District 9

Chapter 223: Hard work in the game and growth outside the game

In the director's office, Si Li looked at Qin Yu with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice: "My resignation procedures will be completed in the next two days. The old director will temporarily serve as acting director for a short period of time, but the transition period will not It’s too long, a new leader will be sent over soon.”

"So fast?" Qin Yu asked.

"The original plan was that after Wu Wensheng was sentenced by the court, I would have time to resign, but now that he is gone, there is no need to go through the legal process." Li Si responded softly: "The Jiangnan District Council has started a new round of The chief councilor votes, so I have to move fast."

After Qin Yu lowered his head and was silent for a long time, he couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't you tell me about this kind of action in advance?"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you think I hid key things from you, which resulted in many serious consequences, such as an accident when the old cat was replaced by a little tiger?" Li Si asked bluntly.

"Yes." Qin Yu admitted frankly.

"Haha." Li Si smiled, turned around and responded: "Brother Xiao was not hired by me, and the plot against Wu Wensheng was not entirely planned by me. There are many people in Songjiang who will sell me some face, but the media The reports and the wanted orders issued by the General Administration so quickly are beyond my control. Do you understand?"

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Essentially, Xiao Taig and I are the same people, but we are in different circles." Li Si also looked at Qin Yu calmly: "I am not the first to know about some things. , how can I tell you first? What’s more, you know the situation of the superintendent. We have no secrets, only things that are discovered early or late. Do you understand? "

Qin Yu looked at Li Si and nodded slowly.

"During the term of the old director, you will be promoted to the position of captain." Li Si patted Qin Yu on the shoulder and added: "For Xiao Taig, I will get at least 50,000 cash compensation for him. And the monthly salary after leaving the job shall not be lower than that of a third-level police officer.”

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

"In the evening, some middle and high-level people within the superintendent will organize a farewell party for me." Li Si said with a smile, "You can come too and meet new people."

"Should I not go? My legs and feet are inconvenient."

"Come on, you'll meet some people."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.


The farewell party was held at a hotel in the city. Except for Wen Yonggang and a few people who were close to him, the middle and senior management of the Black Street Superintendent basically all came to congratulate Li Si.

After the banquet started, everyone exchanged glasses and said auspicious words, and Li Si also socialized with everyone like a spring breeze.

On the sofa in the banquet hall, Qin Yu sat there with a headache, looking sideways at Li Si and several members of the Jiangnan District Council, and suddenly felt an indescribable depression in his heart.

He remembered that he was just a few inches away from being crippled by that bullet.

He thought of the old cat!

He thought of Zhu Wei and Xiao Taig, as well as the two police officers who died tragically, as well as Fu Xiaohao and Ding Guozhen who were injured earlier.

These people are either lying in the morgue or in the hospital suffering from disability and pain.

The chess pieces are all over the board, and many are dead and injured, but the real boss is looking forward to a better tomorrow!

Qin Yu couldn't understand why Li Si would let him attend such a farewell party. With his wisdom, he should have felt his strange emotions during the day, but he still let himself come...

Qin Yu was not a hypocritical person. He could understand Li Si's concealment, and he could also understand that his smile here today was probably just for socializing, but when he thought of the people who were killed or injured in this incident, he felt uncomfortable.


Why can't I be like Li Si, smiling brighter than anyone else at the wine table?

Qin Yu thought for a long time, and finally gave himself the answer that maybe he was not mature and experienced enough.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu got up and left quietly on crutches. He wanted to go back to the hospital to see Little Taig, the old cat and others, and have a drink by the way.

In the corridor, Qin Yu was limping, his back stretched long.


When Li Si was drinking with several people from the district council, the attendant came over and whispered in his ear: "Qin Yu left without saying hello."

"Come on, let's do it." Li Si greeted everyone.

"Lao Li, I first wish you success in your election, and then I wish you great success in Jiangnan District!"

"thanks, thanks!"

"I've really chosen it. I'll have to move around more often in the future!"



After exchanging pleasantries together, everyone drank it all in one gulp.

Li Si put down his wine glass, wiped his mouth, and then asked the follower, "Didn't you introduce some connections to him?"

"I introduced him, but he doesn't seem very enthusiastic." The attendant pondered for a while and asked, "How about I call him back?"

Li Si thought about it for a while, slowly shook his head and said, "Old Mao can't practice anymore, but Qin Yu still has to practice. He is not happy today, but he must adapt."

"Would he think too much about it?"

"I'm not afraid of how evil he thinks of me, but I'm afraid that he won't understand." Li Si smiled and replied, "Let him go."

"I understand." The follower nodded.

More than two hours later.

Qin Yu was sitting next to Lao Mao's hospital bed, drinking some wine and his face was red.

"Are you... sick?" Old Mao squinted and scolded: "You don't go to the high-end cocktail party, so you have to come to my place to act melancholy. I can't drink, why are you greedy for me?"

"I just don't feel comfortable there." Qin Yu explained with a smile.

Old Mao blinked and looked at Qin Yu, as if he had guessed what he was thinking. Then he held the bed with both hands, sat up and said, "Are you unhappy?"

"A little bit." Qin Yu admitted frankly: "To be honest, we fought so hard in the front and kept targeting Wu Wensheng. Yuan Ke pushed to death in order to create some space for us and Lao Li. But let's do it Go, everyone paid the price, but in the end it was discovered... We all played chess on the surface, and the players who played chess had already thought out the number of moves!"

The old cat was silent.

"I don't mean to blame Lao Li." Qin Yu licked his lips: "I just feel a little naive. I feel that the death of two police officers in the team, and Xiao Taig who fought hard for the rest of his life to be disabled for a case, are very sad. not worth!"

"I think so too." Old Cat nodded.

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, raised his glass and said to the old cat: "...What happened today taught me a truth. If you don't want to be put on the plate to fight, you have to be the one in charge!"

The old cat was stunned.

"I did it, you can do whatever you want!" Qin Yu smiled, raised his glass and drank it all.

The old cat curled his lips: "Then I can only drink half a bottle of anti-inflammatory medicine to accompany you!"

On the second day, Li Si went to Jiangnan District to prepare for the election.

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