District 9

Chapter 2216 Release of Prisoners of War

Feng's troops retreated along the coast of Lukou, leaving He Xie, their "life and death ally", in the middle of the battlefield.

As the sun was about to set, a large number of troops followed the withdrawal route taken by the Shensha Corps and headed south.

Inside Songjiang City.

Meng Xi mobilized a helicopter formation, carrying the captured Feng generals, and rushed to the direction of the brigade.

On the way, Feng Lei called: "We have withdrawn our troops, which is enough to prove the sincerity of our army. Now please fulfill your promise and be the first to release our captured general Feng and his immediate family members."

Meng Xi scratched his head: "No problem."

"When we receive the people, we will board the battleship."

"that's all."

After saying that, the phone hung up.

Meng Xi thought about it and immediately said to Ma Laoer: "You order the reconnaissance team sent out earlier to watch the dynamics of Feng's troops from a distance on the sea, to confirm with your own eyes that their main force has boarded the ship, and to give me Send back real-time image data."


Ma Laoer nodded.

In the evening, around seven o'clock.

Meng Xi rushed to Liu Weiren's division camp outside the Likou battlefield and asked his soldiers to assist the Sichuan soldiers and bring down all the captured generals of the Feng family.

Liu Weiren stepped forward and walked with Meng Xi, and said in a low voice: "These guys should all be returned to District 7. Will they be a trouble in the future?"

"Don't worry, I have arrangements." Meng Xi replied softly.

Liu Weiren nodded.

After all the captured generals, officers, and their immediate family members of the Feng clan were brought down, they were immediately escorted by a battalion commander of Liu Weiren's division and escorted to the coast of Lukou.

Along the way, Liu Weiren's battalion commander was afraid that the group would be retaliated by He Xie, so he deliberately took a detour and conducted strict confidentiality inspections.

Lvkou Port, northwest direction.

Lin Cheng sat in the command room, holding the phone and asked: "How long until we arrive? Okay, I understand. The large forces have arrived, and we will launch a general attack."

"He Xi's side will definitely get the news, so be prepared."

"I see."

After saying that, the phone hung up.

About half an hour later, as soon as He Chong finished talking on the phone with the representative of the EU Region 1, an officer from his staff ran in with a panicked expression: "... something... something happened! "

"What's going on?" He Chong asked.

"The garrisons of the Eighth District in Xinyang, Hucha, and Qufu have all moved towards Lukou Port. Even the garrison troops in the city have all been dispatched. There are about 70,000 troops. They are currently approaching the direction of Xinhekou. Finally, We'll be here in a dozen hours," the officer said quickly.

When Xue Huaili heard this, his expression was dull for a moment: "Gu Tai'an doesn't even want his old nest anymore. He is determined to decide the outcome in a battle! Whether the battle situation can be reversed now depends on Beifengkou."

"I will contact the Lu clan immediately. If they can hold on to Fengbei, the situation of the war will be reversed." He Chong said quickly.

On the border, Gu is in the camp.

Gu Tai'an personally dialed Chen Zhongren's number in the seventh district and said in a sonorous voice: "Old Chen, the coalition government and the EU will definitely come forward to mediate in the next step, but I don't want to talk to them. The civil war only needs to be fought once. Therefore, you must guard against Zhou Xingli and Xu Hancheng in the Seventh District. The Eighth District is now wide open. I am very afraid that they will dispatch the air force to sneak attacks on Qufu and Xinyang, or dispatch the fleet to attack Jinmen Port. Come and force me to withdraw my troops.”

"Don't worry, Governor Gu, as long as I'm here, not a single soldier from the seventh district will affect the security of the eighth district!" Chen Zhongren used the title of governor to address Gu Tai'an, which shows his respect for the latter.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Gu Tai'an nodded heavily.

Around nine o'clock in the evening.

The battalion commander of Liu Weiren's division led more than 100 prisoners of war to the coast of Lukou and personally handed these people over to Feng Lei.

After the two sides completed the handover, Liu Weiren's battalion commander quickly led his troops back, and the prisoners of war took military vehicles back to the Feng family camp.

In the headquarters, the prisoner-of-war generals and officers burst into tears after seeing the Feng family members.

"I'm sorry, Commander, we failed to protect the commander."

"Brother, it was our incompetence that caused Songjiang to be lost...!"


There were cries in the room. Feng Ji looked at them and sighed and said: "The matter is now over, there is no use blaming yourself and feeling guilty. Let's get ready to board the ship."

"Brother, let's take the troops and fight back!" A general shouted with a cry, not knowing whether it was out of reluctance or because he wanted to show his loyalty and bravery.

Feng Ji ignored him and walked out lonely.

After the first batch of prisoners of war was handed back, Meng Xi also showed the sincerity of the Sichuan government, so Feng Ji had no choice but to issue an order for the entire army to retreat.

The fleet from District 7 slowly docked, and the navy responsible for the response commanded the Feng troops to board the ship in an orderly manner.

On the edge of Xibo's no-man's land, eight military trucks transporting supplies stopped at the roadside to refuel.

Not far away, Lin Xiao turned around and looked around, lowered his head and took out the phone, pressing the answer button: "Hello?"

"I'm the receptionist. Have you seen our convoy?"

"Walk the signal." Lin Xiao replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, the headlights of the military truck swung three times in a row.

After Lin Xiao saw this scene, he immediately replied: "Let's go there."


After the exchange between the two parties was completed, Lin Xiao turned around and said to everyone: "You can't trust Lao Maozi completely. Let's adapt accordingly. If there is an emergency, you can open fire first."

After hearing the order, the officers conveyed it to the soldiers in turn.

About five or six minutes later, the three hundred soldiers who had been hiding in the snow all day rushed to the convoy and got into the carriage.

Next to the lead car, a Lao Maozi officer turned his head and looked around, then whispered to Lin Xiao: "My car will only transport you to the action location, but it cannot participate in the action with you."

"Will you pass the checkpoints on the way?"

"There will be inspections by random idiots, but you don't have to worry at all, I'll take care of it."

"Okay." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Get in the car." The officer greeted.

Everyone got in the car, and after refueling, the convoy quickly left the area.

Direction to Port of Entrance.

A large number of soldiers from the Feng Department had already boarded the ship. After some warships left the port, Feng Ji dialed Meng Xi's phone: "You should have someone conducting reconnaissance and watching, right? My troops have already boarded the ship. I hope you can fulfill your promise."

"No problem." Meng Xi immediately replied: "I will arrange for someone to send Commander Feng back right away."

"Okay." Feng Ji nodded.

After the two ended the call, Feng Ji stood in front of the gate of the camp, looking at the mountains in the distance and the blurry outline of Fengbei, feeling an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Many years ago, he was a national hero and an iron-blooded general who led the army to fight against the Pu clique in the northwest.

Many years later, he was a warlord general who provoked a civil war and was defeated. He even bore the name of a traitor and wanted to stay away from home.

He didn't know why he had reached this point, let alone why he had lost so many things in just a few years.

He blamed himself a little, feeling that he had not tried his best to persuade his father. At the same time, he also had some regrets that he had lost himself in the temptation of power.

In the main camp of Master Liu Weiren, Meng Xi thought for a long time, turned to Baojun and asked, "Where is Feng Yunian?"

"He is with Feng Chengzhang." Baojun replied softly.

"...Let's go." Meng Xi stood up expressionlessly and took out a file bag from his arms.

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