District 9

Chapter 2117 Under the moonlight, a lone wolf

When Shen Fei stabbed Shen Yin to death, there was indeed a moment of impulse at work, but it was more of a backlog of negative emotions in his heart.

In the Shen family, no matter how hard Shen Fei worked, he was laying the foundation and paving the way for Shen Yin.

Over the years, Shen Fei has repeatedly made military exploits in uniting the Seventh District and targeting the Sichuan government, and even almost lost his life several times. However, as soon as Shen Yin came back, the military situation immediately became his.

In the assassination of He, Shen Fei was risking his life to help Shen Wanzhou's future. If things didn't work out and Lao He passed the test, what would be the result? He would definitely be pushed out to top the tank, but with Shen Wanzhou's words, he still did it...

But what's the result?

In the end, this matter was dealt with again and again, and it became Shen Yin's reason to blame him, scold him, and criticize him.

On the surface, Shen Yin behaved like a little brother, but when something happened, he repeatedly scolded Shen Fei in front of his subordinates, completely ignoring his dignity.

Shen Fei felt that his life was worse than that of a dog.

Shen Yin was like a mountain that he could never climb over in his life, pressing hard on his head.

Shen Fei had no one to talk to these words and thoughts in his heart, so he could only keep them in his heart and keep accumulating them.

Just now, Shen Yin's heart-wrenching words instantly stimulated the point that Shen Fei couldn't touch the most. He instinctively recalled his father's mysterious death at that time, and finally couldn't bear it any longer and broke out completely.

Two knives!

Shen Yin is dead.

At the edge of Weng Village, Shen Yin leaned against a red brick wall, with blood coming from his mouth and nose. He stared at his cousin with wide eyes. His throat kept gasping, but he couldn't make any sound.

Shen Fei also looked at him with sweat on his forehead, and slowly pulled out the military thorn inserted in the opponent's neck.


Shen Yin put his left hand on Shen Fei's shoulder, his eyes showed a pleading look, but his neck was completely broken and he couldn't speak at all.

In just three or four seconds, Shen Yin tilted his head, slumped to the ground along the wall, and died completely.

Shen Fei breathed heavily and looked down at his body. After a brief pause, he immediately turned his head and looked towards the corner of the wall.

Shen Fei's sword attack just now was very sudden, and Shen Yin was not prepared at all. In addition, when he stabbed his neck with the knife, the latter had no time to call for help, so the physical contact between the two did not cause much movement. The entourage at the corner of the wall did not notice anything unusual at this moment.

what to do? There was no time to hesitate and think.

Shen Fei inserted the knife into the leather scabbard, patted the blood stains on his body casually, and walked quickly to the corner of the alley.

On the other side of the corner of the wall, seven members of the entourage were standing together talking. Fortunately, none of them left the team to go to the toilet or something.

All of this seemed to be destiny, deliberately creating opportunities for Shen Fei's next behavior.

Shen Fei lowered his head, walked over quickly and said, "Stop chatting, I want to say something."

The external conditions of the living village in the planned area are very simple. There are no street lights around it. In addition, it is on the edge of Weng Village. Inside the wall is a small factory compound. The light is very dark, so Shen Fei walked over. At that time, no one noticed anything unusual about him.

Seven people gathered around, and one of them asked in a low voice: "Are we... now?"

Shen Fei didn't give the opponent a chance to get close enough to observe him. He took out his gun without any warning and pulled his right arm horizontally.


A series of gunshots rang out, and the five people close to the wall on the right were shot in the head at close range without any precautions, and fell to the spot on the spot.

Less than two meters away, the other two people who had just come closer instinctively wanted to run backwards after they recovered.

"Kang Kang!"

Shen Fei was prepared and shot the man on the left to death with two shots.

"You...what are you doing...?!"


Shen Fei pulled the trigger again, but there was no bullet in the gun.

The only person left on the other side reacted, turned around and ran, reaching for his gun.


Shen Fei pulled out the military thorn again and rushed forward in two steps.

Probably less than five meters away from the wall is the dirt road that runs through the outside of the village. Because the roadbed must be higher than other areas, the escaping person has to step on a small gentle slope to rush up.


Shen Fei took advantage of this moment to pounce from behind and directly knocked down the soldier.

The latter also reacted very quickly. The moment he took out the gun, he felt that the muzzle of the gun was pointing at Shen Fei, and he immediately pulled the trigger.

"Hang Kang, Kang Kang...!"

The gunshot rang out. After Shen Fei was shot in the left rib, he knocked the opponent's arm away with his left hand. He held the military thorn in his right hand and stabbed it with one blow.


The knife fell, and the man below had his eyes opened and wailed twice.

"Pfft, pfft...!"

Shen Fei used his right arm hard, aimed at the opponent's neck, and stabbed him three times in succession.

It was quiet, the surroundings were completely quiet.

Shen Fei sat on the opponent's body and waited for three seconds before touching the wound with his left hand and turning his head to look around.

Someone was killed, what should I do with the eight corpses?

Shen Fei was like a lone wolf with his mouth stained with the blood of his kind, helplessly looking for a chance to survive.

Inside the Wangzhuang battlefield.

Jiang Xue and others, as well as the military intelligence personnel of the Wu faction, were surrounded by a group of desperadoes and the garrison at the south pass of District 9. They were trapped on the edge of the Living Village and were in a very dangerous situation.

"Damn it, the support people are fighting outside and won't come in. If we continue like this, we will all be finished." The leader of the Wu Department turned around and shouted: "Old Jiang, please contact the higher ups!"

Jiang Xue was also helpless because he had contacted Xiang Zehao more than once, but it would take time for the troops to come over. It was impossible for them to teleport to Wangzhuang to relieve everyone's danger.

In the alley, Jia He also started to do ideological work for Lao Jiang: "Don't you just want evidence of that thing? Isn't it all if I give it to you?! I have defected from District 9, and those things have been announced, right? I'm not bad at all. You let people take me away first, I give things to your people, and then you ask them to let me go, okay?!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Jiang Xue kicked him in the head a few times: "You're dreaming! You won't be able to escape until I die."

"Then let's die together!" Jia He also yelled to the outside like crazy: "Zhixiong, I am here, save me, and I will give you every penny of the money."

On the periphery, the bearded man gritted his teeth and waved his hands and shouted: "Charge, charge in!"

In the direction of District 9, all combat regiments of the 117th Division stationed on the west side of Fengbei have rushed to the direction of Wangzhuang.

Songjiang, in the Feng family villa, Feng Chengzhang rubbed the Buddhist beads on his right hand and said calmly: "Order our troops to enter the first level of combat readiness and only stick to Songjiang. Do not leave the city, and do not let chaos arise in the city."

"Understood!" Feng Ji nodded.

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