District 9

Chapter 2133 I just want to die quickly

Jia He slowly raised his head and replied with a blank look in his eyes: "I don't want to try any of them."

"Isn't it a little late for you to figure it out after so many people died?" Jiang Xue asked with a sullen face.

"Lao Jiang, you have been in military affairs for so many years. Don't you think you are naive when you say this to me?" Jia He sneered and replied: "Haha, I was directly involved in the core of the assassination of Lao He. Member, even if I cooperate with you from the very beginning, don’t I need to die? The regional military leader was assassinated, which is unjustifiable in any case. Even for the sake of political correctness, you have to shoot me."

Jiang Xue said nothing.

"Whenever I get the chance, I will give it a try." Jia He sighed and said, "After so many years of military intelligence, I have also saved up some wealth. I really don't want to accept my fate."

Jiang Xue can understand Jia He's thinking. The military intelligence industry is too dirty, and it can even be said that it is necessary to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal. Assassinations, betrayals, lies, killings and other incidents happened every day, so it was very normal for Jia He not to believe in himself or the Eighth District. Perhaps if it were Jiang Xue himself, as long as he had the chance to escape, he would not be captured without mercy, because if he returned to District 8, even if he did not die, he would at least be sentenced to life imprisonment.

But personally, Jiang Xue hated Jia He deeply. Many of his men died on this bastard.

"...Forget it, there is only the last little time left, and I don't want to make trouble for myself." Jia He looked at Jiang Xue and said briefly: "I only have two requests."

"Say." Jiang Xue nodded.

"First, I have some money to leave for my family, so you have to let me make a few phone calls to sort things out. After making sure that my family is safe, I will cooperate with you to do the rest. Second Second, after what happened, I begged for a quick death." Jia He said calmly.

"No problem, I will definitely kill you." Jiang Xue nodded.

"Haha." When Jia He heard this, he smiled palely: "Okay, you can ask."

Jiang Xue lit a cigarette, squinted at Jia He and asked, "Tell me the details of the assassination case."

Jia He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and then said in a steady voice: "After the chaos in Fengbeicheng, Shen Wanzhou stayed at the First Theater Command and was afraid that he would be attacked, so he communicated with the headquarters The core generals went to the underground fortifications together. At first, Shen Wanzhou probably wanted to save Lao He, but as soon as the troops responsible for the rescue set off, he changed his mind... I heard that he finalized the decision privately with the Chief of General Staff Got the assassination plan."

"Yeah." Jiang Xue nodded.

"After deciding to do Lao He, the Chief of General Staff contacted Shen Fei and I, and notified the combat troops to allocate officers and soldiers to do the specific work. Then we began to formulate specific plans." Jia He lowered his head and said: "Actually, Shen Fei and I did not recommend using people from the combat troops at that time, because they were not from the same unit, and subsequent management was more difficult, and some soldiers were wild and there was a risk of leaking information. But at that time... ... Fengbei City is too chaotic, and it is impossible for a small number of people to do this. In addition, time is tight, and Lao He may escape at any time, so we don't have time to mobilize our own people, and in the end we can only do it according to the wishes of the superiors. "

"Before you did this, were you sure that Lao He could get out of trouble?" Jiang Xue asked with a frown.

"I'm not sure he can get out of trouble." Jia He replied truthfully: "The general staff's idea at the time was that if Wu Yuanshan can kill Lao He without us doing it ourselves, that would be the best. But if he can't do it, we have to We're on board. Shen Fei is a capable person. After he determined that the higher-ups were going to take action, he immediately sent people to follow him to the war zone, so he was the first to discover that He Chong was on the scene and had already exploded. The people in the underground passage... We had no choice at that time. If we didn't take action, Lao He might run away, so the Chief of General Staff ordered the workers to ambush and assassinate on the outside. My mission at the time was to When they evacuate, they are responsible for covering and settling in."

Jiang Xue paused for a long time: "Do you have direct evidence in this regard? For example, recordings, affecting data, etc."

"No." Jia He shook his head: "The Chief of General Staff is a careful person. He does not allow us to act privately. He also allows us to supervise each other and is not allowed to carry personal communication devices throughout the process. In addition, we ourselves also know about this. It’s so serious that I dare not hold back for fear of being silenced.”

"Then what role do you have for me?" Jiang Xue asked with a frown.

"Many things that have happened recently are actually supporting evidence." Jia He said truthfully: "I can reveal all the details of Lao He's assassination, and how more than fifty officers and soldiers at the 013 Military Observation Station died. There are also...some officers who knew about Fengbei's secret treatment."

Jiang Xue nodded slowly.

"However, even if we put irrefutable evidence on Shen Wanzhou's face, he will not admit it." Jia He continued: "The former commander of the war zone and the director of the regional security department secretly mobilized troops to assassinate the military and political affairs. This reputation is too bad..."

After Jiang Xue heard this, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Come here, take detailed notes for him."

Five minutes later, the three officers began to press the details of He's stabbing case, and Jah cooperated throughout the process. He was a smart man, and from the moment Beard was fucked to death, he knew he had no chance of escaping. Since there is no room for struggle, don't let yourself suffer in vain anymore. Please explain and be released early.

It's about four o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Xue rushed to Qin Yu's home, sat on the sofa, and recounted the entire case.

After Qin Yu heard this, he reached out and patted Jiang Xue on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work, Lao Jiang!"

Jiang Xue grinned, changed the subject and said, "The case is clear, but I'm not sure how to use Jiahe. It depends on what you mean."

Qin Yu pondered for a long time, then reached out and called Meng Xi immediately.

"Hello, teacher?"

"Old Jiang has found out..." Qin Yu told Meng Xi all the details of the assassination case, and then ordered: "Because of this Jiahe, we have suffered a lot. This person must be used on the edge of the knife." Go up. You can find a way to contact He Xi, and I will have someone bring you the follow-up evidence."

"No problem." Meng Xi nodded immediately.

"that is it……."

"Wait a minute, teacher!" Meng Xi called.

"What's wrong?"

"I would like to ask, after Jia He's role is played, what should we do next?" Meng Xi asked.

"What do you think?" Qin Yu asked.

"Well, I'll finish handling Jia He's affairs and go back to Sichuan Mansion." Meng Xi thought for a moment and said, "I have some ideas that I want to talk to you about."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

Weng Village.

More than a dozen helicopters arrived, and before Shen Wanzhou's wife could even get off, her cries could be heard all around.

In Fengbei City.

Shen Wanzhou didn't want to say a word, he just waved his arms impatiently: "Get out, everyone, leave me alone...!"

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