District 9

Chapter 221 Who paid the price for whom?

The gang led by Qin Yu were all ruthless, and the leaders, Ma Laoer and Qi Lin, were Lao Mao's close friends, so the three unlucky police officers were completely fucked in less than two minutes. , lying on the ground was either convulsing or in shock.

Qin Yu's legs and feet were inconvenient and he could not beat the police sergeant freely. He could only hit the police chief on the head with an iron cane.

On the snow, the police sergeant was rolling around with his head covered in blood. Just as he was about to stand up, he was immediately kicked down. He looked as miserable as a wild dog that had been beaten for stealing food.

"...You...you will be prosecuted for doing this. I will definitely go to Inspector Changji to sue you!" The police chief covered his head and roared.

After Qin Yu started to sweat all over his body, he lowered his head and poked the police chief with his cane and said, "Take him away directly and send him back to Songjiang."

"Fuck him, just kill him." Zhu Wei felt an indescribable resentment in his heart and raised his foot and stomped at the chief's head a few more times.

"Is it okay to have a rest?" Qi Lin came over, lay in Qin Yu's ear and said, "Will it make it difficult for Lao Li?"

"No, let's go." After Qin Yu responded firmly, he pointed at the police chief on the ground and cursed: "If something happens to either old cat or little Taig, I will definitely let you die in Songjiang."

"Get away." Ma Laoer waved his hand to the brother behind him.

Twenty minutes later.

Qin Yu and others returned to the hospital corridor and happened to hear Lao Li's phone ringing.

"Hello?" Li Si answered the phone with an expressionless face.

"Director Li, I am Wang Zhitong, Chief Superintendent of Anping District Police. I would like to ask, why do you guys... for no reason?"

"Don't you dare act for me!" Lao Li interrupted directly and said: "We arrested the criminal suspect Wang Bing, and she confessed by name that you, the police chief, had collected illegal money and conspired with them to lure our police chief, Li Fugui. Taizhuang handles the case."

When the other party heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"No reason?! When the police inspector comes to see you tomorrow, you can tell them it's no reason."

"Even if he is suspected, we should be interrogating him. Why do you arrest him?"

"Why don't you be smart when you talk to me. The case of Wang Bing and Wu Wensheng was committed in Songjiang. Since the police chief participated, he is an accomplice. Of course I have the right to detain him back to Songjiang for interrogation. And I suspect , this police chief is just a small role, I want to dig deep into the reasons behind it." Lao Li shouted forcefully: "If you have any dissatisfaction, go to tm and report it to the general bureau, I can't talk to you."

After saying that, Lao Li hung up the phone directly.

In the corridor, everyone looked at Lao Li who was extremely emotionally unstable and did not dare to express their anger.

A long night passed.

At around nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Lao Li, Qin Yu and others, who had not yet met each other, were about to go to the sergeant to ask about the situation when the door of the first aid room was pushed open.

"Hello... Hello, doctor, how is Li Fugui's condition?" Old Li rushed over and asked.

"The person is alive and out of danger." The doctor whispered back.

When Li Si heard this, a smile instantly appeared on his face: "Okay, okay, that's good."

As soon as he finished speaking, a nurse ran up from downstairs and shouted: "Dr. Guo, the other operation has also ended."

"How is the situation?" the military doctor came over and asked.

"It's not very good. The patient Sompashan (Xiao Taig) suffered a heavy blow to the back of his head and suffered a large amount of bleeding from his right ear... He is currently in a coma." The nurse reported softly: "The deputy director initially judged that he has saved his mission. , there may be a risk of cerebral palsy in the future, and the degree of recovery is about 60% compared to normal people."

"What do you mean?" Zhu Wei heard the sound and stepped forward: "What does it mean about 60%? Will he become a vegetative state?"

"It is very likely that it will not be a vegetative state." The military doctor shook his head and explained: "The recovery is about 60%. It is most likely that speech expression and hearing will be affected. Of course, this is only a preliminary judgment, and the specific recovery situation will still be determined. observe."

Zhu Wei was stunned when he heard the sound: "Then...then isn't he...isn't he useless?"

Everyone was speechless.

"Doctor, can you think of another way to save this child?!" Lao Li turned around and said immediately: "Even if you recommend a better hospital, I will pay for it myself and the superintendent."

"Our deputy director has very strong professional skills and specializes in the brain. Since he has made this judgment, I think... it doesn't make much sense to transfer to another hospital." The military doctor responded euphemistically: "Our Changji Garrison Hospital can be in the ninth district Ranked in the top three.”

Lao Li looked helpless when he heard this. He turned to look at Qin Yu and said, "Go and settle down. If you need anything, you can tell me."

Qin Yu felt very unhappy because since he became the superintendent, the people who helped him the most were Xiao Taig, Zhu Wei, and Guan Qi. But just when everyone was about to have a better life, one of them went in, and the other suffered a serious brain injury.

Qin Yu wanted to protect these close friends around him, but his energy was still very weak, and he couldn't even guarantee his own safety in many things, let alone protect others.

The police, the gangsters, the thugs, and the people trying to make a living on the streets actually have the same path except for their different identities. They are all precarious and engaged in the most dangerous profession. They may lose their lives if they are not careful. Even if someone like Lao Mao has a strong background in a certain area, he will almost die.

It's not easy for everyone, and there are times when life hangs by a thread. While everyone sympathizes with Little Taig, they actually feel sorry for themselves and are worried about the future.

It was nearly noon, in the study room of the Bai family on the outskirts of Songjiang City.

A gray-haired old man, wearing loose cloth clothes and wearing spectacles, looked down at the tablet computer.

On the sofa opposite, Yuan Ke lowered his head and fiddled with the tea set and greeted softly: "Lao Bai, the tea is ready."

When Bai Lao heard the sound, he picked up the tea cup, lowered his head and took a sip and said, "Wang Bing knows a lot."

"She was captured and cannot be moved." Yuan Ke responded immediately.

Bai Lao raised his head when he heard the sound and looked at Yuan Ke with a smile: "Are you thirty this year?"

"No...no." Yuan Ke shook his head after being stunned.

"Then you were better than Wu Wensheng and Yuan Hua when they were young." Bai Lao commented softly: "When they were your age, they didn't have any goals or achievements."

"Lao Bai flatters me." Yuan Ke raised the pot to refill the tea.

"Wang Bing talks too much, and things will become more passive." Bai Lao pointed at Yuan Ke and said, "But she was caught, and she can't die before the interrogation. You can think of a way."

"I'll do my best, Mr. Bai." Yuan Ke nodded.

"Hey, by the way, where is Wu Wensheng's nephew?" Bai Lao asked.

Yuan Ke was stunned and replied: "I understand what you mean."

"Yeah." Bai Lao nodded: "You go ahead, I'll take a nap."

Near Changji Taizhuang Living Village.

A young man, covered in rags and injured, stumbled into a private house on the mountain and shouted for help: "Is there anyone... give... give me some water, please."

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man and a young man walked out of the wooden house.

The young man was overjoyed and immediately ran forward and begged: "Uncle, brother... give me some water... I... I beg you."

After the young man and the old man looked at each other, their eyes immediately focused on the watch on the young man's wrist and the ring on his left hand.

The young man felt that the two people's eyes were wrong and immediately took a few steps back.

Half an hour later.

The young man was wearing only a pair of thin long johns, shirtless, and walking barefoot in the snow shell.

After a long time, the young man was covered in bruises from the cold, and his energy was severely exhausted. He lay on the ground with a thump, and murmured with slightly dilated pupils: "Is... is there still... a good person in these days?"

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