District 9

Chapter 2194: When will you return here?

Lin Department Field Hospital.

Qin Yu hurriedly got off the plane and walked quickly to the battlefield emergency room under the leadership of the guards.

There were many people standing in the corridor, including Lin Xiao and the others, as well as military intelligence officers from the Wu Department who came over after hearing the news. They all looked solemn and were talking in low voices.

"Make way, Master Qin is here." The guard shouted as he squeezed into the crowd.

After Qin Yu walked in, he looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "How is the situation?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "I took... I took cardiotonic pills and morphine, and I'm still breathing."

Qin Yu clenched his fists: "Where is Wu Di? Is Wu Di here?"

"It's already inside," Lin Xiao frowned and replied, "Hurry up and go in."

"Okay." Qin Yu ordered his people to wait in the corridor, then took off his hat and walked into the rescue room alone.

The field hospital was built outdoors and was surrounded by wild fields. Although the emergency room had complete heating equipment, it was still a little cold.

After Qin Yu entered the room, he looked up at the hospital bed and saw Wu Di crying, lying next to his father's left hand and talking to him.

On the hospital bed, all the medical equipment used for first aid had been removed. Wu Jing looked pale, holding Wu Di's arm stiffly, and said softly: "...sooner...sooner or later, this day will come. When you grow up, I will You are getting old, you have children, and I will leave soon."

When Wu Di heard this, his emotions collapsed instantly, his body twitched, and he cried silently.

Bureau Wu slowly turned his head and looked at Qin Yu calling in a hoarse voice: "You...you are here, Xiao Yu."

Qin Yu immediately stepped forward, bent down and squatted beside the bed, and grabbed Wu Ju's arm with both hands. His inner emotions were extremely complicated, and he even felt guilty.

"Xiao...Xiao Yu, tell...to be honest, I did kidnap the Sichuan Mansion morally in some matters..." Director Wu stared at Qin Yu, his eyes were cloudy: "No, without the Wu family, maybe the Sichuan Mansion doesn't need it. Are you in such a hurry to enter District 9?"

"Uncle, without you, where would Sichuan Mansion be today?" Qin Yu's voice was also choked with sobs. This old man really helped him a lot in the early days of Tiancheng, and also allowed the entire Qin Yu faction to complete the initial capital investment in Songjiang. accumulation.

"... I have to... produce some results and do something, so that I don't live up to the trust that the Sichuan government has placed in me." Director Wu looked at Qin Yu: "... When Shen Wanzhou died, my heart also broke. It's open...it's gone, I can close my eyes."

Qin Yu gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"Since the first war in the northwest, undercurrents have surged in the three major regions, and warlords have emerged. Within a few years, the war has spread to the north and south, the economy has declined, and corpses are everywhere... The signs of troubled times have been revealed." Wu Bureau breathed and murmured: " If you want to stop the chaos, you must gather power, but the gathering of power... cannot be separated from war. Xiao Yu, people of our time will eventually withdraw from the stage of history. You are young and sit in Sichuan Mansion. You have strong connections, both popular support and strong generals... You are in a situation where there are more than ten thousand people, and you shoulder the responsibility... I hope you can see the road ahead clearly, take up the heavy responsibility, and not waste so many people paving the way for you."

"...I understand, I understand everything, uncle!" Qin Yu nodded with tears in his eyes.

Director Wu ran out of gas and slowly raised his arm, grabbed Wu Di's palm, and slowly placed it on Qin Yu's hand: "...I'll leave the whole family to you."

Qin Yu nodded heavily: "You... don't worry... wherever I am, Brother Di will be there."

"I've paved the road for you, follow Xiao Yu and work hard...!" Bureau Wu turned to look at his son: "Although I am not the commander, I have always been very proud... I have a good son, he is better than Shen Yin ...better than Sha Yong...Son, you have to be kind to these people from the Wu Clan's military affairs, they have nothing to say to me, Old Wu, to the region..."

"Dad!!" Wu Di clutched Wu Ju's arm tightly, already having a premonition of something.

Director Wu slowly closed his eyes and murmured softly: "I have... regrets. I haven't met my daughter-in-law... grandson... yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Director Wu suddenly gasped violently and kept gasping for air.

Qin Yu stood up suddenly, turned around and shouted: "Everyone from the Wu Department's military affairs, come in!"


The Wu department's military intelligence personnel, who had been waiting outside for a long time, all rushed into the room and looked at Bureau Wu on the hospital bed.

"Line up!" Qin Yu cried and shouted.

After being stunned for a moment, everyone immediately formed four rows and filled the room.

Bureau Wu was awakened by the shouts, twisted his mechanical neck, and looked at those familiar faces.

"Take off your hat and salute!" Qin Yu shouted again.

Everyone took off their hats, saluted Director Wu with slightly trembling arms, and shouted out the oath they had taken under the regional military flag and military emblem when they first entered the Military Supervision Bureau.

"I swear! I will resolutely obey the leadership of the General Administration of Military Affairs of the region, obey the command of the Military Supervision Bureau, be loyal to the nation, and be loyal to the people. I am always willing to dedicate my life to the rise of our region and to the hidden military intelligence front...!"

The shouts echoed in the empty room. Bureau Wu looked at everyone, smiled and closed his eyes.

When he left, the tough-minded men in the room burst into tears. They saluted the military salute and shouted hoarsely: "Come on, safe journey!!"


Director Wu is dead, and a generation of military intelligence leaders has come to an end at this moment.

Since the fall of the Military Supervision Bureau, Wu Bureau almost single-handedly disrupted the military and political structure of the nine districts, plotted to get rid of Lao He, and planned to kill Shen Wanzhou, making indelible contributions to the subsequent rise of the Sichuan government and the unification of the three districts. contribute.

In terms of political stance, Bureau Wu advocates unification and the aggregation of rights. Whether this view is right or wrong will be left to future generations to comment on...

Before his death, Bureau Wu accumulated a lot of hidden wealth for his son and the Sichuan Mansion.

The excavation and sinking of the defeated army, and the well-known business groups in the ninth district are all contributing to the subsequent complete rise of Sichuan Mansion, giving Wu Di a perfect dowry when he settles in Sichuan Mansion.

He died, with a broken spine in the middle and damage to two internal organs in his body. Before he died, he could no longer stand upright. But in the hearts of many people, he will always be the straight-backed bureau chief and leader.

If Qin Yu has the deepest relationship with anyone among the nine districts, it is undoubtedly the Wu family.

In the past ten years of sharing weal and woe, too many emotions have transcended the so-called rights and interests.

Qin Yu sat beside Wu Ju's hospital bed, unwilling to leave for a long time. He thought of a lot, including the scene where he had just met Director Wu in District 9. At that time, he was in high spirits and had not yet looked old...

District Eight.

Gu Tai'an received a report call from the lower level, and commented in a slightly lonely voice: "The responsibilities assumed by the Ninth District Military Supervision Bureau today have exceeded the scope they should bear. Old Wu, a great man of his generation."

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