District 9

Chapter 2160: Experienced in hundreds of battles, forged into a master of kings

To the northeast of Yanwangtiao territory, Bai Hongbo's defenses stretched for six or seven kilometers. Many soldiers got a short rest when He Xi began to retreat.

In the trench, a platoon leader from the north sat on a sandbag, lowered his head and put on a new pair of military cotton shoes. This kind of leather shoes has nicknames in the northern troops, some are called military hooks, and some are called military shoes. Covered with cotton.

The outside of the cotton shoes is wrapped in suede, and the toe area is very hard. Soldiers can break hard bricks with one kick when wearing them. The inside of the shoes is made of velvet cotton to keep warm.

During the three days of the war, the soldiers had to run around on the battlefield. After their feet sweated, it was easy for the cotton in the shoes to soak. As a result, the warmth of the shoes was greatly reduced.

The platoon leader has the privilege of leaving a few pairs of shoes alone and changing into them during breaks.

"Platoon leader, when are we going to evacuate?" A soldier, his head wrapped in gauze and his body covered in mud and dirt, asked in a very embarrassed manner.

"I don't know, I have to wait for the order from above." The platoon leader took out the cigarette case with his frostbitten and cracked hands, shivering and lit one: "There are no more cigarettes, so I will take a few puffs and queue up next to those who want to smoke. "

The seven or eight soldiers had already run out of ammunition and food. As soon as they heard that there was cigarette smoking, they immediately came over.

"Buzz buzz!"

The platoon leader had just taken a puff of his cigarette when the alarm in the defensive zone sounded instantly.

Not far away, a battalion commander ran over and shouted loudly: "A large enemy force is coming from the direction of Langshan. Everyone, get into the designated combat position quickly, hurry!"

"Damn it, didn't He Xi just retreat? Why are there large troops coming up again?" the soldier cursed in an extremely irritated tone.

"Who the hell knows." The platoon leader quickly put out the cigarette butts, pulled his neck and shouted: "Quick, all classes get to their positions quickly!"

The sharp sirens continued to sound, and the soldiers in the trenches in the defense area also regrouped.

About three or four minutes later, the regiment commander shouted with a walkie-talkie in the command position: "The military headquarters has detected it, and the attacking force is Sichuan. All combat units must cheer me up. Their soldiers are all fighting." Those who have fought in big battles have rich experience in offensive and defensive warfare..."

"Bang bang bang!"

Just as he was shouting the words, the dark field battlefield suddenly heard the sound of mortars, howitzers, and heavy artillery.

"Shell attack!! Pay attention to cover, cover up!"

The battalion and company commanders immediately reminded their troops in the trenches.


Explosions like thunder rang out one after another in the trenches of the Shen troops, and artillery fire continued. There were flames, flying shrapnel, and gravel everywhere.

In the second defense area of ​​the Shen Department, the soldiers who had returned to the camp and were about to have a bite of hot soup and rice also heard the sound of the assembly call.

This group of soldiers who had been fighting for three days didn't even get 20 minutes to rest, so they took their guns again and returned to the defense area to replenish the defenders' strength.

Sichuan's bombardment had time intervals, and the attack lasted for about twenty minutes. It shattered and penetrated almost all visible objects outside the trenches before gradually coming to a standstill.

In the Shen Department's defensive position, a regimental commander lay down behind a sandbag and looked into the distance with a telescope. He saw the frost and snow stirred up by the shells gradually falling and dispersing, and he could vaguely see the road in the distance.

"Where are the people? Why didn't you see the large army?!" The regiment leader was a little confused and turned around and shouted: "Regiment staff officer, take the night vision binoculars and take a look in the direction of Langshan to see where the large Sichuan army has moved. .”

"I looked and didn't find any large groups of troops. I only saw some small groups of troops running to the north..."

"No, no, captain!" At this moment, the officer lying next to the regiment leader pulled his arm hard, pointed into the distance and said: "There is a figure in front of you, look, there is a figure!"

In front of.

A group of black shadows rushed out from the slope of the field at an extremely fast speed. The frost and snow that had just fallen were once again stirred up by the running figures.

The regiment leader was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shouted: "They have divided their forces. There are enemy troops in front. Let me fire the machine guns!"

"Da da da da...!"

In an instant, the machine guns in the Shen department's position were fully opened, and various large-caliber fire suppression equipment entered the battle on their own.

At the same time, the regiment leader took a military walkie-talkie and shouted: "We are under enemy attack and request the division firepower battalion and artillery regiment for support."


