District 9

Chapter 2187 Rescue

At the foot of the mountain, gunfire rang out, and Shen's evacuating troops instantly entered combat mode. A large number of soldiers dispersed, instinctively looking for bunkers.

On the front side, two men immediately picked up the RPG launcher and hurriedly aimed it into the air.

"Kang Kang!"

The snipers lurking around the field killed the soldiers preparing to set up the RPG with two shots. Lin Xiao then shouted in the cabin: "Pull back and avoid ground air defense units."

In the center of the motorcade, Shen Wanzhou had been rushed out of the car with everyone protecting him. As he ran into the forest, he shouted: "Hold Wu Yuanshan, no one is afraid of him."

In fact, there was no need for Old Shen to shout, and the people behind him knew the importance of Director Wu. More than thirty soldiers, under the command of grassroots officers, had already rushed towards the area where the phosphorus powder exploded.

In the ditch on the roadside, Director Wu ignored the gunshot wound on his shoulder. Instead, after stabilizing his body, he immediately jumped up on the ground, turned around and ran back.

The visibility in the area where the phosphorus powder exploded was almost zero. The soldiers of the Shen Department could not clearly see the location of Bureau Wu, so they could only shoot blindly based on their feelings.


The gunshots rang out in the white powder mist, causing snow to splash on the road and trenches. Bureau Wu bent over and fled all the way to the back, about to rush out of the area filled with phosphorus powder.

In the sky, helicopters were loitering. Lin Xiao held on to the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Four groups, four groups, pay attention to the location of Director Wu. He has no weapons. Once he leaves the line of sight, he will be easily overtaken. You must ensure that their Safety."


In the field, fifteen special operations team members approaching Wu Bureau were sprinting towards the roadside at extremely fast speeds.

"Sniper team, get in position!" the leaders of the four groups shouted while running.


A sniper and an observer quickly separated from the team and lay down on the side.

At this moment, the four groups were still about two hundred meters away from the roadside where Wu Bureau was located, but even this small distance could determine life or death.

On the way, Director Wu rushed out of the powder mist after running hard. He turned around and glanced around, and found that the only place in the surrounding area where he could hide himself was the mountain. There were dead trees and rocks there, which could temporarily block the shooting from behind.

"Run to the mountain!" Lin Xiao's shout also rang out.

Director Wu paused for a moment, panting, and ran up the mountain.

At this time, more than thirty Shen-type pursuers on the road also rushed out of the powder mist and pursued Wu Bureau's side.

"Bang, bang...!"

The snipers in the field began to fire, and the four soldiers who were rushing to the front were sniped and killed on the spot.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the Shen soldiers dispersed instantly and rushed into the mountain in batches.

"Push over, hurry!" Lin Xiao roared in the cabin.

The helicopter pilot, after hearing the order, immediately reminded: "The opponent has RPGs, and the risk of entering the battlefield head-on is very high."

"I can't control that much anymore. It's more important to keep Wu Bureau." Lin Xiao ordered again.

The helicopter pilot had no choice but to lower the height and press down from the top of the mountain.

"Da da da da...!"

The heavy machine gun on board roared and launched a massacre-like attack at the Shen soldiers who had just rushed into the forest.

Wherever the bullets passed, trees were broken and rocks were smashed into powder. The Shen soldiers had nowhere to hide and fell one after another while running.

Less than three seconds after the helicopter started to fire, the RPG on the front side of the Shen system was set up again.


Two RPGs were shot out from the mountain forest, shooting into the sky like fire dragons.

An alarm sounded in the helicopter, and the pilot's forehead was sweating. He pressed the nose of the plane down with great experience instead of suddenly raising the altitude. Then he shouted to the co-pilot: "Fire the interceptor machine gun, quick!" "

The officer on the co-pilot quickly pushed up the control lever of the airborne interceptor guidance system.


There was a dull sound, and eight fist-sized gun barrels were protruded from the tail, top, and nose of the helicopter.

"Bang bang bang...!"

A large number of machine gun bullets were quickly ejected from the barrel, but the bullet net was not pulled out straight, but sprayed around the machine body.


The first RPG fired straight up and was hit by a machine gun bullet about ten meters away from the helicopter, exploding instantly.

The shock wave of the explosion hit, and the helicopter was pushed two or three meters sideways in the air, and the body also tilted over.


The second RPG exploded immediately above the helicopter, no more than three meters away from the aircraft body. A large number of explosive fragments hit the cabin, and the gunner was instantly hit and killed.


The alarm in the cabin sounded, and the pilot yelled wildly: "The aircraft is out of balance, and the tail propeller is also damaged. We are too low to the ground and can't pull it up. Quick, jump off!"

Fortunately, this is a combat helicopter of the Special Operations Brigade, with an interception system installed in the fuselage. Fortunately, the helicopter pilot is a member of the Special Operations Brigade, with rich experience and clear mind.

After the helicopter lost its balance, the pilot did not rush to increase the height. Instead, he controlled the aircraft body to slide down as much as possible, so that the aircraft body was closer to the ground.

"Swish swish!"

The people in the cabin did not hesitate, they all opened the cabin door and jumped in.

After the helicopter slid sideways for seven or eight meters, it hit the mountain and exploded.


Seven or eight people in the cabin jumped from a height of about two and a half floors, fell on the mountain, and rolled down four to five meters before they stabilized themselves.

Lin Xiao's face and neck were covered with scratches and injuries, but his mobility was not greatly affected. He stood up holding on to the rock and shouted, "Is anyone hurt?"

"I, my leg is broken."

"Those who are able to move will stay and cover the wounded. The others will follow me in." Lin Xiao roared with his gun and quickly fled downwards.

In the mountains on the side of the road, the Shen soldiers, who were no longer suppressed by helicopters, were about to catch up with the injured Wu Bureau.

"Da da da!"

At the same time, four groups of special forces entered the scene and exchanged fire with the enemy from the side.

"Bureau Wu, Bureau Wu, run this way!" the leader of the fourth group shouted loudly.

Director Wu turned his head and ran toward the special forces team with sweat on his face.


Somewhere in the mountain, someone made a cold shot.


A cloud of blood appeared on Wu Bureau's shoulders, and he leaned forward and fell.

"Damn it, rush over and protect him!" the leader of the fourth group roared while pulling his neck.

Three special operations team members set up telescopic explosion-proof shields, lined up in a straight line, and quickly inserted them.

Above the mountain, Lin Xiao and others also rushed down and threw their weapons in the direction of the Shen soldiers.

In the snow, Wu Ju felt that his throat and chest were unbearably hot, and he temporarily lost consciousness in his back and waist.

Where the large Shen force was located, Shen Wanzhou roared at the officers and soldiers below: "Don't panic, don't panic, everyone. We still have support, hold on for a while, and this special force will be wiped out here."

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