District 9

Chapter 19 Lei Zi is cruel

Second floor interior.

As soon as Qin Yu shook his head and got up from the ground, the call from the second group outside sounded in the headset: "Two people rushed out of the slum bungalow and ran towards Fenglin Road. Our location is a bit far away, so it is difficult to chase them."

"Are you sure there are only two people?" Qin Yu asked with red eyes.

"Sure, there are only two of them."

"Attention everyone, move towards Fenglin Road." Qin Yu gritted his teeth and roared: "If there are casualties, we must hold down the main criminal, otherwise it will be in vain."




A hurried response came from the intercom. Qin Yu took out his gun and immediately shouted: "Come downstairs with me if you are not injured, hurry!"

In less than a minute, everyone rushed downstairs. Qin Yu ran at the front of the crowd and shouted: "Group 2, are you watching? Report the location of the gangster to me."

"They have arrived at Fenglin Road and are still running forward. They are approaching the intersection of the Third Ring Road." The leader of the second group responded in a low voice: "We have caught them, but the distance is a bit far away. We are chasing them."

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound. He suddenly remembered that Qi Lin was in that direction, and then he immediately took the intercom and shouted: "Car 2, car 2 received, please answer."

"2 cars received." Qi Lin's voice sounded.

"The gangsters are going in your direction." Qin Yu ordered quickly: "There are two people. You can stop them if you can while ensuring your own safety. We have some casualties. As long as we can hold back ten In a few seconds, we pounced immediately.”

Qi Lin was stunned when he heard the sound.

"Did you hear that?" Qin Yu shouted again.

"Received... received it." Qi Lin replied nervously.

"Hold the call, we'll be there soon." Qin Yu rushed out of the alley as he spoke, and got into a police car that had just arrived with Lao Mao.

At the same time, two people from Lao Hei and Lao Cat's team got into another car and rushed to the intersection of the Third Ring Road, which was no more than 500 meters away from them.

In the car, Lao Mao shouted through the intercom: "Qi Lin, did you see anyone passing by?"

The intersection of the Third Ring Road.

Qi Lin had already gotten out of the car. He was so nervous that he forgot to bring the car intercom. He pulled out the gun from his waist with trembling arms and hid in the front of the car, staring at the direction of Fenglin Road.

Yes, Qi Lin never dreamed that this desperate man would run towards him. He was nervous, and he unconsciously thought of the explosion upstairs and the colleagues who died in the line of duty inexplicably. He was afraid, and he hid behind the car. It only took a few seconds, but it felt like years. He is obviously different from other police officers. He has no idea of ​​sacrificing himself for the public, only bloodless cowardice...

With the cold wind blowing, Aaron led his companions and rushed over with a sudden stride, carrying a bright large-caliber spray gun and a pistol in his hand.

In the car, the old cat's voice kept coming from the intercom: "Qi Lin, can you hear me? Has the person passed by? Answer, answer...!"

Qi Lin was sweating on his forehead, staring in Aaron's direction. After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and raised his gun, and prepared to shout with a trembling voice.

Under the dim light, Aaron turned to his companion and asked, "What did you say?"

"We're already here," my companion gasped and pointed forward: "Go through the bungalow in front."

"Don't move, there is a police car." Aaron turned around and noticed the No. 2 car driven by Qi Lin at the intersection.


The companion was tense. When he turned around and saw the police car, he pulled the trigger without hesitation and shouted: "You go first."

The bullet-collapsed police car sent sparks flying everywhere. Qi Lin hunched over and hid in the direction of the front of the car, not daring to show his head.

In the car, the old cat on the intercom continued to yell: "Qi Lin, there are gunshots over there, have you encountered them?!"

Qi Lin vaguely heard the movement in the car, crawled to the passenger seat with his waist bent, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

On the roadside, Aaron was running wildly, taking advantage of the cover of his colleagues. He rushed diagonally across the street, preparing to force his way into the bungalow area. At this time, he was no more than thirty meters away from Qi Lin.

Qi Lin put his hand on the car door handle and was about to pull it open when he turned around and saw Aaron about to get into the alley. Then he was forced to raise his gun and opened his mouth to shout.

At the intersection, Aaron was also paying attention to the direction of the police car when he was running, so when he turned around, he happened to meet Qi Lin.

The two of them were startled, and without thinking, Aaron raised his spray gun and hugged the front of the car.


The mechanical cover was dented on the spot, but Qi Lin was stunned on the spot, not daring to fight back at all.