The passionate charge horn sounded outside the Shen department's defense zone.

In the field, the two main battalions of the Sichuan Army, which had just been covered by artillery fire, had already moved outside the Shen Department's defensive position and rushed up from all directions in an instant.

"The reconnaissance company that opened the way withstood the firepower for me and continued to advance. The follow-up troops should not interrupt the offensive rhythm and be ready to fill positions for me at any time to rescue injured comrades along the way."

A battalion commander under Ruan Ming waved his hands and shouted.


The large troops rushed to the position instantly. The four reconnaissance company soldiers at the front either had military tactical backpacks hanging on their chests, filled with rocks to block their vitals, or there were people holding military explosion-proof shields on top. Rush forward with machine gun fire.

The strength of the two battalions of the Sichuan Army was extremely dispersed. They were all composed of a combat team of eight people and launched a charge on the enemy's position on their own.

"Fight, don't save ammunition, hold them down, or we will lose our position!" The leader of the Shen Department has stood up hastily, his eyes red and issuing combat orders to the surroundings.

Around the position, four reconnaissance companies of the Sichuan Army launched two charges against the enemy's trenches, but were suppressed by the opponent's strong firepower. The Shen department's grassroots combat troops are not only equipped with squad machine guns, but also large-caliber machine guns and other killing weapons, which can produce a very terrifying fire suppression effect in a short period of time.

After the two attacks were repelled, the Sichuan army suffered heavy losses. Almost all four reconnaissance companies were reduced by a quarter and retreated behind the gentle slope.

At the same time, the defenders in the Shen position also experienced an ammunition vacuum period after complete fire suppression.

"Bang bang bang...!"

Suddenly, grenades and mortars from the Sichuan army launched another attack.

"Boom, boom...!"

Violent explosions sounded. This time, mortars, grenades, and team RPG launchers no longer attacked with the purpose of fire suppression, but accurately hit the machine gun positions of the Shen defenders, as well as The area where the machine gun is located.

After two charges, all the firepower points of the Shen system were exposed. There are a large number of veterans in the two combat battalions of the Sichuan Army. On the actual battlefield of medium and short distances, they control mortars and grenade launchers, just like playing with pistols.

This kind of experience cannot be gained on the training ground. There are too many things that determine the accuracy of firepower on the actual battlefield. Factors such as wind direction, visibility, launch position, geographical location, etc. can only be mastered after participating in actual combat. of.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

After a large number of firepower units were blown up at close range in the Shen Department's defensive position, the two battalion commanders of the Sichuan Army calmly shouted again: "Now, for the third attack, hit me in."


The four reconnaissance companies that had retreated rushed up from behind the gentle slope again and instantly swarmed towards the Shen Corps position.

This time, the defensive firepower of the Shen Department was much weaker than before. The soldiers of the four reconnaissance companies also figured out the extension angle and approximate distance of the opponent's trenches after two attacks.

"Da da da……!"

Gunshots rang out, and three groups of Sichuan soldiers on the left took the lead in crossing through the ribs and jumping into the enemy's trenches.

After the person landed, one of the Sichuan soldiers pulled a strong flashlight from his waist, spread it out in a triangular position, and held the high beam, which instantly caused a visual blind spot for the Shen soldiers in the trench.

At the same time, the main forces at the rear of the four reconnaissance companies all launched a second round of charge, taking advantage of the bright light in the trench to attack densely.

In close combat, when the Sichuan soldiers moved forward, no one was nervous or yelled, but they moved forward very quietly and quickly.

On the other side, the Shensha soldiers who had been fighting for three days began to evacuate backwards in panic as soon as they saw that the outer defense zone was defeated and the front trenches were full of bright light.

"Da da da……!"

The main forces of both sides were mixed together, gunshots rang out loudly from the rear, and the massacre at close range began.

In the forward observation position, He Chong looked at the Sichuan army that had begun a full-scale attack, frowned and said: "The battles fought by the Sichuan government in recent years are really not in vain. In terms of individual combat capabilities, as well as the on-the-spot command capabilities of front-line officers... We are indeed no."

"If there are strengths, there will naturally be weaknesses." Xue Huaili replied calmly from the side: "The Sichuan government has been fighting, the economy is tight, and the time for the army to develop is too short. If there are 200,000 Sichuan troops, then the Sichuan government will already be the world's leader. Invincible. But unfortunately...Qin Yu only has an army of fifty thousand."

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