District 9

Chapter 2183 District 8 intervenes

Around 9:30 p.m.

All the officers in the Shen command headquarters changed into civilian clothes and prepared to disperse and evacuate.

In the conference room.

Shen Wanzhou frowned and looked at everyone, put his hands on the table and said: "The direct field division destroyed half of the troops before we got a chance to evacuate. Everyone, please remember that from this moment on, you are not only living for yourself, but also for your family. , but also live for the soldiers and officers who sacrificed their lives for you."

The generals stood up: "Yes!"

"The guard regiment will be divided into companies and platoons to help protect your evacuation. After leaving the main battlefield, you must perform radio silence. Do not contact anyone and just wait for my call." Shen Wanzhou lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "Purpose The land is Zangyuan, let’s go!”

"Commander, take care, see you Kurahara!"

"Commander, take care...!"

The generals saluted and shouted, Shen Wanzhou waved to everyone and quickly evacuated.

Due to the intervention of the Lin Department troops from the Eighth District, and the fact that the Shen Department was supported by people from the direct field division in front, the headquarters had the opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield.

The Shen Department headquarters was afraid that the large troops would be targeted if they left together, so they chose to evacuate in pieces. Each general led a small group of troops, wearing casual clothes, to infiltrate outwards.

After the order was issued, each unit distributed the final ammunition supplies and evacuated the Xinhekou area in batches. Shen Wanzhou himself also led a guard company and a reconnaissance company, quietly crossed the river from the side, and fled straight to the southwest.

Frontal battlefield.

In the war room of the field division directly under the headquarters, Commander Liu held military communication equipment and shouted hysterically: "Are you sure, it's the troops from the Eighth District?"

"Yes, our scouts have returned. They are confirmed to be the troops of the Lin Department in the Eighth District. They are attacking the Feng Department garrison area. The sound of artillery has been ringing for more than ten minutes." The officer on the other end of the phone spoke very quickly. replied.

"Okay, you should withdraw from the battlefield immediately! I will take away all the wounded soldiers that I can!"


After hanging up the phone, Commander Liu turned to look at the division's staff team and said: "The Eighth District has entered the scene. This is an excellent opportunity for us! Order all the troops on the front line to cover each other and evacuate, so that the people in the Eighth District can Let’s fight with Feng Xi!”


After receiving the order, the staff team immediately became busy.

Five or six minutes later, the field division directly under the Shen Department Headquarters began to evacuate on a large scale to the southwest of Xinhekou.

Frontal battlefield.

A division and a brigade from the Lincheng Department had already bypassed the ridgeline from the side and charged straight into the center of the Feng Department's garrison.


In the sky, a group of bombers passed by. The officer in the pilot plane reported with a walkie-talkie: "We have entered the enemy's airspace. Do you want to drop bombs?"

In the command headquarters, Lin Cheng took the transferred call and said concisely: "All bombers will replace CBU-110 cluster bombs for me. All bombers will use phosphorus powder bombs and electronic pulse bombs. After replacement, they will be released immediately! "


After the two ended the call, the chief of staff of the Lin Department said to Lin Cheng: "If we change the bomb, our air attack power will be weakened!"

Lin Cheng put his hands behind his back and replied proudly: "There is no one in the ninth district who can fight. The Feng clan's pursuit force only has more than 20,000 people. Moreover, after pursuing for such a long time, they are exhausted, and there are still a lot of battle attrition. We have the advantage in terms of strength. Is there a need for a massacre?! There are orders from the top, and the main task is to defeat them!"

"Who are you paving the way for?" the chief of staff asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Lin Cheng asked back.

On the frontal battlefield, the bomber group returned in a circle, and began to drop a large number of phosphorus powder bombs on the center of Feng's troops like raindrops. They also launched electronic pulse bombs designed to target military electronic equipment and communication equipment.


The sound of electric explosions resounded in the air like thunder. After falling rapidly, the phosphorus powder bombs launched small electronic parachutes in the air, and slowly floated towards the Feng Department camp like airborne troops.

"Bang, bang bang...!"

The Feng Department's air defense units showed off their power, firing a large number of machine cannons into the sky. The missile net swept away the falling bombs, only to find that the opponent had dropped phosphorus powder bombs that could temporarily cover up an area.

The sky instantly turned into a vast expanse of white, as if there was a thick fog. This was a night operation, and the visibility was very low. As soon as the bombers dropped the phosphorus powder D, there were almost no soldiers in the entire defense zone of the Feng Department. Out of sight.


The alarm sounded, and the division-level combat units of the Lin Army crossed the battlefield and began to attack the enemy's defense area.

The other end.

The 13th Division of the Lincheng Army pursued from the center of the battlefield all the way to the southwest of Xinhekou, and locked onto the Shen Department's direct combat division that was preparing to retreat!

The battle here was not brutal, because the Lin faction did not intend to completely annihilate the defeated troops of the sinking faction, but mainly focused on harassment and encirclement.

In a mountain col, a crippled Shen battalion-level combat unit was blocked here by a large number of soldiers from the Eighth District.

After the two sides reached a stalemate, the officers from the Eighth District used a loudspeaker and shouted: "Brothers of the Shen Department! Stop struggling, there are all our people behind you! We are all compatriots. If a fight breaks out, it will only consume the three of us." The military strength of the region! Listen to my brother's advice and surrender. We have built a field hospital behind us, with a health room and a place to eat... If there is really blood, you should rest and recover, and we will fight against the **** European Union!"

There was no response from Shen Xi.

"Shen Wanzhou has all run away." The officer in the Eighth District shouted again: "You are all good and have completed your combat mission. Our brothers in the Eighth District salute you!"

After a while, a large number of soldiers came out of the blocked mountain col with their guns in hand and their eyes dull.

"... Damn it, Feng Clan is good at stabbing you in the back! Play us, give us supplies, and we'll turn around and help you fight Feng Clan!" someone shouted in the mountain col.

The officers from District 8 immediately waved their hands upon hearing this: "Let them go, let them go, let them come over!"

Outskirts of New River Mouth.

Shen Fei was fleeing with Shen Wanzhou's evacuating troops, but he kept an eye on it and followed the troops at the back instead of running towards the center.

In front, two officers ran over. When Shen Fei saw that the two were coming for him, he immediately put his right hand into his pocket and took two steps back.

The officer came closer and gasped: "Commander Shen is looking for you, please come forward with us!"

Shen Fei clutched the gun in his pocket, feeling a bad premonition suddenly arise in his heart.

"Let's go, Chief Shen!" the officer shouted.

Shen Fei looked at the two of them, glanced at the forest nearby with his peripheral vision, and opened the safety of the pistol in his pocket with his right hand...

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