At this moment, Lao Hei's car rushed over. He took the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Qi Lin, fire a shot and stop him. He can't run away."

Qi Lin hid behind the police car and did not move. He looked at the intersection with frightened eyes and his cheeks turned pale.

"Damn it!" When Lao Hei saw that Qi Lin didn't reply, he immediately shouted: "Come over, there are just two of them."

The car moved forward as if it was flying, and instantly rushed past Qi Lin's location.

"Kang Kang!"

Lao Hei poked his head out of the car and shot twice at Aaron's companion who was changing magazines. A cloud of blood mist erupted from the latter's body and he fell to the ground on his back.

"cnm, I'll let you chase me!" Aaron cursed with red eyes, turned around, raised his gun, and pulled the trigger.

"Hang, huh!"

The large-caliber trolls roared, and the tires of the electric vehicle burst on the spot and hit the wall next to a store at the intersection. The front of the vehicle was half destroyed and white smoke billowed out.

Lao Hei shook his head, stretched out his hand to open the car door and shouted: "He is alone, go over and hold him down."

After hearing the sound, everyone got out of the car and rushed to Aaron's location with guns in hand.


There was a sound of braking on the snowy street, and four strong men got out of the car. The two of them held automatic rifles and started shooting in the direction of Lao Hei.

On the Third Ring Road, Qin Yu, who was rushing to the scene of the firefight, saw the people rushing to Aaron's side at a glance, and then shouted with the intercom: "Old Hei, step back, they have a response."

It was too late for Lao Hei to retreat at this moment. He got out of the car and rushed forward, so as soon as the bullets came over, his first choice was to hide in the depression at the door of the store. But Aaron, whose brother was dead, was red-eyed. He ran up with a spray gun and shouted: "cnm, chase? Are you still chasing?!"


Lao Hei clung to the glass door of the store, not daring to show his head to see the scene outside, so he could only take a shot in the dark. But Aaron came over boldly and cruelly against the wall, and stabbed Lao Hei directly in the head with the shotgun.

Silence, a brief silence.

"do not move!"

The two police officers following Lao Hei had to cover themselves with their guns.

"Da da da!"

The shrimp crawler held the automatic rifle and pushed the two people back to the bunker.

Old Hei's forehead was sweating, and his thick lips were moving: "...don't...don't kill me...I..."

"Killing my people was in vain? Ah, was it in vain?!" Aaron roared angrily.


The gunshot rang out and Lao Hei fell to the ground.

"Chase, if you keep chasing me, I'll send a thunderbolt to your superintendent every day." Aaron lowered his gun and fired three shots at Lao Hei's body before he was pulled away by the shrimp crawler and went to Two thunderbolts were thrown on the road to buy time, and then they disappeared along the night road.

Behind the police car at the street entrance, Qi Lin watched with his own eyes as Lao Hei was beaten to death and as Lei blasted two big craters on the road, his whole body motionless like a sculpture.

The car stopped, Qin Yu rushed down, his eyes widened, and stretched out his hand to tug Lao Hei: "Brother, brother... just hold on..."

"Death...die...just die...living means suffering..." Lao Hei stretched out his hand to grab Qin Yu's wrist and said in a hoarse voice: "I...I have no relatives...I live alone... I...raised two children from my hometown in Xinyi District...you...you give them my pension."

Qin Yu clenched his palms and nodded firmly: "I will definitely give it."

on the street.

The old cat rushed out of the car with eyes blazing, rushed to Qi Lin's side in a daze, stretched out his hand and shouted: "Give me the gun."

Qi Lin's eyes were empty, and he looked up at the old cat numbly.

"I asked you to give me the gun!" Old Mao roared and grabbed Qi Lin's gun, deftly removed the magazine and was stunned.

"Yes... yes... I'm sorry..." Qi Lin stuttered.

Old Mao's arms trembled with anger, pointing at the bullets in the magazine and yelling: "You... you didn't fire a single shot, not even a fucking shot? Huh?! If you fired a fucking shot, Lao Hei would know Are you going to die? Will Lei Zi run away?! I'm cnm, you loser!"

The three people who just died on the second floor were all members of Lao Mao's team. Although they and Lao Mao were not close friends, they were still colleagues who got along day and night.

He was anxious, jumped up and kicked Qi Lin on the head: "Why didn't you shoot? Are you afraid of death? Why are you occupying the manhole and not shitting if you are afraid of death?! Damn it, I'll beat you to death, you loser..." "

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