District 9

Chapter 2104 Evil on the Sea

The freighter was sailing on the sea, and fifty-four soldiers were drinking wine or playing cards in the cabin. The scene looked very happy and lively. But in fact, many people hide in bed and cry after drinking too much, especially the young ones. They are a little worried about their future and also miss home.

In fact, no matter how good Shen Fei said this, everyone knew in their hearts that they were forced to leave and went to the EU area to hide from trouble. Whether they really participated in further training and whether they really had enough freedom, this It’s hard to say. When we got there, no one knew exactly what the upper management would do.

After sailing on the sea for more than five hours, the ship had completely moved away from the coastline of the three major districts.

It was close to five o'clock in the morning, and most of the officers and soldiers were already fast asleep under their quilts.

Shen Fei led four people and appeared at the door of the cabin. He looked at the sleeping soldiers and his comrades sitting in a daze on the bed. After being silent for four or five seconds, he whispered: "Shout."

The four people heard the sound and came forward, clapped their hands and shouted.

"Woke up!"

"Stop sleeping, get up!"

"hurry up!"


Shouts rang out in the corridor of the cabin, and the people who had fallen asleep opened their eyes in a daze and looked towards the end of the corridor.

A smile appeared on Shen Fei's face. As he walked forward, he shouted: "Just pack your things and we will change ships immediately."

An officer was a little dazed from his sleep and yawned and asked: "Sir Shen, why... why did you suddenly change ships?"

"This is a temporarily transferred cargo ship. They are not in EU Zone 1." Shen Fei said quickly: "A military cargo ship has been transferred over there. The environment is better. After we transfer, we will go directly to the outer port of EU Zone 1. .”

"Oh!" The officer nodded without thinking.

"Come on, grab your things and line up at the door. The speedboat will be here soon."

"Wear more clothes, it's windy outside."


Four Shen Fei followers kept shouting in the cabin.

About ten minutes later, all fifty-four men came out of the cabin, stood on the deck, and saw the large military cargo ship stagnant next to it.

"This ship is great. It has a lot of space inside."

"Yeah, it's not easy to get dizzy sitting here."


Everyone was quite excited and chatting on the deck.

Several speedboats came over and stopped on the right side of the cargo ship. Under the guidance of Shen Fei and others, the officers and soldiers climbed down the ladder, first boarded the speedboats, and then rushed to the military cargo ship.

At this time, several officers noticed that there were more than a dozen blond and blue-eyed European men on the approaching speedboat. They did not return with the speedboat, but stayed on the freighter and stood with the crew. comminicate.

Everyone thought that the two sides were negotiating a sailing route, or paying bills, or something like that, so they didn't pay attention and just took the speedboat and transferred to the military cargo ship.

After all this fussing, more than an hour passed.

At about six o'clock in the morning, the two cargo ships separated on the sea and went in opposite directions.

On the ship, fifty-four officers and soldiers all entered the designated cabin under Shen Fei's arrangement.

Everyone was dumbfounded as soon as they entered, because although there were many beds in this large cabin, there were no mattresses or beddings. There were also a large amount of cargo placed in some small spaces.

"Damn it, this isn't a place for people to live. Isn't this a warehouse?"

"Yeah, it's too damp. The bed boards are all moldy!"


Everyone was discussing in the room a little dissatisfied.

Outside the door, the cold wind howled. Shen Fei glanced at the crowd in the room along the window, turned to look at Shen Yin, who had rushed to the ship long ago, and asked: "Is there... no room for relaxation?"

Shen Yin put his hands behind his back and replied expressionlessly: "Fengbei and No. 013 Observation Station have already started."

Shen Fei was stunned.

"There is no way, military and political affairs always require sacrifices." After Shen Yin said lightly, he turned around and waved his hand in the direction of the deck.

"Tap tap tap!"

There was a sound of footsteps.

Thirty European-American men armed with rifles and light machine guns, their faces covered with triangular scarves and wearing casual clothes, rushed over from the deck at a very fast pace.

After Shen Fei saw this group of people, he instinctively grabbed Shen Yin's wrist with his right hand, his voice trembling: "He... they have made meritorious deeds. Brother, my words are useless, but your words will definitely have an effect!"

Shen Yin turned to look at him and said a little impatiently: "You know, what is your biggest problem? It is that you are too soft! If you were more hard-hearted, Dong Liwei's incident would not have happened at all, and I wouldn't have to spend the whole night I didn’t sleep, so I came here to do this kind of thing.”

While Shen Fei was stunned in place, thirty European men had already rushed into the cabin.

Inside the cabin.

Fifty-four officers and soldiers were all stunned when they saw someone rushing in with a gun, and stood there for a while without reacting.

"Da da da……!"

Gunshots rang out without warning, and a dozen people standing in the front row chatting together were shot to death on the spot.

In an instant, the room turned into a slaughterhouse, with cries for help and desperate curses heard constantly.

"cnm, Shen Fei! This guy believes in you so much, why are you doing this?"

"You are just a beast, your Shen family will definitely have no descendants!"

"cnm, fight them!"

"Shen Fei, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"


The curses resounded loudly on the ship as thirty European men mercilessly attacked the unarmed officers and soldiers.

After more than ten minutes, the shouting stopped and the gunfire gradually stopped.

Shen Yin put on a mask and white gloves, frowned and walked into the bloody cabin, looking at the corpses scattered around the room.


Shen Yin's follower took out two cowhide portfolios of photos from his bag, threw them on the relatively clean bed and said: "Verify the identity and number of people one by one, confirm one, and pull one out. Hurry!"

The leading European man could understand Chinese. After he distributed the photos, he began to lead his men to verify the identities of everyone one by one.

One by one, the bodies were dragged out of the cabin and put into weighted body bags.

At about 6:40, the sky breaks and the sea becomes golden.

Thirty European men dragged the corpses one by one along the deck and threw them into the sea.

Shen Fei stared blankly at everything in front of him. Looking at Shen Yin who was completely indifferent to the corpse, an unexplainable sense of fear suddenly rose in his heart.


At this moment, several gunshots rang out.

Shen Fei suddenly turned around when he heard the noise and saw the four followers he had brought over. Without any defense, two of them were shot to death by Shen Yin.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Shen Fei became anxious and rushed over.

"Da da da……!"

The leading European man suddenly started a fire and swept the remaining two followers to death on the deck.

After Shen Fei paused for a moment, he rushed towards Shen Yin like crazy and shouted furiously: "What do you mean?!"

"They also knew that they had killed fifty-four people, including these four." Shen Yin looked at him and said, "I did this to protect you, do you understand?"

"You're a madman!"


Several more gunshots rang out. The three followers who came with Shen Yin on the left were just staring at everything in front of them, but unexpectedly, they were also sneak-attacked and shot by the European men on the upper deck. .

Shen Fei was completely confused, and even had no intention of cursing or asking questions.

He even killed his own people, so what could Shen Fei say?

"Dispose of it." Shen Yin raised his head and waved his hand.

District Eight.

After Jiang Xue obtained the resources from the Military Intelligence Bureau, he had already followed Dong Liwei's line and was conducting frantic investigations, but he did not know that person No. 54 had died at sea.

Can the case be successfully investigated?

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