Okay." Meng Xi nodded.

"First question, was it you who issued the order to hang Feng Chengzhang?" Staff Wang asked.

"Yes." Meng Xi replied without hesitation.

"Before issuing this order, did you know that the division headquarters had reached an agreement with Feng Yunian on this matter?"

"I know that the teacher promised Feng Yunian not to deal with Feng Chengzhang." Meng Xi nodded.

"Then why do you still issue this order? You are disobeying orders." Staff Wang raised his eyebrows and said, "And this will also have a very bad negative impact on our Sichuan Army."

"I admit that I have certain personal feelings towards Feng Chengzhang, and I want him to die."

"Do you have a mortal grudge against him?"

"It's not a mortal enemy. It's just that when I was the director of the Sichuan Military Office, Feng Chengzhang didn't respect me enough. I was annoyed by him." Meng Xi replied like a bachelor.

"Okay, second question, did you give the order to the attacking troops to shoot the captured personnel and the family members of the enemy officers who were unable to resist...?" Staff Wang asked again.

"Yes, I gave this order."

"Where's the motive?"

"The situation was urgent at the time, so I didn't think too much about it." Meng Xi replied calmly.

Both parties maintained absolute rationality and restraint during the conversation, and there were no quarrels or controversial topics. In short, Meng Xi admitted whatever Staff Officer Wang asked, so their conversation went very smoothly.

About two hours later, Staff Officer Wang asked again: "When you deal with some of the larger enemy-owned enterprises in the ninth district, are there any illegal operations...?"

Meng Xi grinned, leaned forward and said, "Consultant Wang, I think you are quite busy, so we won't go through these procedures. If you do this, you will put all the violations related to me in the file. Write it clearly and I’ll just sign it and that’s it.”

"What's your attitude?" The people in the picket department were really not familiar with Meng Xi, so they didn't speak so politely.

"I don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid that you will waste your time." Meng Xi replied politely.

"Okay, let's do this for today." Staff Wang took the records and stood up first: "Commander Meng, during the review period, you are not allowed to leave Sichuan Mansion, and you are not allowed to have contact with outsiders."

"I understand." Meng Xi nodded.

"Let's go." Staff Wang greeted the people from the picket department and took the lead to leave.

In the empty room, Meng Xi suddenly felt relaxed all over. He took off his coat, went to the bathroom and washed his face, then returned to the small bedroom with a bed, lay down and fell asleep.

The review lasted for two days. The main points centered around Meng Xi's disobedience on the battlefield, falsely conveying an order from the Sichuan Division, asking the Eighth District to quickly issue a verdict and hang Feng Chengzhang, and his ordering soldiers to shoot prisoners of war. And the post-war illegal purge of some enemy-owned commercial enterprises in District 9.

These charges were all real, and the picket department was very easy to investigate. In just two days, the files were stacked half a meter high. And Meng Xi never refuses anyone who comes. He doesn't even look at any document the other party gives him, and just signs it.

District 9, Fengbei.

While Qin Yu was chatting with Zheng Kai, the phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the number and went out to press the answer button.

"Hello? Master." Ma Laoer's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yu asked.

"Hmm...!" Ma Laoer responded hesitantly.

"Just say whatever you have to say." Qin Yu frowned and replied, "Is there still a communication problem between you and me?"


When Ma Laoer heard this, he changed his name: "Xiao Yu, when it comes to treating Meng Xi... is the division too serious?"

"Are you interceding for Meng Xi?" Qin Yu asked.

Ma Laoer thought for a moment and replied firmly: "Yes, I think the division's handling of him was a bit too harsh..."

Qin Yu paused and replied: "Second brother, Meng Xi is different from you. He came later and jumped up too quickly. In the war in the ninth district, he also did some things too radically, so we won't deal with him." , You can’t convince the public both internally and externally.”

"I know, but..."

"Second brother, Meng Xi's position in Sichuan Mansion is different from that of any of you." Qin Yu interrupted and replied: "This matter is not discussed."

Ma Laoer thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then I'll do as you say."

"...But I'm still very happy that you can make this call." Qin Yu suddenly said with a smile.

"Fuck, you don't give me this old face, either."

"Everyone has his or her own destiny. I still say the same thing. Meng Xi is different from you." Qin Yu replied calmly.

"Okay, then get busy."

"Hurry up and come to Fengbei, there's a conference coming up."

"I see."

After that, the two parties ended the call. Qin Yu looked down at the phone screen with a heartfelt smile on his lips.

After Meng Xi was called back to Sichuan for investigation, Qin Yu only received two calls for mercy. The first was from He Dachuan, who had just been discharged from the hospital, and the second was from Ma Laoer.

After so many years, the second brother is still the second brother, who values ​​friendship and is not afraid of getting into trouble.

After the review is over.

Not only did the Sichuan Army Division Headquarters make the decision on Meng Xi's punishment public, it also made it public to the troops in the ninth district.

Meng Xi was stripped of all military positions, kicked out of the military system, and transferred to the General Administration of Agriculture under the Sichuan Autonomous Association for a series of violations such as privately ordering the shooting of innocent prisoners of war, and falsely passing the division's orders to hang Feng Chengzhang. , became a department-level cadre.

The project focuses on converting wasteland into agricultural land, and within three years, activities can only be carried out in Chongqing.

A few days ago, Commander Meng, who was still very popular, suddenly changed his status and had to work in the fields... which made people feel a little sad.


A man from the army found Feng Yunian and whispered to him: "The Sichuan government killed Meng Xi, and this is considered an explanation for you. Old Feng, this moment is the same as the other moment, so don't think so much." ”

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