District 9

Chapter 2219 Refuse to Accept

In Luhuai City, District 7, in the commander's office in the General Administration Building of the Military Headquarters, Zhou Xingli sat on the sofa, looked up at an officer and asked, "What did He Chong say?"

"Commander, he said it very euphemistically, but the meaning is not difficult to interpret. The He family is ready to abandon the port of travel and evacuate to the periphery, and hopes that we can accept them." The officer answered straightforwardly.

"Can he represent Lu Xi's wishes?" Zhou Xingli asked.

"I asked He Chong about this, and he said that no matter what the situation, the He Clan will advance and retreat together with the Lu Clan." The officer responded truthfully.

Zhou Xingli put his hands in his hands. After a moment of silence, he turned to look to the side: "Old Xu, what do you think of this matter?"

"I personally feel that it is easy to open the door, but difficult to close it. The Chensha Corps and the remaining troops of the Feng Clan are now gathered in the Seventh District. Although this will bring our military strength to a higher level in a short period of time, how will we manage it in the future? It's a problem. When there are more people, there will be more right and wrong. None of these defeated warlords in District 9 is a fuel-efficient lamp. We have absorbed the Feng Clan and Shen Sha Corps, and we can also let them check each other, balance each other, and slowly concentrate their power, but Now if we absorb the He clan and the Lu clan, the energy of the external forces will exceed our controllable range. By then, I don’t think the civil war in the ninth district will happen again in the seventh district." Xu Hancheng He frowned slightly and said solemnly: "If you eat too much, I'm afraid we won't be able to digest it."

Zhou Xingli nodded slowly: "That's the truth. In this civil war, He Chong was the one who took the lead in standing up to oppose the Shensha Corps. If he is also absorbed now, then the Shazhongxing will definitely cause trouble. Besides, the Feng clan Before leaving, it was like selling out the He clan and the Lu clan. The relationship between these forces is like this. If they don't meet and start fighting, they will burn incense. How can they still coexist peacefully? Alas, if they really let them in, the future relationship will be very bad. It’s difficult to balance. Forget it, now that things have come to this, our seventh district has officially closed down.”

"Correct." Xu Hancheng nodded in agreement.

Next to him, the officer looked at Zhou Xingli and said softly: "Commander, if we don't accept the He and Lu families, then they can only ask for help from the EU area. But now the main force of the Eighth District has rushed towards Lukou Port, and they want to break out. It is also quite difficult, so we might as well be a favor and let the troop transport dock and help them withdraw first. This will not damage our relationship with the He and Lu families; secondly, there are such a large number of remnants If the hostile troops escape, they can effectively contain the energy of the Sichuan government and the ninth district in the future, which is of great benefit to us."

Zhou Xingli was a little moved when he heard this, but he thought about it and waved his hand: "I really want to help them, but when it comes to attracting foreign soldiers into the customs, they have ruined their reputation. It stinks. If we reach out openly at this time, we will bear a bad reputation, which is not worth it. These two families are different from the Feng family. He Chong is the person who can directly talk to EU Zone 1. He is the spokesperson character, whoever encounters him now will be unlucky."

The officer carefully tasted Zhou Xingli's words and couldn't help but nodded and said, "The commander is more thoughtful."

"We can ask the fleet to provide them with appropriate artillery support. The reason is to ensure the safety of our fleet." Zhou Xingli said calmly: "As for how they will evacuate, let them figure out their own way."

"Yes!" The officer nodded.

Zhou Xingli finally chose to give up on the He and Lu families because he knew that he could bite off more than he could chew. The internal situation in the Seventh District is already very complicated. If warlords are assigned to govern and power is too dispersed, it will end up being a mess.

The Civil War in District 9 is a living example!

Zhou Xingli's liaison officer quickly replied to He Chong and made it clear that the Seventh District could no longer accept large-scale troops to be stationed. He could only feel sorry and worried about the current situation of the He and Lu families. In order to express the friendly relationship between the two parties, District 7 is also willing to let the fleet provide them with certain artillery support at critical moments.

A straightforward translation of this is, you guys can figure it out for yourself, we can only fire two cannons in the sea to express our feelings.

After receiving this reply, He Chong gritted his teeth and cursed: "This Zhou Xingli is also a villain. I think when my father was alive, he would advance and retreat together. Now we are in a bit of a dilemma. He can run faster than anyone else."

"Politics is all about value." Xue Huaili said lightly: "Your value will directly determine how many allies you have."

He Chong gritted his teeth: "If you don't ask them, we will fight outside ourselves."

"Xiao Chong, at this time, you can't act out of anger. Even if you fire one shot in District 7, it will be helpful to us." Xue Huaili really reminded me like an old father: "Not only can you not be angry, but also Call the person back personally to express your gratitude.”

He Chong clenched his fists, and after holding back for a long time, he asked, "Uncle, we can't go to District 7, so we can only...?"

"I will arrange the rest." Xue Huaili replied calmly.

"Okay!" He Chong nodded.

In the vast wilderness of Xibo’s uninhabited land.

Eight military trucks slowly stopped next to a checkpoint. A dozen soldiers, wearing shit-yellow military coats and leather hats on their heads, walked over.

Inside the truck, Lin Xiao lifted up the cotton curtain on the side of the truck and looked out through the gap. He saw the officer leading the way talking to the personnel stationed at the checkpoint.

"The guy leading the way didn't tell me that he had a pass on the bus, so he could just pass by if he got stuck. How could he be so hard on me face to face?" He Dachuan said with some trepidation.

Just as Lin Xiao was about to reply, he saw four soldiers following the leading officer towards the back of the car.

"Damn, they're here, they might want to check." Lin Xiao immediately turned around and said: It's dark inside the car, you all keep your heads down, don't make any noise.

The soldiers heard the instructions and obeyed. He Dachuan bent down and stood up, and said to the soldiers at the back of the car: "Come on, get up, my uncle and I will go over.

The five people heard the sound and stepped aside. He Dachuan and Ai Hao immediately came over and sat near the back of the car.

The two sat down and put on the Liberty uniforms prepared for them by the leading officer. They held the guns with both hands, leaned their backs against the wall of the carriage, covered their faces with hats, and pretended to be taking a nap.

Outside, there was the sound of footsteps crushing the snow, and someone came closer.

Immediately afterwards, a murmur of Russian appeared at the rear of the carriage, and the cotton curtain for warmth was also lifted.

Dim light shone into the car, and most of the soldiers had their heads lowered, as if they were resting.

"Why are some of these soldiers wearing snow combat uniforms?" the officer responsible for the inspection frowned and asked in Russian.

"Who knows what mission they went on! My job is to send these soldiers back to the rear." The leading officer said calmly.

The person in charge of the inspection saw that the situation in the car was similar to what the other party said, and the officer responsible for communicating with him was also of a high level, so he just nodded and said: "Have a good trip."

"Poof, dudu...pop!"

At this moment, a series of extremely crisp farts appeared from Ai Hao.

The officer in charge of the inspection grinned and joked in Russian: "Private, you should point your butt towards the outside of the car. It's not polite."

Aihao was awake, but he didn't speak Russian, so he didn't dare to reply, let alone raise his head.

"Let's go, Major." The officer leading the way immediately interrupted.

The officer in charge of the inspection turned around with a smile, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

"This way."

"...!" The officer in charge of the inspection turned back with doubtful eyes and glanced at Ai Hao again: "Why are his boots different from ours?"

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